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  1. S

    Sweet in the mouth; bitter in the belly

    IMHO, the gospel popularly preached to the world is not the one referred to by Jesus. I think, the gospel most preachers preach even goes against the words of Jesus Himself in at least two points. 1. Whereas Jesus said man can do NOTHING when apart from Him (John 15:5), most preachers...
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    Are the Stars Mentioned in Gen 1:16 Created on Day 4?

    Is there any verse in the Bible hinting that the stars (excluding the sun, of course) were created on the 4th day? Can anyone who knows of such a verse volunteer to show me? Thank you very much. If there is none, why does it seem many who believe in Creation as described in the Bible as I do...
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    Not All Elect Will Repent, Will they?

    The elect are the children of the kingdom of heaven. But will they all repent? Matthew 8:11-12 11 And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven. 12 But the children of the kingdom shall be...
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    Sorry, But Preachers of Arminianism Teach Against What Christ Taught

    Here's Article 1 of the Five Articles of Remonstrance: Highlighted in red above are phrases that INDIRECTLY point to the fact that people are born in sin and therefore born APART from Christ (above quote, alienate from Christ). Christ said: Apart from Me, you can do NOTHING Arminian Preachers...
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    Sad News: Calvinist Ministers Can't Preach the Gospel that Christ Preached

    In the gospel that Christ preached, He asked people to repent. Mark 1:14, 15. But Calvinist ministers can't see the need of asking people to repent: 1. What's the use of asking the elect to repent when they believe the elect are sure to repent since they are not able to NOT repent? 2. What's...
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    What God COMMANDS All To Do NOW

    NKJ Acts 17:30-31 30 "Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, 31 "because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from...
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    Unseen Paradox Or Ignored?

    Both Arminians and Calvinists teach that people are born in sin, and therefore NOT in Christ. To be in Christ, they teach that one has to believe and accept the gospel. The paradox is that while they believe Christ saying APART from Him man can do NOTHING, yet they REQUIRE people, who they say...
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    The Parables of the Lost

    In Luke 15, Jesus spoke about the parables of the lost sheep, lost coin and lost son. These parables have long been the subject of many sermons dwelling on the type of being lost. The lost coin reflects the condition of those who do not know they are lost; the lost sheep reflects the condition...
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    The Parables of the Lost Prove People Are Born In Christ

    In Luke 15, Jesus discussed the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. Notice: 1. Before the sheep was lost, it was with its owner. vv4 – 7 2. Before the coin was lost, it was with the woman. vv8 – 10 3. Before the son was lost, he was with his father. vv11 –...
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    Majority of Christian Preachers Misportray God

    How? Thru the teaching that people are born in sin instead of in Christ. If people are born in sin, then God did not save Adam that day he fell into sin. Instead, He just folded His hands and did NOTHING that same day to save his child from drowning in sin. A good earthly father, upon seeing...
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    What Gospel Do You Believe and Preach?

    Most Christian preachers preach a brand of gospel that presupposes people are born apart from Christ. To become part of His Body, these preachers teach that one has to exercise faith by believing in and accepting Him as personal Savior. But Christ Himself said that apart from Him, man can do...
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    Refuting the Fallacious Doctrine of Believe To Be In Christ

    The brand of gospel popularly preached by most Christian preachers tells people to believe so they can be In Christ. This presupposes that people start out in life NOT In Christ, or APART from Him. And for people to be In Christ or part of His Body, they must first believe. So, unless people...
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    Good News: Non-Christians, too, are in the Body of Christ!!!

    Yes, as Scriptures indicate. Both Christians and non-Christians - Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. - are part of the Body of Christ - the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Christ carried the sins of the world in His Body on the...
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    Rapture? Scriptures Say Otherwise . . .

    Jesus said that when He comes again, He will reward every man according to what each has done: Matt 16:27; Rev 22:12 Obviously, for the dead to receive their reward, they need to be resurrected so they can be personally present to receive their due reward. Christ's statement confirms this: NKJ...
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    Who Died With Christ?

    Scriptures say: NKJ 2 Corinthians 5:14 For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died So, did all die when Christ died?
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    Have you been asked to join a religious denomination?

    If Yes, then try asking why. If the response comes that you need to join them in order to be saved, then don’t join them. Why? Because they are indirectly telling you that you are not yet saved; that you are yet apart from Christ. And that’s not true, because God through Christ has already saved...
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    Did God Save Adam the Same Day He Sinned?

    If God did not save Adam the day he sinned, when did He save him?
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    If, Like Jesus, People Are Born NOT Dead in Sin, Then . . .

    Both Arminians and Calvinists are preaching a wrong gospel.
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    The Lie Many Honestly Believed As Truth

    What is it? It is the lie that people are born spiritually dead in sin. If indeed people are born spiritually dead in sin, then they are born NOT in Christ, because Christ is our life (Col 3:4). And to be NOT in Christ is to be apart from Christ. And apart from Christ, man can do NOTHING (John...
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    Are People Born Into This World Spiritually Alive?

    Yes. Because of Christ's life, death and resurrection, people are born into this world already In Christ Who is our Life (Col 3:4) and therefore spiritually alive. The Father through the Son created the One New Man on the cross (Eph 2:11-19): Christ the Head; humanity (Jews & Gentiles) the...