Your opinion on God’s Law.


Don't apply things in red letters, or outside of Paul's letters to you. There is no "Israel" today. The new Covenant will be with the House of Judah and the House of Israel (Tet's tribes). They will be united and under the King on earth. They will keep his statutes and he writes them on their hearts. Judah and Israel. Not you or me.
Nick. I am circumcised and keep much of the Law.

I believe Jesus' words apply to me as Jesus is my Lord. So Paul's words apply to me as well.


New member
Don't apply things in red letters, or outside of Paul's letters to you. There is no "Israel" today. The new Covenant will be with the House of Judah and the House of Israel (Tet's tribes). They will be united and under the King on earth. They will keep his statutes and he writes them on their hearts. Judah and Israel. Not you or me.

They will be united? Don't you mean they already were united? The two houses were spiritually united in Christ nearly 2000 years ago. Physically, they were united long before the time of Christ. The Medo-Persian empire had absorbed the Assyrians, who took the House of Ephraim/Israel. So when the Medo-Persians took over the Babylonian Empire, many of that house rejoined Judah. It's historical revisionism to claim otherwise, and this is hardly taught anywhere.

Most of the scattered Israelites were married into other peoples anyway, thus the Samaritans and other peoples. So only a remnant returned. Hm, it seems that the pattern of God is always for a remnant. Hm...


New member
Nick. I am circumcised and keep much of the Law.

I believe Jesus' words apply to me as Jesus is my Lord. So Paul's words apply to me as well.

The question is why do you keep the law? If it is because you plan on God trading you eternal life for your law keeping, you are misunderstanding the scriptures.


New member

Click here to see "Israel" and this perverts idea of the law written on their hearts and doing them.

And unless you want to vomit, don't click the link.

You clearly did not read/understand my post. There is no future uniting of Israel. It happened physically before Christ, and spiritually in Christ.


Have fun in hell. If you are guilty in one point, you are guilty in all.

Each one of us is guilty in one point. Only Jesus was not. So we are all guilty of all. Being guilty we have Jesus as our Lord and Savior, the just died for us the unjust. Having been saved do you believe you should obey God?


Reprobates like to use grace as justification to do or believe whatever is contrary to biblical wisdom and discipline.

The Old Law was the Jew's form of government, as they labored under a direct theocracy as God's people.
Some think that because Christ has liberated us from the penalties of that government, that there is nothing to be gained from heeding the wisdom and certain disciplines therein which was were the sole strengtheners of His people- it was through obedience that they evolved.

The reason many countries, especially of the 1st World, are becoming so empty of God is because of their sins via the rejection of God's ordinance.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame

Each one of us is guilty in one point.

I am dead to sin. You said you keep the law, you are not dead to sin. You are going to hell with Osama bin Laden, rusha, granite, Hitler, Mother Theresa and others. It does not bother you?


I am dead to sin. You said you keep the law, you are not dead to sin. You are going to hell with Osama bin Laden, rusha, granite, Hitler, Mother Theresa and others. It does not bother you?

I am a Christian. I am dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.

I believe that as a Christian, born again by the Spirit of God and saved, I have the gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ my Lord.

I also believe that I am to obey God.

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Obey God in what context? What does one have to do to obey God?
Some believe the Law of Moses, God's Law. Some everything that Jesus taught. Some believe both, or that both is a different answer from this. Some believe only what Paul taught. Some believe what Jesus taught and what the apostles and prophets and / or what Paul taught, or any combination of the above including apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, even elders, overseers, pastors, shepherds, bishops, deacons, or any of the above. We have God's commands from all of the above.

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patrick jane


Each one of us is guilty in one point. Only Jesus was not. So we are all guilty of all. Being guilty we have Jesus as our Lord and Savior, the just died for us the unjust. Having been saved do you believe you should obey God?

Jacob, we get what you say. You said it. Fifty times or more. Now shut up, you're a broken record.