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  1. Letsargue

    Heavenly Father????

    Heavenly Father???? HHAAA HAA HHHAAAAAA!!!!! I Read Members After Members Speaking TO THEIR G-O-D-L-Y Father And Their G-O-D-L-Y Father Speaking BACK To Them" ----- W-O-O-W!!! - What A Religious G-r-o-u-p // C-H-U-R-C-H!!! (( John 8:44 KJV )) Your "spiritual" Body IS W-H-E-R-E?? You are...
  2. Letsargue

    Judgment Without the End:

    Judgment Without the End?? -- ((( "FINAL" )))!!!!: On all the other ( Judgment without the Ends ); What DID I SAY Was COMING?? -- IT I-S NOW HERE, And You All Can Have IT!!! (( IS TOL A Christian Forum Now, A-N-D Was IT?? )) It has been Stated Many Times that the "Communists" are Entering...
  3. Letsargue

    LOST And FOUND!!

    LOST And FOUND!! I AM Going Show TO ALL You BLIND Phony Non-Spiritual Minded People - Who And WHAT God I-S; But NONE of You "Non-Spiritual Minded - BODIES" Can or "WILL" See and Understand Anything I AM Saying ""S-P-I-R-I-T-U-A-L-L-Y""; -- the Same With And About CHRIST!! Who is L-O-S-T?? -...
  4. Letsargue

    HOLY SPIRIT -- D-I-D??

    HOLY SPIRIT -- D-I-D?? ((((( I AM Using "O-N-L-Y" The "Spiritual" Existence, of What I AM Saying!!! )))))!!!!!!! I Was Watching Jimmy Swaggart this Morning, and he was saying; - "The Holy Spirit Did This, and the Holy Spirit Did That"; - And "The Holy Spirit Said This and the Holy Spirit Said...
  5. Letsargue

    What Is A Christian??

    What Is A Christian?? There is NOT A Single Person In Your STUPID WORLD That Knows What A "CHRISTIAN" IS; And ALL FOOLS Call T-h-e-m-s-e-l-v-e-s ""Christians""!! -- Not a Single Fool in Your STUPID World has Ever Heard Christ Call Them // "Y-O-U" A ""C-h-r-i-s-t-i-a-n""!! (( ""You Stupid...
  6. Letsargue


    ETERNITY: Eternity, - Eternal, - EVER, - N'ever ENDING, NOT-EVERENDING!! Y-O-U ALL WILL G-O THERE!! - There Are Only T-W-O Different Types of E-V-E-R; --- H-E-A-V-E-N And H-E-L-L, LIGHT And DARKNESS, Christ and Satan, G-O-O-D, And EVIL!! -- There IS NO Beginning OR Ending IN Either; - AND You...
  7. Letsargue

    GOD SAID??

    GOD SAID?? What Do "Any Of You-all S-A-Y" That GOD SAYS In The Following?? 1 Timothy 2:8-15 KJV 8- "I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up Holy Hands, without wrath and doubting. 9- (( In like manner )) A-l-s-o, (( that WOMEN Adorn Themselves in Modest Apparel, WITH...
  8. Letsargue


    NOTHING?? "A--G--A--I--N"!!! There Can Not BE Anyone OR Thing MORE STUPID Than Today's Scientists!!!! ** ((( There IS N-O Such Thing as ""OUTSIDE of the Universe""!! )))!!! - (( The Universe IS WITHOUT E-N-D )) --- YOU STUPID So-called SCIENTISTS!!!!!!! How Can A Person BE SO STUPID...
  9. Letsargue

    LAWS and R-U-L-E-S!!

    LAWS and R-U-L-E-S!! The "COMMUNISTS" Are Making LAWS by the Thousands and they ALL ARE Against T-H-E LAW of the "American Construction"!!! - OBAMA Does NOT Have the Right To Make L-A-W-S By Him Self - Or Of HIS OWN (( PERIOD ))!! ((( "AMERICA" ))) / ((( THE "P-E-O-P-L-E"!!! ))) ARE Suppose...
  10. Letsargue

    The BOOK!!!

    The BOOK!!! The "B-I-B-L-E"; - The "BOOK OF BOOKS" Is N-O-T-H-I-N-G But the "Word of God", Not Man's FLESH or Man's Word, But The FLESH Of the "B-I-B-L-E", T-H-E "WORD of GOD"!!!!!!!!! - ((( T-H-A-T IS NOT ANY F-O-R-M OF M-A-N!! )))!!!!!!!!!! Christ Was NOT Any Form of A M-A-N, But Just the...
  11. Letsargue

    Good and Bad LAWS!!

    Good and Bad LAWS!! G-O-O-D Laws ARE ""G-O-D-L-Y"" LAWS - the Laws of GOD and Nothing ELSE!! -- (( Matthew 19:17 KJV ))!!!! - What did GOD SAY?????? -- S-O-O Just Go Ahead AND Do Your STUPID "LYING" Teaching About A (( ""C-A-R-N-A-L ---P-E-R-S-O-N"" )) - WHO was THE "T-R-U-T-H" // The WORD of...
  12. Letsargue

    Preach The ""W-O-R-D""!!

    Preach The ""W-O-R-D""!! ((((( 2 Timothy 4:2 KJV ))))) -- 2- "Preach the "W-O-R-D"; Be Instant IN Season, OUT of Season; ""Reprove, ""R-E-B-U-K-E"", Exhort"" With ""A--L--L"" LongSuffering and D-O-C-T-R-I-N-E".--- //---- O-O-O-H-H-H --- Y--E--S!! -- YOU-ALL -- d-o--t-h-a-t!! - And you all HAVE...
  13. Letsargue

    Albert Einstein??

    Albert Einstein?? Einstein's "Theory of Relativity" IS the Same STUPID Garbage the Rest of the Man Carnal EARTHLINGS Dream U-P!! Einstein said that SPACE """B--E--N--D--S""" around the Earth, Sun, and other planets and Moons. - An IDIOT Cannot be ANY MORE Stupid Than THAT!!! The Space...
  14. Letsargue

    Spit on him:

    Spit On hem: O--O--K--K---K!!!!!! --- N--O--W!!!!! - ""S-P-I-T"" on Christ and CALL HIM A ""S-T-U-P-I-D --- F-O-O-L"", AND A ""F-O-O-L-I-S-H --- L-I-A-R""!! And ""S-P-I-T" On G-O-D For Calling YOU "A-L-L" -- ""H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E-S""!!!! -- (( HERE GOD Calls You ALL "LIARS" )) << -->> ((((...
  15. Letsargue

    OOH How I Love Hate!!

    OOH How I Love Hate!! And; OOH HOW I Hate Love of the E-v-i-l!! - ((( ""Proverbs 8:12-13 KJV"" )))!!! --//--( Psalms 97:10 KJV ) --//--- ( 1 John 3:13-14 KJV )!! --//---> (( The EVIL Is N-O-T MY Brethren )) A-N-D "I M" Not Your Brother - THANK GOD!!! (( Marriage, Merging and Baptism )) is the...
  16. Letsargue

    Gravity NOT!!

    Gravity Not!! ---Gravity is a miss-concept; or to say, the concept of gravity is mistaken for that which really is. Space, is again and always is, the only thing that exist, or just say God.. ---( If I may insert a little religion into science here: - Space and God, are the same thing at that...
  17. Letsargue

    FAKE Gravity!!

    FAKE Gravity!! There is No Such Thing As "G-R-A-V-I-T-Y"!!!!! There is No Such Thing As "P-U-L-L"!!!!! (( "GRAVITATIONAL PULL"!!!!! )) - How Stupid Can THE Phony Scientists BE - For Calling a Nonexistence "Gravity AND Pull"????? ((((( THERE IS N-O SUCH T-H-I-N-G AS "G-R-A-V-I-T-Y" (( "O-R" ))...
  18. Letsargue

    Judgment Without the End -- ((( "FINAL" )))!!!!:

    Judgment Without the End -- ((( "FINAL" )))!!!!: On all the other ( Judgment without the Ends ); What DID I SAY Was COMING?? -- IT I-S NOW HERE, And You All Can Have IT!!! (( IS TOL A Christian Forum Now, A-N-D Was IT?? )) It has been Stated Many Times that the "Communists" are Entering...
  19. Letsargue


    HYPOCRITES!! I-S -- T-H-I-S A -- ""CHRISTIAN F-O-R-U-M""????? Read ALL OF IT You ""B-L-I-N-D --- H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E-S""!!!!! ((((( Matthew 23:12-17 KJV ))))) -- 12- "And Whosoever Shall (( Exalt Himself )) shall be ""ABASED""; ""A-N-D"" HE that (( Shall Humble Himself shall be " "EXALTED"" ))...
  20. Letsargue


    YOUR CHOICE!! There IS "N-O" Such THING As A ""CATHOLIC G-O-D"" OR Any Other GOD - Other than that which IS "N-O-T" CHRIST The "Heavenly G-O-D"!! - Satan is Called Every Name that the LOST Wants to HEAR And ACCEPT; - Catholic, Baptist, Mormon, Buddhist, J.W., ""C-H-R-I-S-T"", And MANY, MANY...