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  1. Tambora

    Democrats continue to lose support in the Black community

    6 minute video
  2. Tambora

    Biden surpassing Jimmy Carter as the worst president

    Soaring gas prices. Soaring food costs and shortages. Medical costs rising. Escalating crime. No secure borders. Poll results keep going down. No matter what category you choose, it's worse. 13 minute video
  3. Tambora

    Copyright traps on maps

    Map maker publishers will intentionally place the names of streets, settlements, and even cities that do not (and never did) exist on their maps. Why? As a copyright trap. After all, maps were expensive to chart out accurately. But to copy a map others had already done all the work on would be...
  4. Tambora

    Ark contents

    You have probably heard it said that 3 items were placed inside the Ark of the Covenant. stone tablets jar of manna Arron's rod That notion is basically taken from a reading of: Hebrews 9 ESV (3) Behind the second curtain was a second section called the Most Holy Place, (4) having the golden...
  5. Tambora

    Book Analysis : CRIME & PUNISHMENT

    Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky This book is not any easy read; meaning it is not one you would suggest to someone to read for entertainment. It is one of those thought provoking books about humanity, societal beneficiary, and morality. And it delves into those issues...
  6. Tambora

    NT use of OT scripture

    Paul use a massive amount of OT scripture to portray the gospel. Thought it would be a good study to view all the places he does so. Not to argue about, but to know about. Paul's use of Hosea Romans 9:22-26 ESV What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured...
  7. Tambora

    The Bidens bagged $31M from China deals

    5 minute video
  8. Tambora

    Everything's Gonna Be All White

    The newest sack of horse dooky Showtime has to offer. Ben Shapiro reacts to the trailer for Showtime's upcoming documentary series, "Everything's Gonna Be All White." 12 minute video
  9. Tambora

    Search the scriptures

    Easier said than done when one thinks "scriptures" is only the Canon declared by the RCC. Examples coming.
  10. Tambora


    Dear Whoopie, Slavery was not about race. It was about man's inhumanity towards man. I'll state right up front that I don't think Whoopie is racist towards Jews. But her statement was downright ignorant when she said the holocaust was not about race, it was about man's inhumanity to man. Then...
  11. Tambora

    Great music videos

    Forever Country A blend of iconic songs and artists of country music. The blending of this was soooooo nicely done. See how many you can name.
  12. Tambora

    Revelation imagery in the OT

    It is said that Revelation uses more OT imagery than other NT book. However, John does not directly quote OT verses. What he does do is piece together imagery scattered throughout the OT prophets to convey the message of what is going on and why. Thus, one needs to be mindful of the places in...
  13. Tambora

    The Snake

    Eric Church is about to take you to church! OK, for some lighthearted philosophical exercise, watch this music song video and say who you think the Copperhead represents and who the Rattlesnake represents. (Could have a variety of answers depending on if you are thinking religiously...
  14. Tambora

    The Snake

    Eric Church is about to take you to church! OK, for some lighthearted philosophical exercise, watch this music song video and say who you think the Copperhead represents and who the Rattlesnake represents. (Could have a variety of answers depending on if you are thinking religiously...
  15. Tambora

    The Jewish Trinity in the OT

    The Jewish Trinity How the Old Testament reveals the Christian Godhead by Dr. Micahel Heiser 3 and 1/2 hour video
  16. Tambora

    Ghislaine Maxwell - will she sing?

    Ghislaine Maxwell, partner and companion of Jeffrey Epstein, found guilty of child sex trafficking. Will she start naming names to try and reduce her sentence or get privileges? Or will she live long enough in prison to be able to do that? I hope she lives long enough to sing. And I hope...
  17. Tambora

    Betty White top 10 moments

    R.I.P. Jan 17, 1922 - Dec 31, 2021 (age 99) 24 minute video of moments in her entire career
  18. Tambora

    The Gates of Hell

    The Gates of Hell This may throw a different spin on the meaning of what Christ said when we know how the ancient Jews would have understood it to mean according to history. Matthew 16 ESV (13) Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do...
  19. Tambora

    Offensive words?

  20. Tambora

    Let's get ready for Thanksgiving!
