You are Divine as well as you're own healer when you get past your old self.

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Well-known member
Like I posted Lon you are in the same mindset as the prodigals brother who still believes in condemnation, that exposes you're heart and mind still in bondage to religion, you need to talk that over with the Father of all (a phrase most Calvinist try and wiggle around) seeing he loved unconditionally a fruit you haven't tasted, when that quickening happens you will bow the knee to that Absolute TRUTH.

:nono: Philippians 2:9-12


Well-known member
:nono: Philippians 2:9-12

Compared to what that Son of God said to his blind brethren about them doing greater works than him, the literal can't untie that Gordian knot, while in the earthy mindset Matt 11:11/Galatians 4:1, but it is easy to solve by reading Galatians once one matures in the correct way to discern scripture, that way is fighting against the canard fed to you by Rome! it will go down to defeat like it has been since it put lipstick on a man sacrifice to appease its god of good and evil, which is why when Paul mentioned resurrection of the dead the religious rulers and intellectuals scoffed because they thought like all mortal veiled minds do, they naturally discern spiritual terms physically instead of symbolically portraying a divine principle, professing themselves to be wise learned man, while those seen as babes concerning knowledge have been given the keys to the kingdom that you don't really believe has always been at hand/present for those who will receive it, some traditional minded wise men can but they work in the hot sun while those chosen last to work earn the same wages they agreed to, so brag on Lon you won't receive anymore than anyone else, other than the law does repay generously those who condemn others.


Well-known member
Compared to what that Son of God said to his blind brethren about them doing greater works than him, the literal can't untie that Gordian knot, while in the earthy mindset Matt 11:11/Galatians 4:1, but it is easy to solve by reading Galatians once one matures in the correct way to discern scripture, that way is fighting against the canard fed to you by Rome! it will go down to defeat like it has been since it put lipstick on a man sacrifice to appease its god of good and evil, which is why when Paul mentioned resurrection of the dead the religious rulers and intellectuals scoffed because they thought like all mortal veiled minds do, they naturally discern spiritual terms physically instead of symbolically portraying a divine principle, professing themselves to be wise learned man, while those seen as babes concerning knowledge have been given the keys to the kingdom that you don't really believe has always been at hand/present for those who will receive it, some traditional minded wise men can but they work in the hot sun while those chosen last to work earn the same wages they agreed to, so brag on Lon you won't receive anymore than anyone else, other than the law does repay generously those who condemn others.
:nono: Greater, for Him, is saving souls. More people. Not only that...given to the apostles. Certainly we can do comparable, but show me someone 'you' healed. Nobody right? I haven't either BUT I've seen the Lord Jesus Christ do it right in front of me. You'll never have that going this way Zeke. I prayed. To the Lord Jesus Christ and...instant healing. It happened in a moment before my eyes. He is there. A real being, and you deny He exists, just a 'principle' in your head. A principle you 'woke up to' but was there already. Seen that, been there, nothing new and nothing special. It was simply 'me' looking into a better mirror. That's it. Been there, done that. John 15:5 I didn't do it. Jesus did. Right in front of me. You make that promise. Deliver upon it yet? :think:


Eclectic Theosophist
Let us consider universals.........

Let us consider universals.........

Well there you go, the difference between you and I is that only that which is true is worthy of my time...

My former statements hold,...readers are free to read along and make their own judgment and determination on what is more or less true or not ;)

Time is an investment, yes...but look again to see if its being invested in something more or less delusional, or true. A student of truth, will always be researching, retesting his assumptions, re-evaluating his conclusions...and continuing to learn.

No, 1) that is you 2) not God 3) constrained to your own limitations (not much of a god).

'God is still omnipresent' :)

(I was kind of sad seeing you posted Christmas day. I had no time for that nor was arguing theology on my to do list :( )

Its just a day invented and chosen by a group of religious people, having many pagan roots and correlaries,...any day is simply what you make it, make it 'holy' or 'not'. You are free to respond any day you like, have 'free will'.

Interesting what you call 'knowledge.'

'Gnosis' the key to all. All our science (all schools of science) is based on some kind or form of knowledge.

Yet, the same Paul warns of others carrying alternative messages. Worse? He says they are damned. You'd be 'wise' to listen a bit more, theorize less. Not doing so? That of a fool. 2 Corinthians 10:5

Paul toots his own horn, and proclaims his own apostleship, one that the original apostles of Jesus did not make it their priority to uphold,...and his boast and threat that anyone preaching another gospel DIFFERENT than his very own, was his own 'charge' exalting that gospel against the one proclaimed by Peter and the Jerusalem group, who still held to the Jewish customs and Torah. Paul's own gospel is a mix of Judaism, greek philosophical concepts, mystery religion, paganism, gnosticism, syncretized under the helm of his own 'private revelations'. He continually has to say he is not lying, and bolster himself as having a special revelation from Jesus, a 'Jesus' by the way,...that he never met in the flesh, but only knows by a 'vision' (a voice and a light). That is all Paul has, unlike the original apostles who actually walked and talked with Jesus for some years (if the gospel accounts are real history one should believe. That more scholars are questioning).

The problem: Your god is contained 'in' the universe which isn't infinite nor timeless. It, you, me, are a product, a creation by something someone incredibly beyond. Your god and universe are the same-size-too-small. That's the problem. Romans 8:20 Your religion doesn't groan. It accepts and embraces yang.

'God' continues to be 'infinte', 'timeless', yet this same Deity, a living-energy-spirit-consciousness pervades the totality of Existence, as by definition includes the classical theist definitions of 'God' and MORE. You're interpretation is illogical, since I uphold the infinity of 'God' wholly, and the timeless aspect of His BEING. - His very omnipresence also, of course includes all space and time, but He is not wholly bound to or confined to space or time, just happens to be his canvas of creation, and is where all life and consciousness can unfold, evolve, experience and expand itself.

's'pirit small 's.' there is nothing but you and what you make up. Worse? Your books are clearly the myths, fables, and mistruths AND you ARE following them. I truly am following a book. I love the bondage to it/Him. Romans 1:1 Conversely you too serve a master. You just cannot serve two. You WILL love the one and hate the other. You and Zeke hate mine. You are under the impression that 'freedom' is doing what you want. No, that is what Satan broke. That desire IS the satanic lie and influence. Those men you and Zeke quote? ALL for the other master.

No, 'Spirit' was spelled with a capital 'S' for a reason. As far as books go, you cannot prove the Bible is any more or less true than any other religious book, discourse or mythology. Its but a collection of various authors guided by their own intentions and agendas, further edited and modified to suit the needs of the community. There are many spiritual teachers, among New Thought, Theosophic, Esoteric, Metaphysical schools...that may have correct, useful and valuable teachings that relate true values, meanings and spiritual principles. Let the seeker after truth, allow the spirit of truth to lead them. You must make your own discovery of what is true, by asking, seeking and knocking....its continual research.

I'm glad you continue, lately, as does Caino, to admit different masters. Christianity is a bondservant to Christ. There is no other acceptable definition of Christianity. It is a misnomer at that point. You can't be 'like-Christ' if you aren't following Him. You can't do so if you are your own god (can't happen, we aren't made but as servants of one or the other, no defying gravity here).

I make no admission to any master, neither do I need to, since the Spirit of God within and one's own illumined mind, is the lamp that leads one onward. It is always the spirit of truth that is leading, guiding and teaching, not a human master, or guru. They may help the lead the way of course, as guides and teachers,...but at last only 'God' alone is guru,...wherever 'God' is present, revealing himself.

There are different catagories of 'Christianity',.... many different sects, denominations, cults within 'CHristendom',...not sure where you have been lately. The RCC and her protestant daughters all have their own 'spin' or 'version' of Jesus, Christololgy, theology, etc. You may profit from further research of the evolution of Christianity, a primer in comparitive religions and some basic introductive studies in universal metaphysics, the ancient wisdom schools and so on. Christianity itself is an 'amalgum' of so many religious traditions and influences, further undergoing its own evolution, adapting itself to the socio-political times and forces that craft her content and character. (necessity or its presumption is the mother of invention).

All language is symbolic, and no matter.....we are temples of God, and so reflect and mirror not only the divine IMAGE, but also partake of the divine NATURE.


Well-known member
:nono: Greater, for Him, is saving souls. More people. Not only that...given to the apostles. Certainly we can do comparable, but show me someone 'you' healed. Nobody right? I haven't either BUT I've seen the Lord Jesus Christ do it right in front of me. You'll never have that going this way Zeke. I prayed. To the Lord Jesus Christ and...instant healing. It happened in a moment before my eyes. He is there. A real being, and you deny He exists, just a 'principle' in your head. A principle you 'woke up to' but was there already. Seen that, been there, nothing new and nothing special. It was simply 'me' looking into a better mirror. That's it. Been there, done that. John 15:5 I didn't do it. Jesus did. Right in front of me. You make that promise. Deliver upon it yet? :think:

OK if that's what you want to try and limit that passage to mean because you don't think you are like him then stay in that mentality, So you want to turn this into spiritual pissing contest I've had my share of them from the groanings to laughter to experiences that are indescribable, big deal, the reason for those things isn't for boasting like you are incerting for reasons only you're old nature could explain, it didn't have much effect other than keeping you mesmerized in idol worship of another god/mirage wearing the mask of fear and jealousy the wrong fruit Lon.

You keep saying I disregard jesus your idol, When I don't disregard anything the Spirit taught through his/her character, it was the truth embodied in an allegorical/symbolic pattern for all divine seeds that fall into matter/flesh in a state of amnesia portrayed throughout ancient teachings, along with scripture in pictorial duality, I know you have read the parable of the prodigal son, yet your tradition wants to make that portrayal of duality in mans mind into historic figurines when it's retold like in Galatians 4:20-28, Cain and Able, Adam and Eve etc...., it takes place in the kingdom within through revelation not from traditions of Rome or men Galatians 3:1-4. Being freed from a dual mind into one mind/conscience awareness, that divine awakening to reconcile the mind back into one, happens, within first! Luke 17:20-21 then it will manifest outwardly as one body reconciled Genesis 33:4 but not into two distinct physical embodiments of good or evil taught through symbology. Romans seven alone debunks that historic separatist view of a race of bad discarded into the trash heap while those chosen get the Eternal perks, that's the Calvy hope for double minded dopes, and is the reason you can preach about hell without impunity, you think.

Galatians 1:12 which is the only revelation that is beyond mans understanding when it happens, no book worm will be find life without that encounter of our living Christ within, the outer court babbling/condemners/fear mongers born of the traditional view is obsolete once you get past the first principles of becoming Christ, the destiny of all the Sons who came from the same FATHER who is Spiritually discerned by His Sons, that you are supposed to be a representative of the Christ within, but squirm in you're seat of judging by appearance when you are told you are equal with Christ/Lon but jesus beat you to it, traditional limitations that become lamentations in a life stuck in time Galatians 4:1, until our Awakening within Luke 17:20-21 the letter will remain the word made flesh so better be careful of those words about hell and condemnation, they will become flesh, ignorance of the law while under it is no excuse, you channel a spirit alright of judgement that you are in more ignorance about, you're mind is the judgement seat of Christ in you're kingdom better judge righteously, our you will be answering to your own proclamations while dipping back into duality where Jew and Gentile, Male and Female, Democrat and Republican, American, European, ect............. are still relevant, so you're still drowsy Lon playing christian solider with a carnal sword with two edges.
Last edited:


Well-known member
My former statements hold,...readers are free to read along and make their own judgment and determination on what is more or less true or not ;)

Time is an investment, yes...but look again to see if its being invested in something more or less delusional, or true. A student of truth, will always be researching, retesting his assumptions, re-evaluating his conclusions...and continuing to learn.

'God is still omnipresent' :)

Its just a day invented and chosen by a group of religious people, having many pagan roots and correlaries,...any day is simply what you make it, make it 'holy' or 'not'. You are free to respond any day you like, have 'free will'.

'Gnosis' the key to all. All our science (all schools of science) is based on some kind or form of knowledge.

Paul toots his own horn, and proclaims his own apostleship, one that the original apostles of Jesus did not make it their priority to uphold,...and his boast and threat that anyone preaching another gospel DIFFERENT than his very own, was his own 'charge' exalting that gospel against the one proclaimed by Peter and the Jerusalem group, who still held to the Jewish customs and Torah. Paul's own gospel is a mix of Judaism, greek philosophical concepts, mystery religion, paganism, gnosticism, syncretized under the helm of his own 'private revelations'. He continually has to say he is not lying, and bolster himself as having a special revelation from Jesus, a 'Jesus' by the way,...that he never met in the flesh, but only knows by a 'vision' (a voice and a light). That is all Paul has, unlike the original apostles who actually walked and talked with Jesus for some years (if the gospel accounts are real history one should believe. That more scholars are questioning).

'God' continues to be 'infinte', 'timeless', yet this same Deity, a living-energy-spirit-consciousness pervades the totality of Existence, as by definition includes the classical theist definitions of 'God' and MORE. You're interpretation is illogical, since I uphold the infinity of 'God' wholly, and the timeless aspect of His BEING. - His very omnipresence also, of course includes all space and time, but He is not wholly bound to or confined to space or time, just happens to be his canvas of creation, and is where all life and consciousness can unfold, evolve, experience and expand itself.

No, 'Spirit' was spelled with a capital 'S' for a reason. As far as books go, you cannot prove the Bible is any more or less true than any other religious book, discourse or mythology. Its but a collection of various authors guided by their own intentions and agendas, further edited and modified to suit the needs of the community. There are many spiritual teachers, among New Thought, Theosophic, Esoteric, Metaphysical schools...that may have correct, useful and valuable teachings that relate true values, meanings and spiritual principles. Let the seeker after truth, allow the spirit of truth to lead them. You must make your own discovery of what is true, by asking, seeking and knocking....its continual research.

I make no admission to any master, neither do I need to, since the Spirit of God within and one's own illumined mind, is the lamp that leads one onward. It is always the spirit of truth that is leading, guiding and teaching, not a human master, or guru. They may help the lead the way of course, as guides and teachers,...but at last only 'God' alone is guru,...wherever 'God' is present, revealing himself.

There are different catagories of 'Christianity',.... many different sects, denominations, cults within 'CHristendom',...not sure where you have been lately. The RCC and her protestant daughters all have their own 'spin' or 'version' of Jesus, Christololgy, theology, etc. You may profit from further research of the evolution of Christianity, a primer in comparitive religions and some basic introductive studies in universal metaphysics, the ancient wisdom schools and so on. Christianity itself is an 'amalgum' of so many religious traditions and influences, further undergoing its own evolution, adapting itself to the socio-political times and forces that craft her content and character. (necessity or its presumption is the mother of invention).

All language is symbolic, and no matter.....we are temples of God, and so reflect and mirror not only the divine IMAGE, but also partake of the divine NATURE.

I was in the Paul idol worship there for awhile but even he had the foresight to warn against following men past a point, fine to glean from them but don't let them take ones own rightful place as a Son Of God, equality of all is vanities nemesis under the sun.


Well-known member
'God is still omnipresent' :)
STILL physically bound. Still all in your head.
My former statements hold,...readers are free to read along and make their own judgment and determination on what is more or less true or not ;)

Time is an investment, yes...but look again to see if its being invested in something more or less delusional, or true. A student of truth, will always be researching, retesting his assumptions, re-evaluating his conclusions...and continuing to learn.
Again, B-I-N-G-O I'm not trying to one-up you, I'm trying to point the way. "YOU" are all by yourself. Unless God, Himself, reaches down and interacts literally with you, you are all on your own and ALL you will figure out is only what YOUR limitations allow you. The Story of Christianity is God reaching into our chaos. The ONLY way you can find this way, is through Him. John 14:6 He is the ONLY way to the Father. To eschew Him IS to eschew the Father. Thus and CLEARLY: No Son? No Father God, some other of your own making. I want AT LEAST my god to be real. Sure dealing in "realities" is the way of Christianity rejecters and atheists.

The largest need in thread? A clear recognition that this 1) is nowhere near Christianity and cannot be (it rejects the actual Son and simply embraces a few of His ideals, the Lord Jesus Christ is naught be a 'good teacher') and 2) is a different God. Not the same. Something else and only as far a one's head can take them. If your hand isn't in the Savior's, you cannot get to the Father, the Only True God. :nono:



Well-known member
The need isn't looking back into tradition that degrades man into animalistic behavior, which is folly and detriment to any child being taught that perversion, you would rightfully be seen as a child abuser, unfit to teach them, Yet the institutional church of brick and mortar mortality has no qualms about blotting out the image of God as some mistake or experiment gone awry, you are not the bearers of glad tidings you want the world to believe you are, you offer a treatment not a cure to religious prisons, even Keith Green struggled with that phony leaven, his wife found out about the good ole boy christianity, after his physical death they circled like vultures.

When you ‘think’, it is actually ‘me’ that is thinking. “I”... am the thinker. ‘You’… cause ME to ‘think’, as‘you’ perceive yourself to be. Thus… be cause I AM the creator, ‘you’, are responsible for ‘your’ creations, for ‘I’ can only ‘think’ as ‘you’ perceive ME (your self) to be! You see… I AM who you are, but you ‘think’ you are the ‘person’ your parents created when they named you at your birth! The person you believe yourself to be, was never ‘born’… ‘you’, were created, But not by ME. ‘You’… have no being, as the person your parents created when they named you! (You… are an illusion) Before you can function as the I AM THAT I AM (in your true identity)… you must be ‘born again’. You must first experience the Spiritual Rebirth! This ‘birth’, is the birth of the ‘Christ’. This ‘conception’, takes place in your consciousness. This ‘child’ is conceived by the Holy Spirit… by the Truth… through the realization that the Universal I AM is the I am within you! This, is known throughout the Christian World, as the immaculate conception… (the Virgin Birth!) It results in the birth of the ‘Christ’… through the realization that you and “I”, (your heavenly Father)… are ONE! (Thus... I and my Father are One) ~~ real Christianity with out spot nor wrinkle.


Well-known member
No matter how earnestly we might try to be Christ like, no matter how committed to that end we might be, so long as we believe that to live in our John Doe identity is to live in reality, we can never attain the Christ mind, we can never be more than a 'practicing Christian'. We can only attain the Christ mind when we realize that the 'Father' is the I within us. As John Doe, we are nothing more than an illusion. 'God' is our reality... our true identity. ~~~


Well-known member
The main idea we must get across, is the idea that we are much more than this ‘person’ we believe ourselves to be. We read that, in the beginning, there was only the ‘Spirit’ of God. There is still nothing other than the ‘Spirit of God’. Every ‘thing’ we see, is the Spirit of God manifesting AS THAT THING. It is usually referred to as being ‘male’, but it is neither male nor female. It is just ‘Creative Spirit’(creative consciousness), which functions according to an absolute Father/Mother creative principle, with the ‘consciousness’, being the Father aspect, and the ‘intelligence’, being the Mother aspect. It is the sole purpose of the Intelligence, to give ‘being’ to whatever the Consciousness decrees as being, or sees itself as being, and the only requisite is to know this. By the same creative principle, does ‘man’ create.(Ye shall decree a thing, and it shall be established unto you Job. 22:28)


Well-known member
[There is not a church that I know of, that teaches the way of Eternal Life. I do not mean life after death, I mean life eternal, in our present bodies transformed. Transformed through an awareness of being an individualized manifestation of the Eternal I am. There is not a Church that I know of that teaches humanity how to attain the Christ Mind. There is not a Church that I know of that teaches ‘men’ that God, is the “I AM” within them. If we refuse to acknowledge God as our reality, we shall surely die… we shall be ‘bound’ on Earth as well as in Heaven. But, if we acknowledge Him as our reality, and choose to die to self (the illusion), and live in our I AM identity, we need never die! We shall not only know we are free on Earth, but in Heaven as well, Know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.


Well-known member
The need isn't looking back into tradition that degrades man into animalistic behavior, which is folly and detriment to any child being taught that perversion, you would rightfully be seen as a child abuser, unfit to teach them, Yet the institutional church of brick and mortar mortality has no qualms about blotting out the image of God as some mistake or experiment gone awry, you are not the bearers of glad tidings you want the world to believe you are, you offer a treatment not a cure to religious prisons, even Keith Green struggled with that phony leaven, his wife found out about the good ole boy christianity, after his physical death they circled like vultures.

When you ‘think’, it is actually ‘me’ that is thinking. “I”... am the thinker. ‘You’… cause ME to ‘think’, as‘you’ perceive yourself to be. Thus… be cause I AM the creator, ‘you’, are responsible for ‘your’ creations, for ‘I’ can only ‘think’ as ‘you’ perceive ME (your self) to be! You see… I AM who you are, but you ‘think’ you are the ‘person’ your parents created when they named you at your birth! The person you believe yourself to be, was never ‘born’… ‘you’, were created, But not by ME. ‘You’… have no being, as the person your parents created when they named you! (You… are an illusion) Before you can function as the I AM THAT I AM (in your true identity)… you must be ‘born again’. You must first experience the Spiritual Rebirth! This ‘birth’, is the birth of the ‘Christ’. This ‘conception’, takes place in your consciousness. This ‘child’ is conceived by the Holy Spirit… by the Truth… through the realization that the Universal I AM is the I am within you! This, is known throughout the Christian World, as the immaculate conception… (the Virgin Birth!) It results in the birth of the ‘Christ’… through the realization that you and “I”, (your heavenly Father)… are ONE! (Thus... I and my Father are One) ~~ real Christianity with out spot nor wrinkle.

Most won't understand you and call this gibberish. I get it, have seen it. All you are doing is moving the goal-post. YOU didn't get this when you were young. I did. Been around Buddhists, have seen this WAY before you ever did. In a nutshell this: MY theology: God outside of me (same as you originally). Me: God reaching into my darkness and filling HIMSELF in me. YOUR theology: Nothing, no filling. Just you. Always you. The same thing you got now is always what you had, you just didn't know it. Do you even READ the bible or just take pieces? How many times have you read the whole thing, Zeke?

I know you THINK you know me and THINK I don't know what you are talking about. Not true. The answer isn't there. EVERY religion but Christianity is that same "Whatever you brought with you" theology. BUT Christianity. John 15:5 VERY clear. You cannot miss it. You know you can't. -Lon


Well-known member
Most won't understand you and call this gibberish. I get it, have seen it. All you are doing is moving the goal-post. YOU didn't get this when you were young. I did. Been around Buddhists, have seen this WAY before you ever did. In a nutshell this: MY theology: God outside of me (same as you originally). Me: God reaching into my darkness and filling HIMSELF in me. YOUR theology: Nothing, no filling. Just you. Always you. The same thing you got now is always what you had, you just didn't know it. Do you even READ the bible or just take pieces? How many times have you read the whole thing, Zeke?

I know you THINK you know me and THINK I don't know what you are talking about. Not true. The answer isn't there. EVERY religion but Christianity is that same "Whatever you brought with you" theology. BUT Christianity. John 15:5 VERY clear. You cannot miss it. You know you can't. -Lon

You have no window into my Soul as to what my life has been like, nor I you, only by what is taught can we assume to know motive from secular and religious indoctrinations. The west was fed christian theology so naturally that dominated the mentality of the culture for decades, so being from the same culture and went through the christian maze of beliefs, and the taboos they warned against like the boogey man of the new age, I have a pretty good handle on the mentality.
I use to warn people about the evils of the east for years when it was the west's brand of the christian religion that was the real problem, which was caused by faulty interpretation.

Real Christians have no religious labels, every awake Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Catholic, know they don't need those labels of division any longer, they see the Father working in all things perceived as good and evil by the mortal minded.

The scales of theology have you posting verses that debunk its own message like John 15:5 yet you can't see it for the beam in you're intellectual eyes, Prodigal son's brother Lon is a trap/mist set by your false religion that breeds a "worldly superior mentality" found in the countries leaders, so why don't you go channel Johnboy in the religious section! you sound just like him these days.


Eclectic Theosophist
More truth 4 U..........

More truth 4 U..........

STILL physically bound. Still all in your head.

No,...the infinite omnipresence of Spirit is not physically bound.

Again, B-I-N-G-O I'm not trying to one-up you, I'm trying to point the way. "YOU" are all by yourself. Unless God, Himself, reaches down and interacts literally with you, you are all on your own and ALL you will figure out is only what YOUR limitations allow you. The Story of Christianity is God reaching into our chaos. The ONLY way you can find this way, is through Him. John 14:6 He is the ONLY way to the Father. To eschew Him IS to eschew the Father. Thus and CLEARLY: No Son? No Father God, some other of your own making. I want AT LEAST my god to be real. Sure dealing in "realities" is the way of Christianity rejecters and atheists.

'God' is already always omnipresent :)

(Thats kinda the point. It is only your theology and belief that you are a terrible sinner seperate from love, that veils your heart from the living Christ. Jesus came to show us the kingdom is within us already, it just needs to returned to, re-cognized)

The largest need in thread? A clear recognition that this 1) is nowhere near Christianity and cannot be (it rejects the actual Son and simply embraces a few of His ideals, the Lord Jesus Christ is naught be a 'good teacher') and 2) is a different God. Not the same. Something else and only as far a one's head can take them. If your hand isn't in the Savior's, you cannot get to the Father, the Only True God. :nono:

No other 'God' is being assumed since only one universal reality exists in which all mirrored reflections arise. 'God' is ever one, regardless of multiple infinitude of perspectives which arise in universal Mind. God is Spirt.

Jesus was a good teacher, Rabbi, apostle, prophet as well. To deny this is to deny the NT which attests to these things...and to deny the meanings of these terms as they apply to the Messiah's ministry. This teacher went on further to affirm only 'God' as being good....pointing to the Father alone (the Father of all) pure 'God' ;)

I highly recommend this video -



Well-known member
No,...the infinite omnipresence of Spirit is not physically bound.
No other 'God' is being assumed since only one universal reality exists in which all mirrored reflections arise. 'God' is ever one, regardless of multiple infinitude of perspectives which arise in universal Mind. God is Spirt.

I know you don't understand, but there it is. No amount of denial will work. Demonstrably, your theology is evolutionary and stuck in creation where the created sets itself as god, same problem with satan, a created being, setting himself up as god. Read the thread title. An epiphany awaits you one day. It is all here. -Lon


Well-known member
No,...the infinite omnipresence of Spirit is not physically bound.

'God' is already always omnipresent :)

(Thats kinda the point. It is only your theology and belief that you are a terrible sinner seperate from love, that veils your heart from the living Christ. Jesus came to show us the kingdom is within us already, it just needs to returned to, re-cognized)

No other 'God' is being assumed since only one universal reality exists in which all mirrored reflections arise. 'God' is ever one, regardless of multiple infinitude of perspectives which arise in universal Mind. God is Spirt.

Jesus was a good teacher, Rabbi, apostle, prophet as well. To deny this is to deny the NT which attests to these things...and to deny the meanings of these terms as they apply to the Messiah's ministry. This teacher went on further to affirm only 'God' as being good....pointing to the Father alone (the Father of all) pure 'God' ;)

I highly recommend this video -

Tom is one that taught traditional theology up in Canada, not some armchair quarterback but a very knowledgeable man that read some of Alvin Boyd Kuhns work and others about the real beginnings of the christian religion that showed him he had been duped by institutional christian theology.


Well-known member
Tom is one that taught traditional theology up in Canada, not some armchair quarterback but a very knowledgeable man that read some of Alvin Boyd Kuhns work and others about the real beginnings of the christian religion that showed him he had been duped by institutional christian theology.

:nono: AS BAD AS James Cameron's 'tomb of Jesus' mockumentary. Again, this is part of my degree. Been there, done that. Most that claim 'same' are about as far apart as "this 'guy' in Egypt and that 'guy' in Mesopotamia." :dizzy: The comparisons are REALLY this bad. Just poor mindless confirmation bias gone amok.


Well-known member
:nono: AS BAD AS James Cameron's 'tomb of Jesus' mockumentary. Again, this is part of my degree. Been there, done that. Most that claim 'same' are about as far apart as "this 'guy' in Egypt and that 'guy' in Mesopotamia." :dizzy: The comparisons are REALLY this bad. Just poor mindless confirmation bias gone amok.

We know Lon you have a degree, along with all those christian assumptions and evidence to prove you don't have any, which isn't an issue with right division of those dead letters Galatians 4:24, 2Cor 3:6.
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