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  1. Nathon Detroit

    6th Annual Fellowship Week Has Now Begun!

    For one whole week we will discourage harsh debate and ENCOURGE friendly discussions and conversation i.e., saying nice friendly (civil) things to each other. No topics are out of bounds as long as you’re "nice" to each other. :) At TOL we do this once a year, every year, for an entire week...
  2. Nathon Detroit

    Genesis to Revelation - A summary of the Bible

    What is the Bible all about? Have you ever wanted to read a summary of the Bible? The Bible isn't just a collection of verses that you stick to your refrigerator, the Bible has a story, a plot (so to speak). The following is taken from Bob Enyart's post #6 in Battle Royale X. I love this...
  3. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's POTD 2-20-2008

    MaryContrary demolishes Jukia..... :first:
  4. Nathon Detroit

    Disscusion thread for: Does Abraham's faith disprove Unconditional Election?

    If you are following the thread: Does Abraham's faith disprove Unconditional Election? and would like to discuss it, this is the place!
  5. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's POTD 2-16-2008

    Signed.... sealed... and delivered! :first:
  6. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's POTD 2-15-2008

    Very well said! :up: :first:
  7. Nathon Detroit

    Do you eBay?

    Do you shop on eBay? And if so how frequently? What types of things do you buy on eBay? Do you sell on eBay? What types of things do you sell on eBay?
  8. Nathon Detroit

    What people think about Jesus Christ

    Jesus Christ claimed to be the Son of God. That in and of itself should cause us to pause and consider the the claim. After all, only a lunatic would make such a claim if it weren't true, right? Many non-believers I talk with say things like.... Jesus was just a great teacher. Or, Jesus was a...
  9. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's POTD 2-11-2008

    :rotfl: Classic! (top 10 candidate for 2008 for sure) :first:
  10. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's POTD 2-8-2008

    Excellent post big sis! :first:
  11. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's POTD 02-5-2008

    I already had a pick today so I am picking this one for tomorrow. Classic smack by Mystery. Could this be in 2008's TOP 10 posts of the year? :first:
  12. Nathon Detroit

    Gary Meggison, what will your legacy be?

    Gary Meggison, Senior Vice President The Weitz Company. What will your legacy be Gary? How do people view you now? How will they view you in years to come? Are you known for building well engineered structures? Will your legacy be your college refined management techniques? Are you known for...
  13. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's POTD 2-4-2008

    Well said Pettrix! :first:
  14. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's POTD 2-3-2008

    Fantastic post. :up: Mystery nailed it, and I would add... God the Son does not suffer from multiple personality disorder, God the Son isn't schizophrenic. Those who claim He is have invented a bizarre defect in the Christ and have put their faith into man-made doctrine not based on God's word...
  15. Nathon Detroit

    Ghost stories

    from wikipedia.... A ghost is said to be the apparition of a deceased person, frequently similar in appearance to that person, and usually encountered in places she or he frequented, or in association with the person's former belongings. The word "ghost" may also refer to the spirit or soul of...
  16. Nathon Detroit

    The "without cause" hermeneutic.

    Why is OK to harshly rebuke some folks yet it's not OK to harshly rebuke other folks? Why does the Bible instruct us to rebuke with all authority yet also instruct us to "avoid foolish disputes"? And why does God tell us that the fruit of the Spirit is "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness...
  17. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's POTD 1-17-2008

    AJ had the Post of the Year in 2007. This may not be Post of the Year material but it's still good. :first:
  18. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's POTD 1-15-2008

    Two posts in one thread.... So simple... yet so perfectly stated. :up: Then Sozo was asked what "death" meant. :first:
  19. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's pick 1-13-2008

    Perfectly said. :up: :first:
  20. Nathon Detroit

    Who died on the cross? - a Hall of Fame thread.

    On another thread AMR stated.... Curious.... How would you respond to a statement like that? It seems to me that AMR is introducing a fourth member of the Godhead: - The Father - The Son (who never died on the cross) - The Son (who did die on the cross) - The Holy Spirit Didn't the Son of...