You are a hack. I think Augustine is head and shoulders above you in regard to courage and understanding. Neither one of you beat God though.
Yeah, OK
You are a hack. I think Augustine is head and shoulders above you in regard to courage and understanding. Neither one of you beat God though.
17. :banana:. . . only if you believe such nonsense . . . but you've always been a couple of french fries short of a happy meal . . . :sigh::rotfl:Genesis 1 follows no lesson plan, therefore, it "teaches" nothing.![]()
Because you say so? :idunno:Much of Genesis is a literary style that uses allegory and imagery to convey the truth.
Probably.But was there really a talking snake
Definitely.and a tree bearing fruits with mystical powers?
Gee, if I did my job the way you think people should speak to one another, we would get sued to kingdom come and I would get fired.God speaks to man in a human way.
It also teaches that the sun was made after the Earth. :idunno:Genisis 1 is meant to teach one thing and one thing only: That God created everything out of nothing, that he created man in his own image, that man seperated himself from God through disobedience, and that God immediately set about the long - or at least it seems long to us - process of healing that rift, a process which culminated with the death and resurrection of Christ. That is ALL it teaches.
All because you say so, right?Everything in Genesis is meant to convey that truth, but it is done in the ancient Semitic style of writing, using allegories, fantastic imagery, and all based on traditions that were handed down for centuries. I do not believe there was a serpent, or a tree, or a garden, etc. These are all images & allegories, in a certain style of writing, meant to convey the fundamental truth I stated above.
Popes are morons.But Evolution is okay. Even the Popes accept the premise of Evolution.
:chuckle:You don't appear to be very good at not replying.
18. :banana:You don't get squat. That's why all your posts are fine examples of ignorance.
:chuckle:Throw a rock at a pack of dogs, the one that yelps is the one that got hit.
Who?Saint Augustine is a great Saint and a great Doctor of the Church.
It is called the poetry gambit. Evolutionists love it.
Here is the funniest example:
He seemed to Buzz off never to return after that. :idunno:
Throw a rock at a pack of dogs, the one that yelps is the one that got hit.
No. It teaches that the sun ignited or began to shine after the earth coalesced. Science actually agrees with that sequence of events.It also teaches that the sun was made after the Earth. :idunno:
No, because it is. Only a Fundie extremist takes the creation account word for word in a literalistic way.Because you say so?
Yeah, OK
No. It teaches that the sun ignited or began to shine after the earth coalesced. Science actually agrees with that sequence of events.
Your insistence is not good enough. Tell us why "Six days" cannot mean what it plainly says.No, because it is.
Fundamental - relating to the most important part of something....a Fundie extremist...
Genesis is historical narrative. Nobody reads anything in a purely literal fashion....the creation account word for word in a literalistic way.
22! :banana:
Genesis 1:14-19
14 Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; 15 and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth”; and it was so. 16 Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. 17 God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 So the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
It says they were made on day 4. You seem to be making up the part that they were made earlier.
Your insistence is not good enough. Tell us why "Six days" cannot mean what it plainly says.
Fundamental - relating to the most important part of something.
Extremist - belief in and support for ideas that are very far from what is considered correct or reasonable.
Evolutionists love non-sequiturs. :chuckle:
Genesis is historical narrative. Nobody reads anything in a purely literal fashion.
23! :banana:
Genesis is historical narrative. Nobody reads anything in a purely literal fashion.
You do realize, don't you, that Genesis was written by Moses (or someone during Moses' time). Was Moses there in the Garden? Was Moses there with Noah? Were there any witness to The Garden, the Flood, etc., who contributed to the writing of Gensis? You have no clue how inspration really works in regards to the sacred authors.
24! :banana:
Another Scripturally challenged TOL'er has spoken.Oh man, you do not understand fundy---god was the eyewitness. And if he said 6 days, it is 6 days........
Oh man, you do not understand fundy---god was the eyewitness. And if he said 6 days, it is 6 days.
Only people with more cognitive dissonance going on than Catholics are the fundamentalists.
The sheer stupidity of "fundy excremist" thinking is that if God was communicating to himself, then why put humans in the equation. On the other hand the fact that the Bible is written for humans means he was communicating to humans in terms they could understand at the time. These modern day YECs who just can't get their heads around this concept of historical context are both sad and humorous.