I support not banning sozo. I support tuning him in to a more credible overview of things.
I think he lacks credibility to think I am not a Christian and worse than the atheists here. I have stood up against the atheists as much or more than he has. Speaking the truth in love rather than ad hominem attacks is biblical, not compromise.
Knight generally sides with sozo, so I am not sure what he is whining about. Knight is just more mature and level-headed to know that there is room in the kingdom for sozo and myself. I do not compromise on the essentials of the faith. Few will make it into heaven with sozo's legalistic views. The giants of the faith are damned because they do not articulate some things the same way he does.
It seems like death by cop (cowardly suicide) to want to be banned. If one cannot stand the heat, get out of the kitchen yourself. If freedom of speech is passe, then start your own happy holy huddle.
I believe God has given us divine appointments with the mockers here. I trust the power of His Word and Spirit to convince and convict them. I would rather give reasoned arguments for the hope that is within me, than attack other Christians and alienate searchers or reprobates. We can proclaim the wrath of God and judgment against some here, but others are honest doubters. Our witness should take priority over venting our spleens like we are Crusaders, killing those who do not convert on our time table.
There is a believers only section on the forum, is there not? If you do not value everyone's opinion or do not desire to influence the lost (rather than blast them), why not just hang out there. You could put everyone on ignore except your groupies who blindly agree with your ideas.
If you had a better grounding in church history, practical Christianity, exegesis, etc., you would exhibit more humility before God and others.
I think he lacks credibility to think I am not a Christian and worse than the atheists here. I have stood up against the atheists as much or more than he has. Speaking the truth in love rather than ad hominem attacks is biblical, not compromise.
Knight generally sides with sozo, so I am not sure what he is whining about. Knight is just more mature and level-headed to know that there is room in the kingdom for sozo and myself. I do not compromise on the essentials of the faith. Few will make it into heaven with sozo's legalistic views. The giants of the faith are damned because they do not articulate some things the same way he does.
It seems like death by cop (cowardly suicide) to want to be banned. If one cannot stand the heat, get out of the kitchen yourself. If freedom of speech is passe, then start your own happy holy huddle.
I believe God has given us divine appointments with the mockers here. I trust the power of His Word and Spirit to convince and convict them. I would rather give reasoned arguments for the hope that is within me, than attack other Christians and alienate searchers or reprobates. We can proclaim the wrath of God and judgment against some here, but others are honest doubters. Our witness should take priority over venting our spleens like we are Crusaders, killing those who do not convert on our time table.
There is a believers only section on the forum, is there not? If you do not value everyone's opinion or do not desire to influence the lost (rather than blast them), why not just hang out there. You could put everyone on ignore except your groupies who blindly agree with your ideas.
If you had a better grounding in church history, practical Christianity, exegesis, etc., you would exhibit more humility before God and others.