Zakath is a fraud!

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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I support not banning sozo. I support tuning him in to a more credible overview of things.

I think he lacks credibility to think I am not a Christian and worse than the atheists here. I have stood up against the atheists as much or more than he has. Speaking the truth in love rather than ad hominem attacks is biblical, not compromise.

Knight generally sides with sozo, so I am not sure what he is whining about. Knight is just more mature and level-headed to know that there is room in the kingdom for sozo and myself. I do not compromise on the essentials of the faith. Few will make it into heaven with sozo's legalistic views. The giants of the faith are damned because they do not articulate some things the same way he does.

It seems like death by cop (cowardly suicide) to want to be banned. If one cannot stand the heat, get out of the kitchen yourself. If freedom of speech is passe, then start your own happy holy huddle.

I believe God has given us divine appointments with the mockers here. I trust the power of His Word and Spirit to convince and convict them. I would rather give reasoned arguments for the hope that is within me, than attack other Christians and alienate searchers or reprobates. We can proclaim the wrath of God and judgment against some here, but others are honest doubters. Our witness should take priority over venting our spleens like we are Crusaders, killing those who do not convert on our time table.

There is a believers only section on the forum, is there not? If you do not value everyone's opinion or do not desire to influence the lost (rather than blast them), why not just hang out there. You could put everyone on ignore except your groupies who blindly agree with your ideas.

If you had a better grounding in church history, practical Christianity, exegesis, etc., you would exhibit more humility before God and others.



New member
godrulz said:
I support not banning sozo.
Anything to piss me off... uh?
I think he lacks credibility to think I am not a Christian and worse than the atheists here
I am more convinced that you are not a Christian, than I am that Bush is president.
I have stood up against the atheists as much or more than he has.
I do not compromise on the essentials of the faith.
Define salvation.
Few will make it into heaven with sozo's legalistic views
For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it.
The giants of the faith are damned because they do not articulate some things the same way he does.
They are false teachers, like you.
I believe God has given us divine appointments with the mockers here.
Gos has given you nothing..


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I have dealt with hundreds of cultists. I would be rich if I had a dollar for every time they said that the gate was narrow and few find it (and that their way is the only way, or hit the highway). I wonder if you are not in a sect or cult (I still think you are saved).

Since you rarely agree with me on anything....sozo...what is 2+2?

I know it is 4. I went first. Now you have to say it is not 4, lest you agree with me :sigh:

So much for fellowship week. Let me guess, what fellowship does light have with darkness? :guitar:


New member
godrulz said:
Since you rarely agree with me on anything....sozo...what is 2+2?

I know it is 4. I went first. Now you have to say it is not 4, lest you agree with me :sigh:

It's 4.


The Edge

Sozo said:
I would appreciate it very much if Knight would permenately ban me from this place.
Why? Don't you have any self-control at all? If you hate it here so much, leave! Quit whining about things that you can control.

Unless he does, I will continue to post here. I have no choice. It is the same as telling someone swimming in the ocean that there are sharks in the water. It's hard to simply ignore it.
See above.

But, Knight no longer respects me enough to do me this favor, which I do not understand.
You and everyone here all know that Knight has a lot on his plate right now with the board restructure and all. I don't think he's even paying attention to the little fly buzzing around. He's got bigger things to worry about.

There are plenty of you who agree that I serve no purpose in telling you the truth, and therefore the truth is mocked whenever I post. Knight either believes that I do not post the truth, or he has no problem with it being ridiculed, by the likes of people like you.
I think you will continue to be mocked unless you take your personal problems with Zakath into a private discussion with him so we don't have to listen to your whining. Although I will admit, it is sometimes amusing to watch a fight, but this hasen't been much of one....this thread was more like watching a whiney little kid begging for candy in the grocery store. You know the kid won't win, but you watch anyway because it draws attention.

I think there is a need for Christians to have a place where they can debate theology, but that is not what is going on here. This place has become a platform for those who hate the gospel to mock God.
Uh, have you looked around on TOL yet? Open your eyes.



New member
Sozo, the poster with the rebel flag loves you, at least, you should feel honored (not).

Might I suggest reinventing yourself? Perhaps a softer, more Christlike Sozo. You could start by not posting when you feel enraged or insulted. You could begin to actually read what people post and try to understand the spirit of their words. You could try branching out a bit and reading some interesting books or meeting people who are different than you.

Here's one simple thing you could try. Next time someone posts something to which you feel compelled to reply with some awful commentary such as is your habit. Try, instead, to direct your attention inwards. Turn your brain towards itself, in a manner of speaking. And observe how the post makes you feel and why it makes you feel that way and why do you think that "why" is there. What could that hurt, Sozo?


New member
Hall of Fame
wickwoman said:
Sozo, the poster with the rebel flag loves you, at least, you should feel honored (not).

Might I suggest reinventing yourself? Perhaps a softer, more Christlike Sozo. You could start by not posting when you feel enraged or insulted. You could begin to actually read what people post and try to understand the spirit of their words. You could try branching out a bit and reading some interesting books or meeting people who are different than you.

Here's one simple thing you could try. Next time someone posts something to which you feel compelled to reply with some awful commentary such as is your habit. Try, instead, to direct your attention inwards. Turn your brain towards itself, in a manner of speaking. And observe how the post makes you feel and why it makes you feel that way and why do you think that "why" is there. What could that hurt, Sozo?

Too late.

He got his wish.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Sozo said:
These constant meaningless posts from Zakass, are nothing more than an attempt on his part to cover up any and all evidence that he is a joke, not only on TOL but to his profession.

This is why I want to be banned from this place. Zakass, granite, godrulz, gerald, and wickwoman have destroyed the credibilty of this site, and made it nothing more than a complete farce.
No, the site only losses credibility if nobody answers lies with the truth.


Resident Atheist
The Edge said:
we're still makin' noise
Good, it's boring around here if no one makes any sounds... it's just the incessant buzzing that I find so distracting.

Maybe now I can take So-slow off my ignore list... :thumb:
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