Yet another Roman Catholic curse that is still in force today


New member
Cruciform, the pompous pedant is as obnoxious as usual. He is about as sorry for you as I am sorry for him.
  • Why would I be "sorry" for him OR you?
  • Google "ad hominem fallacy," since that is the particular logical error you're engaged in here.
  • Come back if you ever manage to come up with an actual counter-argument against the Catholic Church or her teachings. (Sorry, but personal insults and attacks don't count.)

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Cruciform, the pompous pedant is as obnoxious as usual. He is about as sorry for you as I am sorry for him.

Yes, and I suspect he will be quoting catholic links to the LORD at the judgement, and will likely hear, "Depart from me, I never knew you." That can change if he will believe the gospel and trust the LORD.