My former statements hold,...readers are free to read along and make their own judgment and determination on what is more or less true or not
Time is an investment, yes...but look again to see if its being invested in something more or less delusional, or true. A student of truth, will always be researching, retesting his assumptions, re-evaluating his conclusions...and continuing to learn.
'God is still omnipresent'
Its just a day invented and chosen by a group of religious people, having many pagan roots and correlaries,...any day is simply what you make it, make it 'holy' or 'not'. You are free to respond any day you like, have 'free will'.
'Gnosis' the key to all. All our science (all schools of science) is based on some kind or form of knowledge.
Paul toots his own horn, and proclaims his own apostleship, one that the original apostles of Jesus did not make it their priority to uphold,...and his boast and threat that anyone preaching another gospel DIFFERENT than his very own, was his own 'charge' exalting that gospel against the one proclaimed by Peter and the Jerusalem group, who still held to the Jewish customs and Torah. Paul's own gospel is a mix of Judaism, greek philosophical concepts, mystery religion, paganism, gnosticism, syncretized under the helm of his own 'private revelations'. He continually has to say he is not lying, and bolster himself as having a special revelation from Jesus, a 'Jesus' by the way,...that he never met in the flesh, but only knows by a 'vision' (a voice and a light).
That is all Paul has, unlike the original apostles who actually walked and talked with Jesus for some years (if the gospel accounts are real history one should believe. That more scholars are questioning).
'God' continues to be 'infinte', 'timeless', yet this same Deity, a living-energy-spirit-consciousness pervades the totality of Existence, as by definition includes the classical theist definitions of 'God' and MORE. You're interpretation is illogical, since I uphold the infinity of 'God' wholly, and the timeless aspect of His BEING. - His very omnipresence also, of course includes all space and time, but He is not wholly bound to or confined to space or time, just happens to be his canvas of creation, and is where all life and consciousness can unfold, evolve, experience and expand itself.
No, 'Spirit' was spelled with a capital 'S' for a reason. As far as books go, you cannot prove the Bible is any more or less true than any other religious book, discourse or mythology. Its but a collection of various authors guided by their own intentions and agendas, further edited and modified to suit the needs of the community. There are many spiritual teachers, among New Thought, Theosophic, Esoteric, Metaphysical schools...that may have correct, useful and valuable teachings that relate true values, meanings and spiritual principles. Let the seeker after truth, allow the spirit of truth to lead them. You must make your own discovery of what is true, by asking, seeking and knocking....its continual research.
I make no admission to any master, neither do I need to, since the Spirit of God within and one's own illumined mind, is the lamp that leads one onward. It is always the spirit of truth that is leading, guiding and teaching, not a human master, or guru. They may help the lead the way of course, as guides and teachers,...but at last only 'God' alone is guru,...wherever 'God' is present, revealing himself.
There are different catagories of 'Christianity',.... many different sects, denominations, cults within 'CHristendom',...not sure where you have been lately. The RCC and her protestant daughters all have their own 'spin' or 'version' of Jesus, Christololgy, theology, etc. You may profit from further research of the evolution of Christianity, a primer in comparitive religions and some basic introductive studies in universal metaphysics, the ancient wisdom schools and so on. Christianity itself is an 'amalgum' of so many religious traditions and influences, further undergoing its own evolution, adapting itself to the socio-political times and forces that craft her content and character. (necessity or its presumption is the mother of invention).
All language is symbolic, and no matter.....we are
temples of God,
and so reflect and mirror not only the divine IMAGE, but also partake of the divine NATURE.