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    Experience of a former Christian-Seeker - II

    Then a marvelous thing happened. My head broke the surface of the river and I crawled to shore where I coughed-up the river water I took in. At that moment on shore, I knew God had saved me, but why? For what purpose? I didn't know. Unbeknown to me, my girlfriend had gotten tangled up in a dead...

    Experience of a former Christian-Seeker - I

    Sometime around age 18, I started to lose my religion (Roman Catholic). By age 20, it was nowhere to be found. During summer break from college, my girlfriend (actually fiancée) and I decided to go on a picnic. It was the middle of the week so the state park we chose was nearly deserted. There...

    Hello: Longtime Christian but New to this Forum

    I am a Fundamentalist Christian, non-Denominational, and theologically essentially a Calvinist. I am happily married and politically conservative. We have no children but three dogs. More will come out as I reply or start posts.