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Well-known member
Oh, sure, but the amount of "running to teacher" that goes on with some of you lot is something else. I ain't gonna ever win 'cub reporters' by way of and the last time I moaned on to the mods was...I can't even remember and I doubt you'll see anything in the Woodshed. There's no point trying to call folk snowflakes when it's people like musty, GM et al that routinely try to get people kicked from threads and whinge on.

Well put me on ignore then ya crank. I'm not asking for praise whatsoever, I'm just pointing out that I'm not a snowflake who goes crying to admin when I don't like how a thread's going so get a bloody grip. Your obsession with TH is beyond boring these days so your latter garbage is the same ole lame ole. Take your own advice - again.

Typical liberal double standard. Artie gripes about GM and Musty, but I'm forbidden to even allude to TH's snark. You just can't make this stuff up folks. :popcorn:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Typical liberal double standard. Artie gripes about GM and Musty, but I'm forbidden to even allude to TH's snark. You just can't make this stuff up folks. :popcorn:

Musty and GM are the snowflakes who routinely gripe away to get people removed from their threads whenever an inevitable challenge comes up, so of course it's relevant to bring them up in that regard. It's especially ironic considering how many times the far right accuse the "left" of censorship and suppression of speech but then irony isn't exactly the zealot's strong point...

You, on the other hand just have a hangup with TH and your childish hissy fits and snark, even when he's not talking to you has been testament to that. No point in denying it and the deflective "liberal" stuff is pretty much par for the course with you. Oh, you certainly can make this stuff up as you've just shown here. Enjoy your popcorn...


Well-known member
More lies. Honest challenges on any issue are fine, like the question you posted this morning about the Lake of Fire. What TOL is beginning to not tolerate anymore are dishonest disruptions for the sake of being a disruptive, divisive ***. I never thought I'd say this but you are no longer the worst person on this website in that regard, so at least you've got that going for you.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
More lies. Honest challenges on any issue are fine, like the question you posted this morning about the Lake of Fire. What TOL is beginning to not tolerate anymore are dishonest disruptions for the sake of being a disruptive, divisive ***. I never thought I'd say this but you are no longer the worst person on this website in that regard, so at least you've got that going for you.

No, they aren't lies and if this is all you have then it's pathetic, frankly. You have people routinely removed from threads when they're challenging your OP just as you did in the thread where you'd set out a criteria for what makes a person a homosexual and lo and behold, anna was removed from it after continually pointing out your glaring double standard. After this had been repeatedly spelled out to you by Wiz and myself you promised to answer a specific question of mine on a separate thread - which you didn't. You started one that instead of answering my question was an excuse for you and SOD to troll about and even Tambora called you on that one:
You already knew the question and instead of simply answering it you acted like some dumb kid in a playground, so quit while you're behind already.

Turns out AB's question about the Lake of Fire wasn't honest after all. Shoulda known.

Sure it was, you didn't answer it is all. First reply was declaration only and your second ironically went against your own belief that the fire can be physically real. Might wanna re-read your second reply there...