Thank You AMR, currently my family & I are in a trial, I have suffered a lay really sucks. I have taken a facility engineering job at a satellite processing facility, which really is code for satellite facility baby sitter, I am engineering This is a temporary gig and I am searching for something more permanent, I am being courted by a few companies both of which are going to require a move so it is looking like the Northwest, Bremerton, WA area working with the Navy on sub missiles or Cape Canaveral, FL continuing in satellite launch. Wherever the Lord leads at this, it's all part of this adventure called life, can't say I am overly happy with it but, God has a plan...I am sure of it. Anyway, good to hear from you, I have been taking a respite from TOL but, I do drop in from time to time. I hope all is well with you & yours and maybe we will bump into one another around here in the future.