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  1. S

    Are People Born Dead In Sin?

    From a link provided in another thread, here's one paragraph (emphasis mine): Two questions: 1. Had Christ not lived, died and resurrected, are people born dead in sin? 2. Despite Christ's life, death and resurrection, are people born dead in sin? If possible, please provide Scriptural basis...
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    1935 years ago from Today March 25, 2016 Friday

    Current Time in Israel as of this post is around 3:00 PM Friday. Before sunrise tomorrow, Saturday, 1935 years ago, Jesus would have risen from the grave. Mark 16:9 Greek Scriptures.
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    Arminians' Dilemma

    Arminians teach that Christ died for every one, but only those who, by faith, accept the gift of salvation can be in Christ. In other words, people are born NOT in Christ. But Jesus told His disciples that apart from Him, they cannot bear fruit; apart from Him, they can do NOTHING (John 15:4...
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    Calvinists' Dilemma

    There are Calvinists who are fond of calling themselves and some others the Elect. The Elect, as per Calvinism, are specific persons for whom Christ died, and are assured of salvation with no possibility of getting lost. However, the gospel that Jesus preached calls people to repentance (Mark...
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    Can a Man Believe While NOT In Christ?

    Man NOT saved is NOT in Christ, and while NOT in Christ, man is dead because Christ is our life (Col 3:4). A vast majority of preachers teach that to be in Christ, people MUST first ACCEPT the gift of salvation and believe. So, how can a man ACCEPT & BELIEVE while still spiritually dead?
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    Whom did God Choose before the Foundation of the World?

    1. The Elect does not include everyone, but only certain specific individuals chosen by God before the foundation of the world. They are sure to inherit eternal life. 2. The Elect are those whom God chose before the foundation of the world because God foreknew they will of their own free-will...
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    Rewarded According To Works Yet Saved by Grace

    Rewarded According To Works Yet Saved by Grace? How?NJK Matthew 16:27 "For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works. NKJ Ephesians 2:8-9 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of...
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    Arminians & Calvinists Limit God's Power To Save

    1. Arminians teach a general, but conditional, atonement.Although Christ died for all men and for every man, only those who believe on Him are saved.2. Calvinists teach a limited atonement.Christ’s redeeming work was intended to save certain, specific individuals called the ELECT and secured for...
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    An Alternative to Arminianism and Calvinism

    The 5 Pillars of the Gospel – a better alternative to Arminianism and Calvinism. 1. Spiritual Empowerment 2. Unconditional Election of Adam’s Race 3. Perfect & Complete Redemption 4. Guidance of the Holy Spirit 5. Repentance & Overcoming1. Spiritual Empowerment . Contingent upon the life...
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    The Gospel of Christ and Calvinism

    (This thread is a companion thread to the thread "The Book of Life and Calvinism" where this poster discussed the issue of blotting out of names from the book of life. This poster believes that by God's grace, Adam & Eve and all their descendants constitute the elect, their names written down in...
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    Nothing Wrong

    1. Scriptures say that God PREDESTINATED people to be "in Christ". Arminians disagree. 2. Scriptures say that Jesus died for all men without exception. Calvinists disagree. But there's NOTHING wrong with either 1 or 2, is there?
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    Made Alive Together with Christ

    When is one made spiritually alive? BEFORE or AFTER he believes?
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    Date of Christ's Crucifixion & Resurrection

    Crucifixion: March 28, 31 AD. Wednesday. late afternoon. Resurrection: March 31, 31 AD. Saturday - early in the morning before sunrise.
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    Why Hasn't Christ Come?

    The brand of Gospel Jesus wanted preached must first be preached to all the world before He returns (Matt 24:14). But why hasn't He come? Is it because the brand of gospel most Christian preachers preach is not the brand of gospel He wanted preached? Most Christian preachers teach that "unless...
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    Membership in the BOC

    When does one become a member of the Body Of Christ? When does a member of the BOC cease being a member?
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    The One True Church

    There is only ONE TRUE CHURCH. It is the ONE that God through Christ created on the cross. It is the Body of Christ Who is its Head. And one good news: all of us are members. But only overcomers will not be blotted out from its registry of members, the book of life. Any objection? Then let's...
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    The Book of Life & Calvinism

    Are the names of the elect body of Christ the only names written in the book of life? If Yes, then why is there blotting out of names from the book of life, as these verses seem to suggest? KJV Exodus 32:33 And the LORD said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of...
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    No Takers Thread

    Most Christian preachers teach that people are born NOT “in Christ”. And to be NOT “in Christ” is to be separate from Christ, to be NOT part of His body, to be spiritually dead because Christ is our life (Col 3:4). These preachers teach that to be "in Christ", people need to first believe and...
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    Understanding the Gospel Thru the Book of Life

    A. The Relationship between the Gospel and the Book of Life Scriptures define the Gospel as the power of God for salvation: NAS Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. The...