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  1. Letsargue

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    ((( HOW MANY TIMES ))) - You Ignoring whatever YOU ARE???? ((( Romans 3:10-13 KJV )))!! ----- (((((((((( Spit on what God Said AGAIN ))))))))))!!!!!! --- ( How many Times ) do I HAVE TO show You What GOD HAS SAID???? Well - it's obvious - You nor anyone can believe anything GOD HAS SAID...
  2. Letsargue

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    ((( HEY!! )))!!! That part of the Old Law didn't Exist when Jesus STARTED His Ministry. John the Baptist "CHANGED" The Old Law to the (( "Baptism of Repentance"!! ))!!! -- There were NO More Sacrifices of Animals When Jesus was Baptized of John!! -- That doesn't Mean That the Fools Changed with...
  3. Letsargue

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Paul said it to the CHURCH before the Coming, to a totally Ignorant and LOST people with Only the "PROMISE" of Salvation, ( Only the PROMISE OF IT )!!! (( IF / "IF" )) they Endured to the "END", - And ((( They DID NOT!!! ))) Endure to the END!!! (( They FELL AWAY ))!! - God said they DID...
  4. Letsargue

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    (( I Know What God said about EVERYTHING ))!!! I AM - the Same as Every Word, WE ARE ALL ONE WORD!!! I AM - Not where You are and You are Not where - I AM!!! Paul, David!!!!
  5. Letsargue

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Everyone IS either an angel of Satan, OR an Angel of Christ! - in SPIRIT, not the Flesh!!!!! Michael IS the Words of Battle, and Gabriel is the Words of Information; - Paul WAS BOTH!!! Paul and Christ are the SAME ONE!!!! -- 13th?? - 1 More than the great "12" Number!!??? Angels are, - just...
  6. Letsargue

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    ( Do the Spiritual Math ) - It's a LAW!! There Is NO Christian on earth today!!! - nor Can BE!!!!! - The Gospel was taken off the Earth near AD70!! None of You even Care what GOD Says about anything except what YOU Want things to BE!!!! You cannot become a Christian by the Teachings of any...
  7. Letsargue

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    ((( AND! ))) Peter at the Beginning of the CHURCH, (( SAID )) - That the ((((( "PROMISE" !!!!!))))) is unto YOU!!!! - The "Promise" of Abraham!! - That through THEIR SEED "ALSO" - ALL Nations of the Earth Will be Blessed, ((( And The Church turned their Backs on that Total Command ))!!! --...
  8. Letsargue

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    God doesn't say or teach that!!!!!! Therefore That Is A LIE!!! Paul -- WAS Both- Michael AND Gabriel at TIMES, People Just don't understand what's going ON With Christ the TRUTH!!! Paul
  9. Letsargue

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    I understand that, However, - the Prophesy was Given, and HAD to be Fulfilled BEFORE "Anything" Could End with God who Finally did Put down "ALL Power" to the Body of Christ that was under His feet, Being God's "FOOT STOOL", - ( There are a few things written About that ). - Who Now Has All...
  10. Letsargue

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Please read this carefully!! ( 1 Corinthians 15:24 KJV ) -- 24- "( Then cometh the end ), when He "SHALL HAVE" delivered up the Kingdom to God, even the Father; ( when He shall have "Put Down" ALL Rule and all Authority and Power )". --//--- When did that happen? -- Who Now has ((( "ALL...
  11. Letsargue

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Paul was after the Old Law, and Jesus could only teach the Old Law by that Law!! They did teach different things because different things were present with both teachings at their TIME!! ** Paul was Killed for the same reason Jesus Was, only it took them twice to fully Kill PAUL!! -- Plus, Paul...
  12. Letsargue

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    That's exactly what GOD SAYS in His Scriptures Over and Over Again!! -- Just Read it. God has already come when He said He would - and HOW!! -- ( By Way of the CROSS )! - If you join Jesus On the CROSS in the Gospel taught you. Christ comes and receives You unto Himself, just like He said He...
  13. Letsargue

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    My Father is not Satan, - and My ~heavenly Mother IS NOT My Own Wife having a child by Satan!! And You are the Child of Both of Yours -- Satan, Your father, and Your wife. And Satan did not Marry your Wife. It's Out of Wedlock as is All Spiritual B-words!!! That's How God Says IT!!!!! ((((( READ...
  14. Letsargue

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    YES!! Why Not?? - The Last time I did, I GOT BANNED FOR IT!!!!!!! But Never YOU!!!!!!!!! Paul
  15. Letsargue

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    WHAT the ( lake of fire ) DO You think You Are?? - You're Nothing but a Trouble Maker and do Nothing but LIE to GOD!!! Who are You and your SPIRIT Dealing With NOW You Cursed KNOW-IT-ALL!!!!! Look at ALL THE SCRIPTURES YOU ARE USING HERE, JUST LIKE SATAN, Your heavenly "mind" / "spiritual sex...
  16. Letsargue

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Who do "YOU" Pray To?? -- Who do "You" try to Talk To?? - Who do "You" Ask to tell You things?? -- GOD?? - GOD HAS Said ( ALL ) HE "IS" Going TO In the Scriptures, and the Scriptures Are Not Spirit, They are Truth / Christ the Only Answering Power there "IS"!!!! The Scriptures, and NOTHING...
  17. Letsargue

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Good Heavens!!!!! You're Certainly not as Smart as YOU Think You Are!! "Communicate -- AND -- Advocate"!! - These People are TRYING to - "Communicate" / Teach Common-Knowledge; - AND "Advocate" / Advertise-New Knowledge!! -- With your Stupidity and False Humanity, YOU Can Do Neither - but...
  18. Letsargue

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    That's what YOU Just did!! - What do you mean Now with your foolish ~doctrine you're teaching Now??? - None of That is written!! Paul
  19. Letsargue

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    WHO Told You That; Your ~god? I guess that decides History?? MAN!!!! - What Phony teachers of stupid False gods of Fools Minds!!? - There's No end to it!!! Paul
  20. Letsargue

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    YES!! - AND Jesus' Body was JUST The "Word of God" that cannot be done away with, and He wasn't. God's Word shall not pass away?? - How could it?? - Jesus, that early unfilled Word must be Fulfilled / Christ, the Whole Body of Christ the fulfilled Word. Paul