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  1. Tambora

    ECT help meet ?

    Genesis 2:18 KJV (18) And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. What is your perception of what a help meet is (it's function), and the cause for needing one?
  2. Tambora

    Sin and Temptation

    Is sin the result of temptation? It can be a broad question. Can you sin without being tempted to sin? We know the first couple were tempted when they sinned. Was Satan tempted to sin against GOD? Where does temptation come from? Within or without, or both?
  3. Tambora

    McCabe fired

    "I have terminated the employment of Andrew McCabe effective immediately." - US Attorney General, Jeff Sessions
  4. Tambora

    History trivia

    Smarten up, TOL! hehe! Post some history tidbit questions that you think some folks here might be interested to know. Ask the question, but put the answer in a spoiler so that those who want to guess can do so. And you may give a hint if you wish. Who was the victim of the first recorded...
  5. Tambora

    2018 Movies to watch for

    Trailer to .... Samson
  6. Tambora

    Movies and TV Shows on youtube.

    These are free movies that I run across on youtube. These are not movie sites where you have to download, stream, or sign up. These are on the youtube channel. If you find any good ones that are worth recommending, post them. Duress 2009 movie Mystery, crime thriller Richard is the father of...
  7. Tambora

    Feminism Ruined Women

    Feminism Ruined Women (And Everything Else)
  8. Tambora

    Government shutdown

  9. Tambora

    Anti-Islam movement

    YAY! Austria Says "NO MORE!" To Islamisation
  10. Tambora

    ECT The Atoning Blood

    Did the blood of the atonement forgive sins? How does scripture describe forgiveness of sin by the blood? Does "forgive" mean that you pardon the sinner for his transgression (ie. no penalty for you to suffer), but still must make someone else suffer the penalty for your transgression????? If...
  11. Tambora

    Favorite TOL post of the day.

    Post a TOL quote made today (and each day) that tickled your fancy for whatever reason. Here's mine:
  12. Tambora

    ECT Time & Anthropomorphism with GOD

    TIME Is timelessness biblical? Does scripture support time as being created and had a beginning? For this thread, my position is that time is not created but has always been and always will be. Perhaps an opening question could be ..... Would there be any purpose at all that would make it...
  13. Tambora

    Jerusalem capital of israel

    President Trump will announce the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in a speech today, with plans to arrange for the Embassy to relocate from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
  14. Tambora

    ECT Open Theism debate

    The Will Duffy / Matt Slick Calvinist vs Open Theism DebatesDecember 1st & 2nd, 2017 The first debate is in! Is Open Theism a Proper Representation of the God of Scripture? Open for discussion. Will post part 2 when it is available.
  15. Tambora

    Battle of the Sexes

    Hmmm. :think: What roles are men and women better suited? Let's start this discussion .......
  16. Tambora


    Mountains out of mole hills. The things people complain about just cracks me up sometimes. I, personally, got a HUGE chuckle at Trump's Pocahontas comment towards Elizabeth Warren. So, for my jollies, thought I would post some reactions to the comment.
  17. Tambora


  18. Tambora

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  19. Tambora

    Charley Manson dies

    Charles Manson died in prison last night at the age of 83.