john w

New member
Hall of Fame
]When you contend that the law has not been abolished you are opposing the Gospel and justification by faith.

No one can be saved if the law is still in effect for Christians. The purpose of the law is to judge and condemn, "There is no condemnation for those that are in Jesus Christ" Romans 8:1.

There is no condemnation because the law has been fulfilled and abolished, Ephesians 2:15.

God sees ALL THINGS in his Son Jesus Christ, Colossians 1:20. In Jesus Christ the sins of the world have been atoned for, 1 John 2:2. In Jesus Christ the law has been fulfilled and abolished, Ephesians 2:15. Because of the doing and the dying of Jesus we are complete "In Christ" Colossians 2:10.

No, you pervert the gospel of Christ, devil child, on record asserting that the Lord Jesus Christ is a liar, as you say he died not for our sins, sin debt, taking our judgment/condemnation, in our place, but satanically assert that He died to destroy the law, which He said He did not come to do, so that no one, can be charged with sin, a sin debt, no one can be condemned, judged, as there is no law that can accuse anyone, as there is no law, and resulting penalty, sin debt, for which He might die, as you, ON RECORD, deny the substitutionary atonement. You assert, on record, that Paul was false apostle, calling him a liar, when he said that the law was not made void, and you flip the bird at the LORD God, satanically misinterpreting Ephesians 2:15 KJV, and scores of verses, that you post in isolation, deleting most of scripture, and replacing biblical words, adding your own, and calling the LORD god a liar, when He testified that His good, holy, spiritual law will last forever.

No one can be saved if the law is still in effect for Christians. The purpose of the law is to judge and condemn, "There is no condemnation for those that are in Jesus Christ" Romans 8:1.

There is no condemnation because the law has been fulfilled and abolished, Ephesians 2:15.

And Ephesians 2:15 KJV says no such thing, as you satanically "interpret" it, on orders from satan. You talk like him-he talks like you.

He admits that he denies that Christ died for our sins-again. No, you wicked demon, because we are in Christ, united, His taking our condemnation, judgment, IN OUR PLACE, for breaking His existing law, paying our sin debt/IOU, penalty, is imputed to us, not because there is no law to condemn anyone. The the law remains, the BASIS for justly condemning/judging us, but He was identified as being us, on the cross, taking our place-substitutionary atonement.

In Jesus Christ the sins of the world have been atoned for, 1 John 2:2

Which you deny, asserting, no law, no need for the atonement, as their is NO SIN DEBT incurred.

Devil Child Pate: There is no longer any law to condemn us, so Christ did not take our condemnation, in our place.

Christianity: The good, holy, spiritual law of God remains, forever, and justly, as we have a just God, condemns, judges each one of us, but we, who trust 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV, are considered to have been justly judged, condemned, crucified, having paid the penalty, the sin debt, incurred by breaking, by definition, God's holy existing law, BECAUSE THE SAVIOUR TOOK OUR PLACE, in condemnation, judgment, NOT BECAUSE THE LAW WAS DESTROYED, DONE AWAY WITH, MADE VOID, and thus there is no judgment, condemnation.

Get off this site, Pate, you wicked perverting of the good news.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
No, you pervert the gospel of Christ, devil child, on record asserting that the Lord Jesus Christ is a liar, as you say he died not for our sins, sin debt, taking our judgment/condemnation, in our place, but satanically assert that He died to destroy the law, which He said He did not come to do, so that no one, can be charged with sin, a sin debt, no one can be condemned, judged, as there is no law that can accuse anyone, as there is no law, and resulting penalty, sin debt, for which He might die, as you, ON RECORD, deny the substitutionary atonement. You assert, on record, that Paul was false apostle, calling him a liar, when he said that the law was not made void, and you flip the bird at the LORD God, satanically misinterpreting Ephesians 2:15 KJV, and scores of verses, that you post in isolation, deleting most of scripture, and replacing biblical words, adding your own, and calling the LORD god a liar, when He testified that His good, holy, spiritual law will last forever.

And Ephesians 2:15 KJV says no such thing, as you satanically "interpret" it, on orders from satan. You talk like him-he talks like you.

He admits that he denies that Christ died for our sins-again. No, you wicked demon, because we are in Christ, united, His taking our condemnation, judgment, IN OUR PLACE, for breaking His existing law, paying our sin debt/IOU, penalty, is imputed to us, not because there is no law to condemn anyone. The the law remains, the BASIS for justly condemning/judging us, but He was identified as being us, on the cross, taking our place-substitutionary atonement.

Which you deny, asserting, no law, no need for the atonement, as their is NO SIN DEBT incurred.

Devil Child Pate: There is no longer any law to condemn us, so Christ did not take our condemnation, in our place.

Christianity: The good, holy, spiritual law of God remains, forever, and justly, as we have a just God, condemns, judges each one of us, but we, who trust 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV, are considered to have been justly judged, condemned, crucified, having paid the penalty, the sin debt, incurred by breaking, by definition, God's holy existing law, BECAUSE THE SAVIOUR TOOK OUR PLACE, in condemnation, judgment, NOT BECAUSE THE LAW WAS DESTROYED, DONE AWAY WITH, MADE VOID, and thus there is no judgment, condemnation.

Get off this site, Pate, you wicked perverting of the good news.

According to the New Testament the law has been abolished. Ephesians 2:15, Colossians 2:14, Romans 7:6, 1 Timothy 1:9, 2 Corinthians 3:6, plus many other scriptures.

Your problem is that you cannot receive the truth of God's word. No matter how many scriptures that I post you still cannot believe that the law has been abolished. It was abolished along with the Old Covenant, Hebrews 8:13, but only for Christians.

The reason that you cannot receive the truth of God's word is because you have not been born again. You are void of the Holy Spirit, who is the teacher of truth, John 16:13. The Holy Spirit plainly teaches that the law is not for Christians, but for the lawless and disobedient,1 Timothy 1:9.

I would suggest that before you instruct anyone about the Bible you should first become a Christian.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
According to the New Testament the law has been abolished. Ephesians 2:15, Colossians 2:14, Romans 7:6, 1 Timothy 1:9, 2 Corinthians 3:6, plus many other scriptures.

=spammed for the 30th time, in 6 days. No, your satanic interpretation, and deleting 3/4 of the bible, replacing words with your own in the bible, adding words, from your father the devil, concludes that dung, from the pits of hell assertion.

Your problem is that you cannot receive the truth of God's word.

=spam, which he litters on this site, to everyone that disagrees with his ON RECORD argument that Christ did not die for our sins.

Your problem, wolfie, is that you assert that Christ did nor die for our sin debt, taking our place, in judgment/condemnation, paying the sin debt, for breaking the existing holy, good, spiritual law of god, that IS NOT VOID, but died to destroy the law, so that there is no sib debt for which He might die, and no condemnation/judgment, for which He might suffer in our place, as you deny substitutionary atonement.

No matter how many scriptures that I post you still cannot believe that the law has been abolished.
=no matter how many scriptures you post, in isolation, deleting those that precede, follow, adding words to scripture, replacing them your own words, deleting words, misinterpreting them, satanically.

The devil, Mormons, Catholics, like yourself, JW's,, quote scripture, evil one.

It was abolished along with the Old Covenant, Hebrews 8:13, but only for Christians.

Romans 8:13 says no such thing, devil child-your satanic "interpretation does, as you spam another verse, in isolation, without explanation. The devil taught you well, as he charges you to attempt to delete 3/4 of the bible, the OT/OC.

The reason that you cannot receive the truth of God's word is because you have not been born again. You are void of the Holy Spirit, who is the teacher of truth, John 16:13.

=spam, which he litters on this site, to everyone that disagrees with his ON RECORD argument that Christ did not die for our sins.

The Holy Spirit plainly teaches that the law is not for Christians, but for the lawless and disobedient,1 Timothy 1:9.

1. =the law is for the lawless and disobedient, but IT NO LONGER EXISTS, AS IT WAS ABOLISHED=demonic "logic," dementia

2. 1 Timothy 1 KJV

9 knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,

Of course, for over the 50th time, Pate deletes "for sinners," altering the verse, in satanic deception.

I am a sinner.

-he, on record again, because he is intoxicated with demons, puts himself as under the law, as it is for sinners, which he admits that he is.

]When you contend that the law has not been abolished you are opposing the Gospel and justification by faith.

No one can be saved if the law is still in effect for Christians. The purpose of the law is to judge and condemn, "There is no condemnation for those that are in Jesus Christ" Romans 8:1.

There is no condemnation because the law has been fulfilled and abolished, Ephesians 2:15.

God sees ALL THINGS in his Son Jesus Christ, Colossians 1:20. In Jesus Christ the sins of the world have been atoned for, 1 John 2:2. In Jesus Christ the law has been fulfilled and abolished, Ephesians 2:15. Because of the doing and the dying of Jesus we are complete "In Christ" Colossians 2:10.

No, you pervert the gospel of Christ, devil child, on record asserting that the Lord Jesus Christ is a liar, as you say he died not for our sins, sin debt, taking our judgment/condemnation, in our place, but satanically assert that He died to destroy the law, which He said He did not come to do, so that no one, can be charged with sin, a sin debt, no one can be condemned, judged, as there is no law that can accuse anyone, as there is no law, and resulting penalty, sin debt, for which He might die, as you, ON RECORD, deny the substitutionary atonement. You assert, on record, that Paul was false apostle, calling him a liar, when he said that the law was not made void, and you flip the bird at the LORD God, satanically misinterpreting Ephesians 2:15 KJV, and scores of verses, that you post in isolation, deleting most of scripture, and replacing biblical words, adding your own, and calling the LORD god a liar, when He testified that His good, holy, spiritual law will last forever.

No one can be saved if the law is still in effect for Christians. The purpose of the law is to judge and condemn, "There is no condemnation for those that are in Jesus Christ" Romans 8:1.

There is no condemnation because the law has been fulfilled and abolished, Ephesians 2:15.

And Ephesians 2:15 KJV says no such thing, as you satanically "interpret" it, on orders from satan. You talk like him-he talks like you.

He admits that he denies that Christ died for our sins-again. No, you wicked demon, because we are in Christ, united, His taking our condemnation, judgment, IN OUR PLACE, for breaking His existing law, paying our sin debt/IOU, penalty, is imputed to us, not because there is no law to condemn anyone. The the law remains, the BASIS for justly condemning/judging us, but He was identified as being us, on the cross, taking our place-substitutionary atonement.

In Jesus Christ the sins of the world have been atoned for, 1 John 2:2

Which you deny, asserting, no law, no need for the atonement, as their is NO SIN DEBT incurred.

Devil Child Pate: There is no longer any law to condemn us, so Christ did not take our condemnation, in our place.

Christianity: The good, holy, spiritual law of God remains, forever, and justly, as we have a just God, condemns, judges each one of us, but we, who trust 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV, are considered to have been justly judged, condemned, crucified, having paid the penalty, the sin debt, incurred by breaking, by definition, God's holy existing law, BECAUSE THE SAVIOUR TOOK OUR PLACE, in condemnation, judgment, NOT BECAUSE THE LAW WAS DESTROYED, DONE AWAY WITH, MADE VOID, and thus there is no judgment, condemnation.

Get off this site, Pate, you wicked perverting of the good news.


Well-known member
You know, John, Pate acts like a managed bot. There's a basic script with some variation overrides just to keep it real(ish) but always orienting back to programming with no actual consideration of anything you say.

That could be what you're arguing with. Sure looks like it. Of course he wouldn't be the only one here, either.

Right Divider

Body part
You know, John, Pate acts like a managed bot. There's a basic script with some variation overrides just to keep it real(ish) but always orienting back to programming with no actual consideration of anything you say.
:thumb: He's definitely doing a monologue and not a dialogue.

That could be what you're arguing with. Sure looks like it. Of course he wouldn't be the only one here, either.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You all have the same spirit.

When you deny that the law has not been abolished, you deny the Gospel and justification by faith.

In the Gospel Jesus atones for the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2. If the sins of the world have been atoned for then there is no need for law. "For by the law is the knowledge of sin" Romans 3:20.

The Christians position is that he is under grace. You cannot be under grace if you are also under the law. If you acknowledge the law and deny that it has been abolished, you are most certainly under it and will be judged by it and condemned.

Right Divider

Body part
You all have the same spirit.

When you deny that the law has not been abolished, you deny the Gospel and justification by faith.

In the Gospel Jesus atones for the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2. If the sins of the world have been atoned for then there is no need for law. "For by the law is the knowledge of sin" Romans 3:20.

The Christians position is that he is under grace. You cannot be under grace if you are also under the law. If you acknowledge the law and deny that it has been abolished, you are most certainly under it and will be judged by it and condemned.
I have a serious question for you: are you being dishonest or just stupid?

ATONEMENT is the opposite of "no law".

None of us that disagree with you are claiming that we are under the law. So you just keep either confusing or lying about what we say.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I have a serious question for you: are you being dishonest or just stupid?

ATONEMENT is the opposite of "no law".

None of us that disagree with you are claiming that we are under the law. So you just keep either confusing or lying about what we say.

God gave us a Bible. You apparently don't believe in using it. If you did you would correct me with scripture. Since there is no scripture we must assume that you like John W. are just a lot of hot air.

Spiritually speaking the law has been abolished, proof of this is in the scriptures, Ephesians 2:15, Colossians 2:14, Romans 7:6, Plus many other scriptures. If the law has not been abolished by the doing and the dying of Jesus, then we are all still in our sins.

Right Divider

Body part
God gave us a Bible.
You apparently don't believe in using it.
You, apparently, are a liar.

If you did you would correct me with scripture. Since there is no scripture we must assume that you like John W. are just a lot of hot air.
I have given you scripture that you ignore. Apparently because it wasn't one of your few pet verses.

Spiritually speaking the law has been abolished, proof of this is in the scriptures, Ephesians 2:15, Colossians 2:14, Romans 7:6, Plus many other scriptures. If the law has not been abolished by the doing and the dying of Jesus, then we are all still in our sins.
More propaganda.

You have some fairy tale beliefs that you get very angry about when someone legitimately challenges them.

Robert Pate

Well-known member

You, apparently, are a liar.

I have given you scripture that you ignore. Apparently because it wasn't one of your few pet verses.

More propaganda.

You have some fairy tale beliefs that you get very angry about when someone legitimately challenges them.

Once again, you cannot refute what I say because you like John W. have no scripture. What you do have is hot air.

Why do you suppose Paul said, "Knowing this, that the law is no made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers, and murders of mothers, for manslayers" 1 Timothy 1:9.

The reason that Paul said that to Timothy is because an abolished law is a worthless law that is only intended for the lost and not for Christians.

You and John W. are spiritually dead. You cannot receive the truth of God's word. No matter how much scripture that I quote you just don't get it.

Right Divider

Body part
Once again, you cannot refute what I say because you like John W. have no scripture. What you do have is hot air.
Here is a scripture:
Rom 6:14-15 (AKJV/PCE)
(6:14) For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. (6:15) What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.

For the I don't know many times I've asked and you refuse to answer this simple question:
How can Paul tell us that we are not under something that DOES NOT EXIST?

It's really a simple question that you cannot or will not answer.... WHY?

Why do you suppose Paul said, "Knowing this, that the law is no made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers, and murders of mothers, for manslayers" 1 Timothy 1:9.

The reason that Paul said that to Timothy is because an abolished law is a worthless law that is only intended for the lost and not for Christians.
That is your opinion based on your fallacious ideas. I've shown you FROM THE SCRIPTURE why we are not under the law. It because we are DEAD to the law BY THE BODY OF CHRIST. Does your Bible not have Romans chapter 7?

There is no need for the law to "disappear" as you suppose.

You and John W. are spiritually dead. You cannot receive the truth of God's word. No matter how much scripture that I quote you just don't get it.
You are a false accuser, much like another such one.

Your other idea that "Christ kept the law for us" is even worse. For you must know the scripture that says that righteousness does NOT come by keeping the law.

Rom 3:20 (AKJV/PCE)
(3:20) Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law [is] the knowledge of sin.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Here is a scripture:
Rom 6:14-15 (AKJV/PCE)
(6:14) For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. (6:15) What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.

For the I don't know many times I've asked and you refuse to answer this simple question:
How can Paul tell us that we are not under something that DOES NOT EXIST?

It's really a simple question that you cannot or will not answer.... WHY?

That is your opinion based on your fallacious ideas. I've shown you FROM THE SCRIPTURE why we are not under the law. It because we are DEAD to the law BY THE BODY OF CHRIST. Does your Bible not have Romans chapter 7?

There is no need for the law to "disappear" as you suppose.

You are a false accuser, much like another such one.

Your other idea that "Christ kept the law for us" is even worse. For you must know the scripture that says that righteousness does NOT come by keeping the law.

Rom 3:20 (AKJV/PCE)
(3:20) Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law [is] the knowledge of sin.

When Jesus died on the cross the Old Covenant that contained the law died with him, Matthew 27:51. For the Christian the law has been abolished, Ephesians 2:15. If it has not been abolished then what use is it to the Christian? This is why Paul said, "But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of the spirit and not in the oldness of the letter" Romans 7:6.

If Jesus didn't fulfill the law for us, then who did he fulfill it for?

We are dead to the law by the body of Christ because it has been abolished for the Christian, Colossians 2:14.

Right Divider

Body part
When Jesus died on the cross the Old Covenant that contained the law died with him, Matthew 27:51.
We gentiles NEVER had the law. Romans 2:14 KJV

For the Christian the law has been abolished, Ephesians 2:15. If it has not been abolished then what use is it to the Christian? This is why Paul said, "But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of the spirit and not in the oldness of the letter" Romans 7:6.

If Jesus didn't fulfill the law for us, then who did he fulfill it for?
Jesus did not "fulfill the law" for anyone. This is your fairy tale version of the scripture.

We are dead to the law by the body of Christ because it has been abolished for the Christian, Colossians 2:14.
Still won't answer a SIMPLE question:
How can Paul tell us that we are not under the law IF THE LAW DOES NOT EXIST?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
We gentiles NEVER had the law. Romans 2:14 KJV

Jesus did not "fulfill the law" for anyone. This is your fairy tale version of the scripture.

Still won't answer a SIMPLE question:
How can Paul tell us that we are not under the law IF THE LAW DOES NOT EXIST?

You did not answer my question. Jesus fulfilled the law, Matthew 5:18. Who is it that Jesus fulfilled it for? If it was not us, then who was it?

You deny the substitutionary and representative work that Jesus did for us. All that Jesus is and all that Jesus did was for our salvation and justification, unless you think he did it all for himself.

The law exist for unbelievers, 1 Timothy 1:9.

Right Divider

Body part
You did not answer my question. Jesus fulfilled the law, Matthew 5:18. Who is it that Jesus fulfilled it for? If it was not us, then who was it?
I've already explained YOUR problem with that passage. YOU force an incorrect understanding upon YOURSELF.

Mat 5:17-18 KJV Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. (18) For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

  • Jesus did NOT come to destroy the law OR THE PROPHETS.
  • Jesus came to fulfill the law AND THE PROPHETS.
  • ALL has not yet been fulfilled from the law AND THE PROPHETS,
  • Fulfilling the law AND THE PROPHETS does NOT mean "keeping the law for us".

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I've already explained YOUR problem with that passage. YOU force an incorrect understanding upon YOURSELF.

Mat 5:17-18 KJV Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. (18) For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

  • Jesus did NOT come to destroy the law OR THE PROPHETS.
  • Jesus came to fulfill the law AND THE PROPHETS.
  • ALL has not yet been fulfilled from the law AND THE PROPHETS,
  • Fulfilling the law AND THE PROPHETS does NOT mean "keeping the law for us".

Jesus purpose was not to destroy the law. His purpose was to provide salvation for fallen man. Having accomplished that purpose he fulfilled the law and abolished it for us.

If Jesus did not fulfill and abolish the law for us, then who did he fulfill and abolish it for?

You cannot answer this question because without the Holy Spirit you don't know.

Right Divider

Body part
Jesus purpose was not to destroy the law.

Jesus said that He came to fulfill the law AND THE PROPHET... ie. ALL of OT scripture!

His purpose was to provide salvation for fallen man.
Among other things. You have a HUMAN centered theology.

Having accomplished that purpose he fulfilled the law and abolished it for us.
More fairy tale telling.

If Jesus did not fulfill and abolish the law for us, then who did he fulfill and abolish it for?
You are just plain DEAF.

The Lord Jesus Christ WILL FULFILL ALL of the law AND THE PROPHETS.

You cannot answer this question because without the Holy Spirit you don't know.
You are a liar and a false accuser that listens to NOTHING anyone says.

Robert Pate

Well-known member

Jesus said that He came to fulfill the law AND THE PROPHET... ie. ALL of OT scripture!

Among other things. You have a HUMAN centered theology.

More fairy tale telling.

You are just plain DEAF.

The Lord Jesus Christ WILL FULFILL ALL of the law AND THE PROPHETS.

You are a liar and a false accuser that listens to NOTHING anyone says.

I don't listen to heretics and so called Christians that are as spiritually dead as a rock.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You are full of excuses for being stupid.

I have the scriptures. All that you have is hot air.

"And not as Moses, which put a veil over his face, that the children of Israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that WHICH IS ABOLISHED" 2 Corinthians 3:13.