Riiiight..... The forcing of Christians to act against their beliefs by using a corrupt legal system is a real effort at supporting liberty and choice. Here is the essence of the abortion law passed in New York by Democrats.
I find zero evidence in the US Constitution for the "right" of a woman to commit murder with the help of a doctor. So, abortion cannot be a "right". To say that an unborn child is not a living human being is a major fallacy. It does not begin to live at birth. The fact that it grows in the womb is a testament to it's being alive. And don't try to tell me that it isn't human as there is zero chance that a pregnant woman gives birth to anything other than a human being.
If a woman is in a car wreck and her unborn child dies as the result of reckless driving the person doing the reckless driving is likely to be charged with homicide. But, if a woman decides she doesn't want the child it's OK to murder it and the child will be classified as a fetus. The hypocrisy is incredible. In the case of abortion killing the child is looked at as a "right". In the case of an accident it is looked at as murder, which is exactly what abortion should be called. It is, in reality, first degree murder for it is intentional and done with malice aforethought.
Here is the stands on abortion for every Democrat candidate for president.
So, you consider any person's moral judgement to be just fine.... What a lot of baloney that is. It is, in effect, moral anarchy. Here's a Biblical story of what happened when the Isrealites "did what was right" in their own eyes. This is exactly what you're speaking about. Read Judges chapters 17-20. These are the stories of what happens when everyone decides his own moral judgment is sufficient. That there is no need a righteous standard of morality such as the 10 commandments. These stories of murder, rape, dismemberment, and the destruction of the inhabitants of an entire town are the sure result of rejecting God's standard of righteousness.
The "right" to choose to act in an evil way is not a right in any way, shape, or form. To claim there is one is to open the way for the destruction of society and the opening of the door to the subjection of the entire nation to it's enemies for when a society has that lack of moral fiber it also lacks the political will to defend itself against those who would destroy it. It seems you've learned nothing from history. The ruling nations of history fell to moral degeneracy time and time again. Babylon--was destroyed even though it had an impenetrable wall surrounding it. The entire army and all the leadership of Babylon was drunk out of the minds the night a guard was bribed to open the river gates. They destroyed themselves with greed and lust.
Greece fell due to Alexander the Great's drinking habits. His drinking habits were very possibly the cause of him being poisoned. And his poisoning was the result of lust for power and greed.
Medo-Persia fell because of the greed of it's kings who looted the gold supplies thus impoverishing their own people. Then they looked to take wealth from another nations by war and lost not only the war but most of their army. So moral decline did them in too.
Rome fell through moral decline also. Their young men became homosexuals more interested in practicing their perversions than in supporting and defending their own nation. In other words, their immorality caused them to become so stupid they didn't understand the consequences of their own actions. They began to hire barbarians to fight for them rather than fight themselves. What a bunch of losers. For some reason they never understood that a hired army had no reason other than their pay to fight so when the going got tough, the Roman army lost it's will to fight. And the emperors were so corrupt that they devalued their own money so they could spend it on themselves and their perverted sexual appetites. Rome fell because of it's own moral degeneracy.
And look at what caused Britain's decline. They had leadership so weak and enervated that Chamberlain was too stupid to recognize Hitler for what he was. He thought he could just keep on selling the rest of the world out and that Hitler would then leave Britain alone because Chamberlain had given him whatever he had demanded of Chamberlain. How stupid can a man get? I guess it's the same reason people think that if they pay off a blackmailer the problem will go away. It's the total denial of reality. And what caused the British to vote in someone as weak as Chamberlain? Their own moral corruption and unwillingness to stand for what was right. They were just as weak and enervated as Chamberlain.
And you socialists are creating the same scenario in the US. You are pushing it into moral degeneracy and calling that "freedom". Sorry, but hedonism in not liberty. Liberty calls for self-control, self-discipline, and moral behavior. None of which is being taught in the educational system. Instead they are teaching our kids that they need "safe spaces" because someone disagreeing with them makes them so distraught they can't handle it. Even writing Trump's name on a step causes them to go into hysterics. And that is the Democrat run educational system we now have. You will soon have your wish as the US will become another Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, etc... because your desire to control everything will destroy our economy and our liberty. You won't realize what you've done until it's over and then you'll regret it, but no one can tell you guys anything now. Unfortunately those of us who oppose you will have to pay the price right along with you for your stupidity.