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  • Hey Stripe!! Tried to PM you with a long post, but it wouldn't take. This will have to do. Hope that all is well with you! Where do you live, Taiwan? How do you like it?? I read that you've been to Japan. Japan must be pretty packed with people there, considering it's a small island. I don't know much about Japan or Taiwan, but I'd like to learn. Looking forward to hearing from you. God Be With You And Your Loved Ones!!
    Hi Stripe! Why do you call me a drug-addled moron?? What drugs?? I'm trying to work with you here. So is that a pic of you? Are you a native of Taiwan? You've been to Japan? How nice that you get to travel to different countries. I can't really afford it, plus I'm glued to Phoenix, Arizona. Oh well, I can't PM you because I already tried. Chat with you later!!
    Hey Stripe..... I'm not sure about answering this from Jose.... Post 64 in "Science at Worst".
    Jose says explain "isotopes that decay via alpha decay to give the same results/dates as isotopes that decay via electron capture?"
    Isn't the answer very simple? Isotopes do decay at same rate no matter how you measure them... but you can't project the measurement upon your beliefs in millions of years? Thanks.... Answer me...or him... Or ignore. Thanks.
    You posted this on your own profile...:mock: Stripe's mad posting skills. :plain:

    Glad to hear you're alright then...physically. :eek:
    Hi. We're fine. On holidays, which is why I'm not around much and we were in Japan when the buildings were falling over. Scary stuff, but.
    A little worried about you. Prayers for the safety of you and yours. Hurry back to let us know you're all right, doofi. :)
    I visited the page proper. Still cannot see proper. But, like I say, that may not be your dog's fault. Is he trained to guide people around, by any chance? Do you have a big white stick? Could we beat n... uh .. waity .. scratch that. Me, not the dog.

    Uhm ... noguru .. noguru ... I guess he didn't like that I disagreed with koban. I guess he hasn't figured out that most everyone disagrees with koban at some time or another.
    super TH,....with ego's down for the count, maybe we can operate from a Base of Love and respect. If that cant be managed we need to look within eh, to see what obstacles exist preventing that.
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