Ron Sigler-GREATER IS HE THAT IS WITHIN YOU… There are things everywhere I look that would create anxiety if I respond in the manner in which was intended by their creation. Someone once said that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. I don’t know what Webster’s definition of anxiety is. I guess there is such a thing as positive anxiety. When Paul however exhorted the church to be anxious for nothing, we can I think safely assume he spoke of anxiety in the negative, such as worry tension, fear being the most disempowering of all. I for one am not one who like an ostrich sticks his head in the sand and goes into the denial mode whenever situations or circumstances arise that are negative in nature. I am not blind to what’s been going on with government and the military behind closed doors. I am aware of the corruption in high places as the puppets dance while the dark energies pull their strings. My intent and purpose is to observe, not respond or react, unless it is to release the energy that tends to neutralize the negative energy that is so prevalent in our society today. I do not take the paper, nor do I watch television. Those that control Hollywood and the media have nothing to offer me that I’d care to waste my time watching. I abhor all the graphic violence that is used to desensitize the consciousness of all who are hypnotized by it, so for me I choose to not partake of the bait. There is a very thing line between observing something while keeping my distance so as not to include it into my vibration, and allowing what I’m observing to become a part of it. The emotions are my indicators as to which one I’m doing. The aim and purpose of those that would control me is to in any way possible, funnel things to my consciousness that will create anxiety. They well know that fear in any form will disempower me and that is their primary goal. As for me, I realize that fear, as someone said is faith in the negative, or “fear is faith in reverse”. They couldn’t care less about me as an individual, although “one can put ten thousand to flight”. Mass consciousness… now that’s a whole new ball game, and that is their primary goal. They have been pretty successful in their efforts to control us until recently. Today we who see what the paradigm shift in consciousness has done and is presently doing. We can see the beginning of the demise of all the control that has created the chaos the planet is apparently in now. I say “apparently because there is a real upside to all that is going on in terms of the fear tactics of a few paper tigers behind the scenes. It has been said, “Give a man enough rope and he will hang himself” which I see is beginning to play out. The light that is coming on the globe today is being received by many more then ever before in our particular history. The bloodline that has created all chaos and all who are under their umbrella are losing their death grip on their control and are coming down. This is due only to the number of people today who are by deliberate intent focus on who they are and what that means , while they avoid the control tactics of those who would disempower them by the fear they project. It’s like the bird that becomes mesmerized by the serpent and suddenly the strike and the bird is devoured. What I see, is what I get, there are no exceptions to that law. It is we who hold the keys to what happens now and in the future. “Greater is he that is in you, then he that is in the world”.