You are Divine as well as you're own healer when you get past your old self.

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Hebrews 4:12 Either you or the letters are completely wrong :think: Genesis 3:1

(Genesis 3:5 don't be your own god :nono: )

Never said I was a God, I AM One with God the absolute truth in all who can receive it. John 17:5 is every Son of Gods prayer once the scales/persona is removed from the child's eyes Galatians 4:1, When will you sit on the throne in you're kingdom Luke 17:20-21, And hear the I AM in your Eternal Soul answer this question, who do men say that I am Mark 8:27, Only a Son knows the Father with that answer Matt 11:27, you Lon are still a person/persona like I have pointed out many times which is why you can't know you're Spiritual Father fully while giving homage to the state, the persons creator who gave you that worthless degree.
Do your children need a degree to understand who dad is/ NO, your interactions with them reveal what type of Father you are regardless what someone says, or writes about you, are they ever to stay under your power or will they become like every off springs does grow up to mature adults and go there own ways with your blessing?.


Well-known member
In spite of its crimes in the past, most Christians tend to think that the Christian Church was founded through gentle persuasion and with sound argument; that their religion has always been the paddy-cake social club that it is for the most part today. Nothing could be further from the truth. The coinage used to establish Christianity throughout the Roman Empire was terror and coercion. The penalty to question the legitimacy of Rome's new demigod, the Romanized Christ, brought swift reprisals to anyone that questioned, either through persecution, torture or murder.

Wayne Lamar, the fix was in: The Romanized Christ.


Well-known member
This is what Lon tries to defend with intellectual dishonesty that has no way out but tries to and put lipstick on the sows, crumbs from mans table Luke 15:15 is the reward of the dead until they wake up from john doe person.


Well-known member
Never said I was a God.
The title: You 1) ARE divine (god :plain: ) and 2) Your OWN healer (John 15:5 :nono: ).

Coming away from that? Good!

This is what Lon tries to defend with intellectual dishonesty that has no way out but tries to and put lipstick on the sows, crumbs from mans table Luke 15:15 is the reward of the dead until they wake up from john doe person.
As opposed to unfounded/unfoundable vitriol and accusation? SOMEONE is dishonest here, that is for sure. You can easily discount me. You cannot discount scripture John 15:5 1 Peter 1:25 My feet are in God's hands, not yours. Romans 14:4 Isaiah 41:10 Does not even one scripture speak truth to you here?


Well-known member
Never said I was A God, certainly a Divine off spring in the which the Spirit dwells, I AM going to take my own advice on this thread and give you and your theology no more thought.


Well-known member
Never said I was A God, certainly a Divine off spring in the which the Spirit dwells, I AM going to take my own advice on this thread and give you and your theology no more thought.

:think: So randomly spamming another thread is okay, but when one brings it to you, you don't like it? :think:

Interesting. :think:

You are 'advocating' your own 'godness' and own abilities to pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps on your own power. John 15:5 Colossians 1:17 again.


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Only in the mind of man is there separation, but when I find the spiritual path and begin to walk thereon at some point I will come to the deep realization that Not only is God my Father, but he is also my very Being. There is one thing I began to realize some time back and it’s this, I must needs go through Hell before I can get to Heaven, and these two are within me. As I walk on the ego level I walk through Hell. As the light dawns upon me it reveals my true identity. I will then began to know heaven here and now.



Well-known member
I've seen all that. This isn't my first time around with this, though surely it is yours? It is again, pantheism (thus universalism) and is yet physically, createdly, constrained. God is not a man nor does He think like one, nor does He lie. All scriptures.

You cannot 'think' OR 'feel' your way to God. Matthew 7:13,14 I have no qualms with people taking the message and making it their own, nor do I have a thing at all to say as the Lord Jesus Christ takes a hold of a person and does His own work. Rather, I'm VERY against anything that sets itself against the message of the Lord Jesus Christ, an actual historic person and God in the flesh 2 Corinthians 10:3-6. As you've said, you have no one to trust in, you deny His actual existence. Christianity is NOT a principle. It is a relationship John 15:5 There are principles within relationships, but primarily this: 1 John 5:12 Thus I emplore: Have the Son! There is no other way. John 14:6


Well-known member
Only in the mind of man is there separation, but when I find the spiritual path and begin to walk thereon at some point I will come to the deep realization that Not only is God my Father, but he is also my very Being.
:doh: Christianity isn't an epiphany, it is a RELATIONSHIP with God! Read those scriptures. EVERY man's story in that book is about how a man 'met' God. This is just Eastern Mysticism with a 'mask' (guise) of Christianity. IT IS NOT Christianity! Don't let ANY snake oil salesman fool you. It is the Emperors New Clothes! Empowerment is just okay but John 15:5 it ain't. Epiphany is okay, but Matthew 4:4 it ain't. It is short-sheeting people and keeping them away from the narrow way. John 14:6 Isn't the lie, this is. Genesis 3:1 was the serpent.

There is one thing I began to realize some time back and it’s this, I must needs go through Hell before I can get to Heaven, and these two are within me. As I walk on the ego level I walk through Hell. As the light dawns upon me it reveals my true identity. I will then began to know heaven here and now.

I realize I'm arguing with anonymous, but there is only one set of instructions. All others are contenders who CANNOT contend. John 6:68 The Apostle John, btw, was well acquainted with mysticism. He was addressing the likes of this in is epistles. He was against this Christ-less spiritualism. Read his books.


Well-known member
:doh: Christianity isn't an epiphany, it is a RELATIONSHIP with God! Read those scriptures. EVERY man's story in that book is about how a man 'met' God. This is just Eastern Mysticism with a 'mask' (guise) of Christianity. IT IS NOT Christianity! Don't let ANY snake oil salesman fool you. It is the Emperors New Clothes! Empowerment is just okay but John 15:5 it ain't. Epiphany is okay, but Matthew 4:4 it ain't. It is short-sheeting people and keeping them away from the narrow way. John 14:6 Isn't the lie, this is. Genesis 3:1 was the serpent.

I realize I'm arguing with anonymous, but there is only one set of instructions. All others are contenders who CANNOT contend. John 6:68 The Apostle John, btw, was well acquainted with mysticism. He was addressing the likes of this in is epistles. He was against this Christ-less spiritualism. Read his books.

This is the achilles heel of the christian traditionalist who have claimed the Fathers Love, who is Love/Good exclusively for themselves and just can't get past their own egocentric dogma like the Judaizers in the story of Christ, they had all the answer except the most important one.


Well-known member
:doh: Christianity isn't an epiphany, it is a RELATIONSHIP with God! Read those scriptures. EVERY man's story in that book is about how a man 'met' God. This is just Eastern Mysticism with a 'mask' (guise) of Christianity. IT IS NOT Christianity! Don't let ANY snake oil salesman fool you. It is the Emperors New Clothes! Empowerment is just okay but John 15:5 it ain't. Epiphany is okay, but Matthew 4:4 it ain't. It is short-sheeting people and keeping them away from the narrow way. John 14:6 Isn't the lie, this is. Genesis 3:1 was the serpent.

I realize I'm arguing with anonymous, but there is only one set of instructions. All others are contenders who CANNOT contend. John 6:68 The Apostle John, btw, was well acquainted with mysticism. He was addressing the likes of this in is epistles. He was against this Christ-less spiritualism. Read his books.

He told everyone where to go, seek first for the kingdom and righteousness of God/Good within Luke 17:20-21, that's where the spiritual testament is written on men's hearts then the dead letter will come alive not kill or spread condemnation but give life, and to stop following the religious experts who are the blind leading the blind..Galatians 4:1 the son of perdition pretending to have been freed.


Well-known member
Ron Sigler-GREATER IS HE THAT IS WITHIN YOU… There are things everywhere I look that would create anxiety if I respond in the manner in which was intended by their creation. Someone once said that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. I don’t know what Webster’s definition of anxiety is. I guess there is such a thing as positive anxiety. When Paul however exhorted the church to be anxious for nothing, we can I think safely assume he spoke of anxiety in the negative, such as worry tension, fear being the most disempowering of all. I for one am not one who like an ostrich sticks his head in the sand and goes into the denial mode whenever situations or circumstances arise that are negative in nature. I am not blind to what’s been going on with government and the military behind closed doors. I am aware of the corruption in high places as the puppets dance while the dark energies pull their strings. My intent and purpose is to observe, not respond or react, unless it is to release the energy that tends to neutralize the negative energy that is so prevalent in our society today. I do not take the paper, nor do I watch television. Those that control Hollywood and the media have nothing to offer me that I’d care to waste my time watching. I abhor all the graphic violence that is used to desensitize the consciousness of all who are hypnotized by it, so for me I choose to not partake of the bait. There is a very thing line between observing something while keeping my distance so as not to include it into my vibration, and allowing what I’m observing to become a part of it. The emotions are my indicators as to which one I’m doing. The aim and purpose of those that would control me is to in any way possible, funnel things to my consciousness that will create anxiety. They well know that fear in any form will disempower me and that is their primary goal. As for me, I realize that fear, as someone said is faith in the negative, or “fear is faith in reverse”. They couldn’t care less about me as an individual, although “one can put ten thousand to flight”. Mass consciousness… now that’s a whole new ball game, and that is their primary goal. They have been pretty successful in their efforts to control us until recently. Today we who see what the paradigm shift in consciousness has done and is presently doing. We can see the beginning of the demise of all the control that has created the chaos the planet is apparently in now. I say “apparently because there is a real upside to all that is going on in terms of the fear tactics of a few paper tigers behind the scenes. It has been said, “Give a man enough rope and he will hang himself” which I see is beginning to play out. The light that is coming on the globe today is being received by many more then ever before in our particular history. The bloodline that has created all chaos and all who are under their umbrella are losing their death grip on their control and are coming down. This is due only to the number of people today who are by deliberate intent focus on who they are and what that means , while they avoid the control tactics of those who would disempower them by the fear they project. It’s like the bird that becomes mesmerized by the serpent and suddenly the strike and the bird is devoured. What I see, is what I get, there are no exceptions to that law. It is we who hold the keys to what happens now and in the future. “Greater is he that is in you, then he that is in the world”.


Well-known member
AWARENESS, BEYOND BELIEF… All of us who have come to know the heart of the creator are blessed. We who know this heart have our Father to emulate. There is no possibility for this heart to judge anything because its perspective {beyond the lower dimensions} is one that was created by knowing that words like “imperfection” was created by the illusion of separation, and since it knows that no “separation” exists except in the lower “dimensions,” this Consciousness knows that all is well. In the higher consciousness the expression, “unconditional Love” is unknown, as there is no sense of separation, hence no opposing vibration that would require it. In these dimensions Love is the only existing element. In this dimension the “challenge” is unconditional Love, because there many “appearances” that appear to be in opposition to it. Hence the exhortation to “Judge not by appearances…” Before this is possible my ego must come to see that it’s all God, the good, the bad, and the ugly. This perception must become solidified in my consciousness for it must be accepted on an intellectual level first. As it eventually becomes my awareness, only then will this Love that is unconditional be experienced by me no matter what the appearance might be. By then, the truth of there being nothing to forgive will have become my awareness. “Awareness” is a step beyond “belief,” and it is awareness that brings with it the experience. 12/16/12 R.S


Eclectic Theosophist
Even NOW we are the sons of God.......

Even NOW we are the sons of God.......


The entire library of religious writings and mythology archetypes the soul's experience of growth, evolution and transformation in the Spirit, no matter what terms or language-metaphors are being used in the essay.

All language is symbolic and meanings and values are subjective.

Man is an individual representation, manifestation and expression of his Creator....naturally and potentially.

Man's source, possibilities/potential, purpose and destiny....naturally are rooted in divinity. To deny this is to deny his being, identity and creative purpose.

This truth is as old as the hills, and new and fresh with each breath.


Well-known member

The entire library of religious writings and mythology archetypes the soul's experience of growth, evolution and transformation in the Spirit, no matter what terms or language-metaphors are being used in the essay.

All language is symbolic and meanings and values are subjective.

Man is an individual representation, manifestation and expression of his Creator....naturally and potentially.

Man's source, possibilities/potential, purpose and destiny....naturally are rooted in divinity. To deny this is to deny his being, identity and creative purpose.

This truth is as old as the hills, and new and fresh with each breath.

The truth is, and always was, and will be, all the spiritual pontificating is basically mental and ego driven, Only those who learn to take no thought about any of it start to transcended that mental hundredth monkey consciousness.


Eclectic Theosophist
The truth is, and always was, and will be, all the spiritual pontificating is basically mental and ego driven, Only those who learn to take no thought about any of it start to transcended that mental hundredth monkey consciousness.

Christ in you, the hope of glory (the anointing in and upon the soul, re-cognizing and bringing forth the knowledge and realization of immortality) - the Christ-story is the narrative of the soul's putting on of immortality....from birth, death, burial, resurrection and ascension (the entire process and ordeal of the soul's engagement with Spirit, time and eternity....including the terms involving each context).

No matter what myth, history or story you entertain or consider.....only the Spirit gives life....or more LIFE. Letters, words and symbols are but servants of Spirit.

We would further remind readers Paul's mystery-religion focused on this very concept, a hidden truth, the esoteric grain behind his cosmic redeemer mythos, the Savior undergoing a passion to effect our salvation. The process is our identification with-in Christ and participation with the life giving Spirit, that saves and grants immortality.


Well-known member
Christ in you, the hope of glory (the anointing in and upon the soul, re-cognizing and bringing forth the knowledge and realization of immortality) - the Christ-story is the narrative of the soul's putting on of immortality....from birth, death, burial, resurrection and ascension (the entire process and ordeal of the soul's engagement with Spirit, time and eternity....including the terms involving each context).

No matter what myth, history or story you entertain or consider.....only the Spirit gives life....or more LIFE. Letters, words and symbols are but servants of Spirit.

We would further remind readers Paul's mystery-religion focused on this very concept, a hidden truth, the esoteric grain behind his cosmic redeemer mythos, the Savior undergoing a passion to effect our salvation. The process is our identification with-in Christ and participation with the life giving Spirit, that saves and grants immortality.

The story of scripture is about us, we don't need saved from a dream state that began with time, we need to be woke up to our inheritance we laid aside to enter time Galatians 4:1.


Well-known member
A Christless Christianity? No such animal. :nono: It is simply repackaged Buddhism and other Eastern mysticism.

Trying to sell it to Christians? :nono: Never going to work. Only a nonChristian will ever fall for this 1 John 2:19

Neither of you two have prayed and seen the Lord Jesus Christ answer your prayer, miraculously or incredibly. I realize those of us 'believed' first, saw later, but you at least can 'listen' to what you cannot do. True healing comes from Christ Colossians 1:17 You can't bootstrap yourselves. John 15:5 Jesus said you had to be born again, a new creation, FIRST. It is NOT within you to become what is necessary. Only God can make a new Creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17 "the OLD is passed away!" Not embraced and called 'godly.' :(
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