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  1. Letsargue


    TOL?? THIS PLACE IS About ""G--O--N--E""!! -- Knight Has just about Quit using ANY Rules Here: S-O-O-O-O The FOOLS Here DOES NOTHING BUT INTERRUPT, And Just S-P-I-T their CRAP at GOD The TRUTH!!! - Anyone TRYING To Show THE Truth / Christ Here Anymore IS Spit on and Has to Waste ( A ) ( ""BUNCH...
  2. Letsargue

    Messiah Is Christ!!

    Messiah Is Christ!! The Messiah is ( "CHRIST" )!! - Come ON!!!! Christ / The Messiah - (( C-A-M-E Exactly Like and the "WAY" HE Said HE Would Come!! )). AND There Is None Here NOW That Believes Anything that HE Has "Already Said" IN The Scriptures!! Paul and John Were the Last Two who Died...
  3. Letsargue

    LUCKY You!!!

    LUCKY You!!! Some of You Are Very LUCKY that Knight Has STOPPED Dealing With This Place Very Much!!! I Suppose He "Knows" that this Place Isn't Going to Last Very Much Long, Now that Some of You Are Nothing But a Bunch of ""Lying SO CALLED ?christians""; that DO Nothing BUT MESS Up His THREAD...
  4. Letsargue

    YOU Singing Songs!!

    YOU Singing Songs!! DID OR DOES Christ and the TRUE "Christians" Sing Songs YOUR WAY??? The ( "Bible Songs A-N-D Bible Singing" ) Is NOTHING Like the G-a-r-b-a-g-e Today's Fools Pretend to Be Of G-O-D -- D-O!!!! ((( ALL Of Today's Music IS NOTHING BUT SATAN'S Music )))!!! Bible SONGS ARE...
  5. Letsargue

    IS THIS YOU???

    IS THIS YOU??? (( Romans 3:10-12 KJV ))!!!!!! A-N-D: ((( Revelation 3:10-13 KJV ))) -- 10- "Because Y-H-O-U hast kept the Word of my Patience, I also Will Keep T-H-E-E from the Hour of Temptation, ( Which Shall Come Upon A-L-L the World ), ""to try them"" that dwell Upon the Earth. 11- (((...
  6. Letsargue

    Religious Religions:

    Religious Religions: (( James 1:26-27 KJV )) --//--- "Religion" Has Nothing to Do With this Country's Stupid Belief of what Religion I-S!!! - Religion Is Not what most of You Fools Believe It IS!!! - Religion IS JUST The "Way of Life" Taught by Christ; - not a bunch of You all's "STUPID...
  7. Letsargue

    Marriage to Christ:

    Marriage to Christ: M-E-N!! -- If You Are A Christian, ( You Are MARRIED // BAPTIZED ) // Merged I-N-T-O CHRIST'S BODY!!! W-O-M-E-N!! -- Y-O-U Can "O-N-L-Y" Marry THE "MAN" That IS Married to the Bride of Christ // The BODY of Christ THE CHURCH!!!!! -- Only the Body of Christ IS Married to The...
  8. Letsargue

    Before SMART:

    Before SMART: "I WAS ASKED" - (( "Do I Believe In "A-L-I-E-N-S" ))??? ***** "T-O-D-A-Y" // "N-O-W" - the World IS Nothing BUT ( "TROUBLE, - LIES, and VERY "EVIL D-A-N-G-E-R"!! (( "300" Years Ago )) OR More, the Blacks Were Nothing MORE than Animals WITH Great "Learning Ability"; AND The...
  9. Letsargue

    Alien Travel:

    Alien Travel: It Is Astounding How STUPID Today's Modern "SPACE SCIENTISTS" ARE!! - MAN CAN'T BE THAT STUPID!!!! This Earth's Fools do Everything, and Spend Everything they Have AND Dozens of Times what they have, to Get Stuff They "W-A-N-T", - NOT N-E-E-D!! It's Obvious that the Aliens of...
  10. Letsargue


    Paul??? (( Galatians 1:6-12 KJV )) -- 6- "I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: - 7- Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. - 8- But though we, or an angel from...
  11. Letsargue


    LIE WORSHIPER!! Christ IS "Heavenly". Christ IS Up // "U-P" There, IN "Heaven". Christ IS Not Down // "D-O-W-N" Here ON The Carnal Earth. "UP" or "DOWN" With Christ, "I-S NOT OF AN - ( "ALTITUDE" )", BUT Of "(( SUPREMACY ))" // "(( SUPREME ))"; The "HEIGHT" Of Supremacy, not Altitude!! -- THE...
  12. Letsargue

    Before the WORD:

    Before the WORD: You People Don't Give a HOOT What Went On and What is Going On With Christ!! - None of You Care!!!! - You Just Make UP JUNK That You Want God TO BE, Not What GOD "I-S"!!! ( John 1:13-14 KJV ) -- 13- "Which Were "B-O-R-N", ( Not of Blood, NOR of the "Will" of the Flesh ), ( NOR...
  13. Letsargue

    Tele' Vision:

    Tele' Vision: IT Is N-O Wonder Why Your World is So Stupid and Going Down the TUBES!!! Your World Does "N-O-T-H-I-N-G" that The "Space Aliens" of Many of the Other Worlds of "YOUR Galaxy", Would Give a Crap TO Visit and Communicate with such "Stupid and Ignorant FOOLS"!! ( The ALIENS are Like...
  14. Letsargue


    COMMUNICATION: There IS N-O "(( """COMMUNICATION""" ))" Here In This PLACE!!! - Just One Sided TALK T-O NOTHING!!! PAUL, DAVID -- 051816
  15. Letsargue

    Christ IN YOU??

    Christ IN YOU?? The "TRUTH / The WORD of GOD"; - The WORD Was Made "HIS FLESH"; - Christ's FLESH IS the TRUTH / THE Word of GOD. - He IS IN MY HEART, the Word of GOD. My Flesh is Christ's Flesh; - NOT Stuff Written in a Book that IS ALL PARABLES!! -- (( Mark 4:34 KJV ))!!! -- Parables are Not...
  16. Letsargue


    FREEDOM??!! IF // "I-F" the "Whites" Said that the "Blacks" are Stupid; - ((( "A-N-D" ))) - IF // "I-F" the "Blacks" Said that the "Whites" are Stupid; - Which "O-N-E" Would BE ( "R-A-C-I-S-T" ), Aggressive, OR Against the Other According to "W-H-O"??? OOOHHHH - "I-F" A-n-y-o-n-e Tells the...
  17. Letsargue

    God Bless Y-O-U???

    God Bless Y-O-U??? MAN What a STUPID World!!! -- People saying: - "God Bless YOU", from every form of Phony Religion known to the Stupid Carnal Minded MAN!! (( 2 Corinthians 4:4 KJV )) -- 4- "In whom the (( "g-o-d of THIS WORLD" )) hath Blinded the Minds of Them which "Believe Not", ( lest the...
  18. Letsargue

    Trump Beck:

    Trump Beck: (( The Republican Party IS "D-I-V-I-D-E-D" ))!! - Divided into "Two Parts" Of The "REPUBLICAN" Party. Trump Is the Head of One Part of the Republican Party, A-N-D Beck Is the Head of the O-T-H-E-R Part of the Republican Party!!! One Part of the Republican Party IS "Communists and...
  19. Letsargue


    Vibration: Sound is "Only the Vibration of Gas /// A-I-R: Light is "Only" the Vibration of "S-P-A-C-E": Sound can ONLY Be Heard IF there is Gas, or AIR for "IT" to Vibrate through. Light can ONLY be SEEN IF there is Space for "IT" to Vibrate through. There is NO Place in the Universe that does...
  20. Letsargue


    INFINITY: Infinity / Infinite has NO Ending or Beginning. There Is No Such Thing AS a "THING or EVENT" that IS "TIME"! TIME is Only the Period "B-e-t-w-e-e-n" EVENTS, Only the Period "BETWEEN" Events!! ( "I-F" ) there was ""O-N-L-Y"" One Event, and Then there was Another Event; what would the...