Woman fired from Christian University for Being Pregnant


New member
So, this is not unusual, most christian schools have morality clauses for staff and students and she was offered to keep her job if she married her 12 year lover who is the father of her child.

She chose not to.

You can see a copy of the letter she was sent about it here: http://www.addictinginfo.org/2015/0...y-for-maternity-leave-gets-pink-slip-instead/ and in the letter they refer to the employee handbook, meaning she agreed to a morality clause.
Looks like she doesn't have much to stand on, then.


New member
So, in otherwords, you selectively abondon your prior pronouncment "If you break the rules.. you should be ready to accept the consequences." when you see fit?

But they technically haven't broken any rules. Its always been the law that people can refuse service for any reason... and that reason does not need to be provided.

If you are acting/dressed/talking in any manner that makes myself or my customers uncomfortable, its within my rights to ask you to leave, and if you don't, call the cops because you are trespassing.


Well-known member
So, this is not unusual, most christian schools have morality clauses for staff and students and she was offered to keep her job if she married her 12 year lover who is the father of her child.

She chose not to.

You can see a copy of the letter she was sent about it here: http://www.addictinginfo.org/2015/0...y-for-maternity-leave-gets-pink-slip-instead/ and in the letter they refer to the employee handbook, meaning she agreed to a morality clause.

I'm sure this is why Coty requested a trial by jury. So that all the facts would come out instead of just a letter written to her by the guy that gave her such a ridiuculous ultimatum.

The employee handbook only requires the employess to have a "maturing Christian faith"....very vague, which requested a faith statement. Nothing more. No "requirements". Her faith statement upon hire was this (from the lawsuit).

Ms. Richardson’s faith is incredibly important to her. When hired by NCU, Ms.
Richardson provided a “Faith Statement” required by the University. In her statement Ms.
Richardson gives thanks to God “for all of the blessings in my life, the truths, the lessons,
even the struggles because without those I would not truly appreciate the beautiful grace of
God in my life
that I have allowed to take hold of my heart and mind and body and soul.”

I noticed the guy used the term "cohabitate" which implies they are living together. That isn't true. Coty lives with her sixteen year old daughter and her five year old daughter in a house she is buying without any government assistance. The father lives in Washington state. There is much more to this story, including the fact that this is not a "life style" but a mistake that resulted in a baby. Coty is not "living in sin" or flaunting her immorality. She didn't run to the press...the press came to her when the lawsuit was filed.


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm sure this is why Coty requested a trial by jury. So that all the facts would come out instead of just a letter written to her by the guy that gave her such a ridiuculous ultimatum.

The employee handbook only requires the employess to have a "maturing Christian faith"....very vague, which requested a faith statement. Nothing more. No "requirements". Her faith statement upon hire was this (from the lawsuit).

I noticed the guy used the term "cohabitate" which implies they are living together. That isn't true. Coty lives with her sixteen year old daughter and her five year old daughter in a house she is buying without any government assistance. The father lives in Washington state. There is much more to this story, including the fact that this is not a "life style" but a mistake that resulted in a baby. Coty is not "living in sin" or flaunting her immorality. She didn't run to the press...the press came to her when the lawsuit was filed.

Her pregnancy out of wedlock does just that. She was also offered to keep her job if they got married, why would a christian woman who is pregnant not marry the father when they have been in relationship 12 years? She could have kept her job.


Well-known member
Other than hoping the threat would make them cave or the cost of defending it, no, she doesnt, since she agreed to the terms.

The terms are having a "maturing Christian faith". I think she does have grounds, and good ones. She was fired because she is pregnant out of wedlock. That is something that can happen to a Christian with a "maturing Christian faith" as well as to anyone else. To demand she get married or "disassociate" from the father of her child is what I find appalling. She wants her child to have a relationship with his father whether they end up getting married or not. She wants him there during the delivery if possible. As I said, the father lives and works in another state. This isn't the first problem this college has had with it's hypocritical and arbitrary decisions, but I'm thinking they will cause them to give this another look.


New member
Hall of Fame
The terms are having a "maturing Christian faith". I think she does have grounds, and good ones. She was fired because she is pregnant out of wedlock. That is something that can happen to a Christian with a "maturing Christian faith" as well as to anyone else. To demand she get married or "disassociate" from the father of her child is what I find appalling. She wants her child to have a relationship with his father whether they end up getting married or not. She wants him there during the delivery if possible. As I said, the father lives and works in another state. This isn't the first problem this college has had with it's hypocritical and arbitrary decisions, but I'm thinking they will cause them to give this another look.

I disagree, she is a christian in a position of leadership and should be expected to follow the tenets of the faith there. Out of wedlock pregnancy is contagious when its deemed acceptable. Shes also IN relationship with the father, they should marry if they are having relations and its been a 12 year relationship, thats the example she should be setting for other young women she teaches.


Well-known member
I disagree, she is a christian position of leadership.

She teaches nutrition at a college that is required to abide by the laws of the state. (I guess she could have had an abortion had she known she would be fired for getting pregnant.) :think:

They already knew she was a single mother....had never been married. She had worked there four years and been promoted more than once. So, her ultimatum.....can she force the father to marry her? It takes two to get married, and every child deserves to have a father as part of his life. The dean of affairs was an idiot, and he fired her without the "review" he was required by contract to give her. That "review" would have included other people who, hopefully, were able to show some Christian love and forgiveness....for a mistake.


New member
Hall of Fame
She teaches nutrition at a college that is required to abide by the laws of the state. (I guess she could have had an abortion had she known she would be fired for getting pregnant.) :think:

They already knew she was a single mother....had never been married. She had worked there four years and been promoted more than once. So, her ultimatum.....can she force the father to marry her? It takes two to get married, and every child deserves to have a father as part of his life. The dean of affairs was an idiot, and he fired her without the "review" he was required by contract to give her. That "review" would have included other people who, hopefully, were able to show some Christian love and forgiveness....for a mistake.

I disagree, if a pastor or leader in the church got pregnant out of wedlock, they would be expected to step down from their leadership position, especially if they wished to continue in out of marriage sexual relations. Shes wishes to continue and thats the problem.


Well-known member
I disagree, she is a christian in a position of leadership and should be expected to follow the tenets of the faith there. Out of wedlock pregnancy is contagious when its deemed acceptable. Shes also IN relationship with the father, they should marry if they are having relations and its been a 12 year relationship, thats the example she should be setting for other young women she teaches.

That "12 year relationship" was on again off again. I know the facts of this case quite well. They used to date, and over that 12 year period they have remained good friends in spite of dating other people. It was not an on-going sexual relationship. This stuff will come out in trial, I'm sure. But the fact remains...."out of wedlock pregnancy" is not "contagious". The college students will not get pregnant because their nutrition professor happened to get pregnant (once again) while unmarried.

The fact that she'll "be showing soon" is why the guy fired her. No man has to worry about "showing" should he get someone pregnant out of wedlock, but you can bet there are male professors who do a lot worse than what Coty has done.

I've talked to Coty about the Lord many times. She got a lot of pressure to have an abortion when she, once again, found she was having a child. Her example to those students of putting the life of her child above her own convenience is what will count in the end. I applaud her.

It's funny we've finally found something to disagree on, Angel. I respect your opinion, but on this one, I think the college is wrong. They led her to believe she was accepted as a single mother, and then they dropped the bomb. Loss of job, loss of insurance, and an airing of her private life....all three months before her baby was due. That's not good.


New member
Hall of Fame
That "12 year relationship" was on again off again. I know the facts of this case quite well. They used to date, and over that 12 year period they have remained good friends in spite of dating other people. It was not an on-going sexual relationship. This stuff will come out in trial, I'm sure. But the fact remains...."out of wedlock pregnancy" is not "contagious". The college students will not get pregnant because their nutrition professor happened to get pregnant (once again) while unmarried.

The fact that she'll "be showing soon" is why the guy fired her. No man has to worry about "showing" should he get someone pregnant out of wedlock, but you can bet there are male professors who do a lot worse than what Coty has done.

I've talked to Coty about the Lord many times. She got a lot of pressure to have an abortion when she, once again, found she was having a child. Her example to those students of putting the life of her child above her own convenience is what will count in the end. I applaud her.

It's funny we've finally found something to disagree on, Angel. I respect your opinion, but on this one, I think the college is wrong. They led her to believe she was accepted as a single mother, and then they dropped the bomb. Loss of job, loss of insurance, and an airing of her private life....all three months before her baby was due. That's not good.

Thats false, she has stated recently that they want to wait to get married till they have more money. Doesnt seem its over. She was asked to end romantic relationship, or marry him, she didnt want to do either.

Richardson argues in the suit filed Tuesday that the school was discriminating against "her religious views that it is entirely appropriate for her, as a Christian, to wait until she and her partner are financially, practically and emotionally ready to get married."

In her own words, they are still in relationship and waiting to get married.

The issue is that she will not end the relationship, or marry him. They offered her the ability to be a single mother if the relationship was over.

Thats the issue, she wants to continue relations out of wedlock. Thats inapropriate for leadership.

But after becoming pregnant with her partner, the University gave her an ultimatum: (1) She could marry him immediately, or (2) she could proclaim the pregnancy was a mistake, dissociate with the father, and raise the child as a single mother.

She doesnt want to end the relationship and she doesnt want to get married right now.

Thats the problem.

The University told her that having a child out of wedlock while still continuing a relationship with the father was inconsistent with the NCU’s core values and mission and set a “bad example” for the students.

Since she wont end the inappropriate sexual/romantic relationship AND refused to wed, she is inappropriate for leadership.

THATS the problem, they offered to allow her to stay if the relationship was ended, it wasnt and isnt according to her.


Well-known member
I disagree, if a pastor or leader in the church got pregnant out of wedlock, they would be expected to step down from their leadership position, especially if they wished to continue in out of marriage sexual relations. Shes wishes to continue and thats the problem.

No, she would really like to get married. She loves the father of the baby, and hopes to get married. She just bought a house here (near Eugene) when they started seeing each other again when he would come down from Washington. They wanted to wait...they didn't manage to "wait" and she got pregnant. They have been talking about her moving up there in a year, but it has to be a mutual decision to get married. That's the problem.


New member
Hall of Fame
No, she would really like to get married. She loves the father of the baby, and hopes to get married. She just bought a house here (near Eugene) when they started seeing each other again when he would come down from Washington. They wanted to wait...they didn't manage to "wait" and she got pregnant. They have been talking about her moving up there in a year, but it has to be a mutual decision to get married. That's the problem.

Then they need to get married, if she wants to work there.

Jose Fly

New member
They already knew she was a single mother....had never been married. She had worked there four years and been promoted more than once.

Oh, well then this really is about something else, isn't it?

he fired her without the "review" he was required by contract to give her.

Ah, there's your breach of contract.


Well-known member
Thats false, she has stated recently that they want to wait to get married till they have more money. Doesnt seem its over. She was asked to end romantic relationship, or marry him, she didnt want to do either.

In her own words, they are still in relationship and waiting to get married.

The issue is that she will not end the relationship, or marry him. They offered her the ability to be a single mother if the relationship was over.

Thats the issue, she wants to continue relations out of wedlock. Thats inapropriate for leadership.

She doesnt want to end the relationship and she doesnt want to get married right now.

Thats the problem.

Since she wont end the inappropriate sexual/romantic relationship AND refused to wed, she is inappropriate for leadership.

THATS the problem, they offered to allow her to stay if the relationship was ended, it wasnt and isnt according to her.

You aren't listening.


Well-known member
Oh, well then this really is about something else, isn't it?

Ah, there's your breach of contract.

Right. As I said, there is more to the story and it will come out at trial. She was discriminated against plain and simple, and they violated the contract.

Jose Fly

New member
Cool. Let's get out the shotgun and march the man to the altar. :chuckle:

They're probably hoping for something like this...

Judge sentences East Texas man to get married or face jail time

An East Texas couple says their choice to marry when they wanted to was taken away by a criminal court judge.

In July, a Smith County judge sentenced Josten Bundy to get married to his 19-year-old girlfriend as part of his probation, which also included writing Bible verses and getting counseling.​


Woman fired from Christian University for Being Pregnant

All organizations reserve the right to terminate employees whose actions in their personal life reflect negatively on their employers - when a video surfaced showing Ray Rice assaulting his fiancee in an elevator, the Baltimore Ravens released him.

This particular women should have known that living with her boyfriend and having a child out of wedlock were inconsistent with the stated conservative Christian values that the college was attempting to promote.

The staff is expected to reflect those values and the teacher was given alternatives if she wished to retain her position - she declined and the college exercised its option not to retain her services.
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Well-known member
They're probably hoping for something like this...

Judge sentences East Texas man to get married or face jail time

An East Texas couple says their choice to marry when they wanted to was taken away by a criminal court judge.

In July, a Smith County judge sentenced Josten Bundy to get married to his 19-year-old girlfriend as part of his probation, which also included writing Bible verses and getting counseling.​

That's insane.

I didn't believe it was real at first, I figured I was going to find that it was a fake article.

A judge. Ordered the couple to get married. And made the guy write out Bible verses.


Folks are worried about Sharia law?