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  1. Tambora

    Fall decorations

  2. Tambora

    7 Animals You'll Be Glad Are Extinct

    7 Animals You'll Be Glad Are Extinct
  3. Tambora

    To thine own self be true

    Would the following statement agree with your faith? "This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man."
  4. Tambora

    Paradise Island 2

    Have a sick granddaughter that has to stay in the house (streep throat). She was climbing the walls because she wants to do things with her friends. So we found an addictive game to keep her occupied. Paradise Island 2. If you know any tricks or suggestions of how to play the game effectively...
  5. Tambora

    ECT Audio Bible KJV

    This is one of the better audio Bibles. All 66 books listed
  6. Tambora

    Movie: Paul, Apostle of Christ

    Paul, Apostle of Christ From the studio that brought us War Room and Risen Trailer
  7. Tambora

    Should one be denied employment due to criminal record?

    Of course one can always find exceptions, so no need to post them. (But ya can if ya wanna.) But in general, should you be denied employment for a job you do very well when you have already done the time for the past infraction? Isn't that a form of discrimination and a denier of second...
  8. Tambora

    Would you break the law to save a loved one?

    Would you break the law to save a loved one? Cast your vote and leave a comment.
  9. Tambora

    Help for my granddaughter

    She is writing a story for an extra assignment at school (6th grade). She already has the story, but needs help with names. She wants 7 males names and 3 female names that have a connection to "wolf". (First names only, as the family name in her story is Wolfe.) She already has Romulus and...
  10. Tambora

    Godzilla casting

    Auditioning for the starring role in the Godzilla movie. The one that didn't make the cut. (30 seconds long)
  11. Tambora

    Happy Mother's Day

  12. Tambora

    My Shark consumer report

    Bought a Shark Duo vacuum cleaner. For picking up dust and dirt, it's great. For hair, it sucks big time. We have 3 generations of women in this household, all with long hair. The least little amount of hair would stop the brush roller from turning and cause the rubber belt to melt with a...
  13. Tambora

    ECT Baptism for this dispensation

    Written by the late Pastor Bob Hill. The 12 Apostles had expected the kingdom to be restored for Israel in Acts 1:6 “Therefore, when they had come together, they asked Him, saying, ‘Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?’” Now, in Acts 2, there was an added dimension...
  14. Tambora


    Watched this on local news tonight. A man had kept his old high school car, an old 1971 Pontiac T-37 he got on his 16th birthday. It was his grandmothers car and she gave it to him. He took his now wife to their high school prom in this car. Married and rode away in this car from the chapel...
  15. Tambora

    What do you call it?

    Let's play a game! What do you call it from a legal standpoint? What do you call a person that takes possession of your lawnmower (that you bought and paid for yourself for your own needs) without your permission simply because that person saw a need for something you had --- a lawnmower to...
  16. Tambora

    Trade War!

    U.S. and China are dueling over tariffs. :Popcorn:
  17. Tambora

    Lost in Space

    Lost in Space Upcoming Netflix tv series. Update of the old 1960s Lost in Space tv series. Here's a trailer. Check out the new robot - "Danger Will Robinson"
  18. Tambora

    ECT Which parent?

    Thought this might be a good topic to discuss concerning family structure that could also branch out into discussion of mother and father roles. Poll question is: Which parent would you say was most influential with your spiritual growth as a Christian? (I am speaking of time spent with Bible...
  19. Tambora


    There is a whole lot of speculation as to what this group's function and purpose is. What say you? Are it's teachings and function based on the word of GOD, or something else?
  20. Tambora


    ffreeloader responding to .... If only I could turn education and reason into a conspiracy. :BRAVO: