That "12 year relationship" was on again off again. I know the facts of this case quite well. They used to date, and over that 12 year period they have remained good friends in spite of dating other people. It was not an on-going sexual relationship. This stuff will come out in trial, I'm sure. But the fact remains...."out of wedlock pregnancy" is not "contagious". The college students will not get pregnant because their nutrition professor happened to get pregnant (once again) while unmarried.
The fact that she'll "be showing soon" is why the guy fired her. No man has to worry about "showing" should he get someone pregnant out of wedlock, but you can bet there are male professors who do a lot worse than what Coty has done.
I've talked to Coty about the Lord many times. She got a lot of pressure to have an abortion when she, once again, found she was having a child. Her example to those students of putting the life of her child above her own convenience is what will count in the end. I applaud her.
It's funny we've finally found something to disagree on, Angel. I respect your opinion, but on this one, I think the college is wrong. They led her to believe she was accepted as a single mother, and then they dropped the bomb. Loss of job, loss of insurance, and an airing of her private life....all three months before her baby was due. That's not good.