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    Beauty and Ugliness Are in the Eyes of the Beholder

    My parochial grade school is having a 50th year reunion this fall. Because the reunion is being held two states away, and more importantly because of the state of my wife's health and my own, I've been forced to politely turn down the invitation. Through e-mail correspondance, I've been able...

    RIP: Lauren Bacall kv2K62fTXIs X_z9IU2J8PM

    Why Do Environmentalists Hate Birds?

    Every application of new tech has consequences; some good, some bad. Solar energy was never going to supply 100% of our (USA) energy needs. But politicians like Gov. Jerry Brown seem to be rethinking their environmental concerns...

    Theology Club: Is God's Grace Irresistible?

    If a person can resist or reject God's grace, then God is not Sovereign. It's quite simple but some of the smartest minds speak out of both sides of their mouths when discussing the subject. So by using the reasoning powers God has granted me with, if we can resist grace to the point of...

    Am I a Murderer?

    Talking with my mother long distance became a real chore for me because of her mental instability and increasing senility. She heard voices through walls, believed someone was living in the attic, saw things as real that were just fantasy, accused me of all kind of things, etc. During our last...

    Life's Got A Whole Lot More Challenging Lately - I

    Well to begin with, my wife has been sick for some time with an undiagnosed disease of some sort. It's not depression and it's not psychosomatic. The latest tests she's had raise the posibility she may have MS. At this time, we just don't know. The IRS is hounding us for money they say we...

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    And I would respectfully ask you why would anyone want to waste their time on such drivel?

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    What we need is a special section for people deceived by cults. Where we Christians can choose to interact or not. False teaching and leading people astray doesn't seem like the idea behind this forum, or am I wrong?

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Your link didn't work for me. The following link may provide the same or complimentary information. Link:

    Growing Up Roman Catholic - IV

    I remember my first communion. Before my first communion, I had my first confession. Since I had nothing to confess, I was instructed by a nun to just make something up. So my first confession was based on a lie. So it goes. One of my earliest memories of my father was sitting next to him in...

    Growing Up Roman Catholic - III

    As I've mentioned, I was sick (bedridden) almost every winter. I remember my mother asking my pediatrician, in front of me, how my various sicknesses would effect my longevity. My pediatrician pulled the cigar out of his mouth long enough to say "he'll live just about as long as anybody else...

    What Are You Reading Now?

    I just started reading Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell and could not get through the prologue without my eyes watering. I think I will just read that at home. So anybody reading something interesting or informative? I have several "religious" books to read, but don't know which one I'll...

    Theology Club: Election

    R. C. Sproul - Election zArjHbikAHU

    Theology Club: Strange Fire

    Strange Fire By Kenneth Way What was the sin of Nadab and Abihu? The text of Leviticus 10:1-7 is ultimately unclear about this. One Pentateuch scholar aptly calls this an instance of “intentional ambiguity” on the part of the storyteller/author (see Schnittjer, 99, 324, 413-414). So perhaps...

    Theology Club: Total Depravity

    It seems some Christians and Roman Catholiics have trouble with this concept. I've read an number of books by John Piper, John MacArthur and R. C. Sproul, but I don't believe I've heard it explained any better than this series. Listen, enjoy and learn. ZCv3_Uo-hiU h9D9iOKWH74 u6GpnyKUS1w

    Growing Up Roman Catholic - I

    Most of you all know I was brought up in the Roman Catholic faith. One of my earliest memories is kneeling in my parents living room and praying one of several litanies for my father who spent years in and out of the hospital from a broken leg suffered at work. His first doctor suffered a...

    Growing Up Roman Catholic - I

    Most of you all know I was brought up in the Roman Catholic faith. One of my earliest memories is kneeling in my parents living room and praying one of several litanies for my father who spent years in and out of the hospital from a broken leg suffered at work. His first doctor suffered a...

    Experience of a former Christian-Seeker - V

    I quit my job over a disagreement with the plant manager. About three weeks later, I was offered a position in my old home town working for a company at about 30% increase in salary. This would allow my girlfriend (soon to be my wife) and I to get married. My parents offered to let us stay in my...

    Experience of a former Christian-Seeker - IV

    Not having the draft and Viet Nam hanging over me, I started planning my future work career. I interviewed with a lot of companies, some were polite refusals, some were more abrupt. I refused to consider Sales Engineering which is where someone with my GPA would normally end up. I was one...

    Experience of a former Christian-Seeker - III

    A few weeks ago, I tried to find out what happened to my high school / college girlfriend / fiancée mentioned above. She threatened my life a few times, tried to commit suicide, spent a little time in a psych ward (this is all while we were together), possibly stalked my parents (after I...