why don't you answer those questions?
Nobody cares.
why don't you answer those questions?
I knew it. You wont answer and you cannot answer. You have a lot to hide like G&P. It might be you two are couple? That explains a lot.
You dont even know this woman. She has been flip flopping with her doctrines depending on which one is good do keep as her friend.
And you encourage her superficial "loving and encouraging" posts.
that shows your superficial faith too. I discussed our difference in MPs and I concluded that she is not working for Jesus but pride and popularity.
When she came back she became even worse, now she is going for popular to the majority pretending to be "loving and encouraging to everyone."
She is an excellent example of "wolf wearing sheep's clothing."
I dont play favoritism or withholding to expose evil doctrines just because they know how to talk sweetly.
What she is doing is playing "loving", not Jesus' love.
There are many Christians like her. That is plain deception.
thanks for asking.
She is denying this but she was Trapper. She is lying. Take a look at first page of this. Everyone knew Trappers was her and I knew that too. She is too prideful to admit it was her.
You are lying.
I have read trappers posts and they are the exactly the same as G&P. I know all about G&P's beliefs and they were the exactly the same. Their writing style was the exactly the same. G&P's English skill is not so good. I dont think G&P's first language is English. And trapper wasn't so good either.
No couple can be that identical in everything.
Do you know that the trapper said G&P is his wife?
Why did trapper stop posting when G&P started posting?
I know you cannot or won't answer to these questions.
Jedi is a new poster and even he noticed that trapper is G&P. take a look at very first page of this thread.
First of all, I want to apologise. I know I have not always acted in such a way as to bring glory to God. I know that, no one has to tell me. I want to start afresh.
As I rejoin this board, I want everyone to know that I am not here to debate anyone's belief system. I have already figured out that does not work. We often learn things the hard they say.
Secondly, I want everyone to know that I am here to do one thing, and that is to 'encourage' others, not only my good friends on here, but also anyone who would think me an enemy of the gospel.
Thirdly, I will answer questions posed to me. (on my beliefs)
I simply want to be an encouragement, to everyone on this board. I have sought God on the matter, have prayed about this, and feel that if we truly believe in our hearts, He will give us everything our hearts desire, and it is my desire to 'encourage'.
God bless you all, and see you inside.
Still being a judgmental hypocrite, I see
this thread is not about you meshak, stop trying to steal the thunder,
it's about g&p and us welcoming her back!
so take your liberal mumbojumbo else where, at least till you figure out what it is! :rotfl:
why don't you answer those questions?
Because the world does not revolve around YOU. Why don't you quit being such a threadpest.
have a nice day, ma'am![]()
I hope that you are having a nice day Meshak!