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  1. J

    The Lord Jesus Will Eventually Christianize The World.

    Yeah I hear ya. The Internet can be a great place to discuss ideas, but for some people the Internet is a War Zone and they are determined to do battle -- and that is okay for those who like that -- there was a time I did, back when I first started posting on the worldwide web -- but after...
  2. J

    The Lord Jesus Will Eventually Christianize The World.

    i have no more interest in talking to you. All you want to do is "pick and pick and pick" go find somebody else that is interested in playing that game. I am putting you on Ignore permanently. JAG []
  3. J

    The Lord Jesus Will Eventually Christianize The World.

    JAG Writes: There Is No Such Thing As A Future The Antichrist. By JAG October 5, 2021 (1) Intelligent extraterrestrials have visited Earth. (2) There will be a future The Antichrist. (1) and (2) are in the same category. Both are bald assertions without a shred of credible evidence in support...
  4. J

    The Lord Jesus Will Eventually Christianize The World.

    World as in for God so loved the world -- THAT world. Premillennialists and Dispy;s are in the public record as identifying their future The Antichrist as being such as Hitler, the various Roman Popes, zip codes, etc I will see if I can't locate an article, I wrote on this for you to look...
  5. J

    The Lord Jesus Will Eventually Christianize The World.

    The Premillennialists like to point to the current evil in the world as reported in the newspapers, to prove that the world is not getting better but is getting more and more evil. I am a Postmillennialist and we correctly believe that the Christianization of the world is going to take many...
  6. J

    The Lord Jesus Will Eventually Christianize The World.

    JAG Writes: The good news is that the Lord Jesus has already legally defeated Evil. He has already legally defeated Evil in The Courts of Heaven and the net results of His victory is that His Christian Church is now in the gradual incremental process of making disciples of all the nations. The...
  7. J

    How The Lord Jesus Saves The World:

    (and maybe even saves you one day - don't you want to live forever?) "As Rousas John Rushdooney notes: The key to remedying the world situation is NOT revolution, nor any kind of resistance that works to subvert law and order. The key is regeneration, propagation of the gospel, and the...
  8. J

    The Race Hate Mongers Will Be No More.

    Thanks for reading the OP. God bless. JAG []
  9. J

    The Race Hate Mongers Will Be No More.

    Race Hate Mongers Will Be No More. By JAG October 2023 America, 21st century, has many wicked mouths who love to stir up racial hate and keep hate alive as a tool to advance their evil political agenda. Ignore them as if they do not exist. Do not throw your pearls to pigs. (Who said that?)...
  10. J

    Love Wins The War For The World But War Is Good Too.

    /thumbs up And thanks for taking the time to read what I wrote. God bless. JAG []
  11. J

    Love Wins The War For The World But War Is Good Too.

    Bojangles. Friday October 20, 2023. $24.21 At the pay window: "The lady in the car just ahead of you has paid for your food." That same thing happened to me previously I think about 4 - 5 months ago at the same Bojangles. That's about $50.00 to me from I guess total strangers. Ah, there are...
  12. J

    Tribes. Who Do You BELONG To?

    Follow up point: The liberal elites who sing the praises of multiculturalism and diversity are kept safe, secure and protected inside their private gated compounds with security guards --- . . . they want multiculturalism and diversity for YOU and YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD . . . . . . .but NOT for...
  13. J

    Tribes. Who Do You BELONG To?

    ` ......................... " . . . BELONG . . . " ...................... Humans are Tribal. Tribes. We humans crave to BELONG with others of OUR KIND who share the same Faith, the same Language, the same Values, the same Traditions. Here is the good news for we Christians: We NOW already...
  14. J

    What About Those In Non-Christian Lands Who Have Never Heard The Gospel?

    Supplement to the article: What about those in non-Christian lands in say 1600 A.D. who died having never heard a single world of the gospel message? Is God good and just to abandon such persons to Gehenna? And does He actually do that? It is important to find a reasonable solution to the...
  15. J

    What About Those In Non-Christian Lands Who Have Never Heard The Gospel?

    I am with you in spirit --ie in the spirit of what I think you want to preserve that is, our human free will. However, my position is that BOTH are true, that is God's absolute predestination that was the first cause of what we chose to do AND AT THE SAME TIME we used our Free Will to freely...
  16. J

    What About Those In Non-Christian Lands Who Have Never Heard The Gospel?

    Calvin disagreed with Molina's Middle Knowledge: At this point in my thinking I don't see any compelling reasons why we cannot hold to both Calvin's divine decrees and Molina's Middle Knowledge's. If I am correct . . . God's knowledge could be based on His divine decrees, but He could also...
  17. J

    What About Those In Non-Christian Lands Who Have Never Heard The Gospel?

    PS to the OP: The question is raised: Do we, or do we not, have a solid Biblical commitment to the doctrine of God's Omniscience -- God knows everything? If the answer to that question is yes, then the conclusion logically must follow that God could know what Akua Adisa would choose under...
  18. J

    What About Those In Non-Christian Lands Who Have Never Heard The Gospel?

    Yes I do believe they do. Also . . Is it not reasonable to believe that the person who responds favorably to his limited knowledge of God revealed to him in natural law and conscience in the absence of the gospel in his part of the world and in his time in history, would also respond...
  19. J

    What About Those In Non-Christian Lands Who Have Never Heard The Gospel?

    Re the bolded: Yes Amen x's 10 JAG []
  20. J

    What About Those In Non-Christian Lands Who Have Never Heard The Gospel?

    Question: How is God good or just to abandon to Hell those who have never even heard the gospel? JAG Writes: Consider the following: First, we Bible believing Christians start with the true proclamation that God always does that which is right. This means that the God who always does what is...