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  • Jack is at the perfect Christmas age, five. Old enough to fully understand, wildly anticipate and impatiently consider the distance. :D
    The main point of God's prescriptive will is that there is no volitional element in God's precepts. The precept is what God requires of man, not what God chooses for Himself. When a parent tells a child he must not go out onto the road without an adult, the parent does not bind himself to stay off the road. Likewise, God's precepts are good for man; His own purposes are higher.
    Heb. 10:39 But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the preserving of the soul. Rejoice!
    Lon (Lon Allison?) — you don't have to worry about my soul. Souls are simply an invented concept to help you cope with the subjective experience of an emergent property of the complex system of the brain. I can cope with the idea that humanity is not 'special', even if the thought would horrify you. My soul, along with yours, will die along with out bodies. And that's fine.
    I've been thinking about memorizing Matthew 5 - Beatitudes and Loving when it is hardest.
    Politics is one thing, loving as a Christian is non-negotiable.

    What I truly have always appreciated and learned from you, is to love people in my politics too. THAT ain't easy because I think being in a nation that makes us as 'the people' responsible, er, gives me all kind of conflict of responsibilities.
    I can appreciate that...I had a much harder response, but I'm not even particularly enjoying the mild stuff when it comes to people who are actually and honestly malicious. :think: I'm contemplating John the Beloved as a better example. I'm getting a little tired of the pure conflict and the nothing that it produces for anyone. :cheers:
    :nono: I don't have an 'open' mind. It is like getting it right in math class. You don't 'have' to hear all the other kid's lame answers when you know. Ignore me but getting the right answer is life. I will defend it to the teeth. The UB is the purposeful usurper here.
    And equally for you to question the rigidity and exclusivity of your own religious beliefs and dogma. I merely use the UB to discuss religious and philosophical ideals, principles and concepts. Its just one of many religious books one can use for such purposes. There is no need to be condenscending however in debate but rather a fair sharing of ones point of view and exploring such rationally. Id rather not put you on ignore if you can respectfully engage with an open mind. But we shall see.
    Hello Lon, see your last rep :) - im fully willy to engage discussion as is my custom here, and only fired back in response to condescending remarks in like fashion. No harm or ill will is ever intended, i just tire of typical responses and lack of real dialogue being sought for or engaged. In any case...discussing Paper 118 should be of great interest for those leaning towards the 'open view' which the UB does expound upon. Yes...the future is certainly open :)
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