Yes, but that is not speaking of judging a man's motive, but his doctrine, so?
Again, did Paul lie when he said not to judge motives? There is a huge difference. Does motive equal doctrine now? Just wonderin'.
The whole reason there is hostility amongst christians is because love is not being put into practice, the way it should be.
Love does not reap where it has not sown.
Love does not puff up, claiming, 'my doctrine is better than yours'.
Love does not judge a 'babe's heart, and call them ugly names like 'perverted pig'.
If people/christians walked in love, we would all be better off, do you agree?..and, I have also learned this very recently, in the puffed up state, of thinking my doctrine/escatology is better than yours. Was that the will of God? I do not think so. That is why God corrected me on it to begin with.
Yet everyone keeps judging my motives, that is not legal for anyone to judge ever, which is the greater sin.
Why is it the greater sin?
Because it exalts the flesh to the place that belongs to God alone.
We all get frustrated when we try to explain our differences of interpretation of 'last days' events, etc...and through that frustration, we feel compelled to put the other position down, but when we are exalting ourself to the place that belongs to God alone, we are in deep doo doo, in mho.
Who are you to read a believer's heart and his/her motives as to why he/she claims to have changed, or been corrected by God when a person speaks it from their heart?
Come on OIC, you are smarter than that.