How could God have a hell in eternity, and his kingdom not be considered a kingdom divided against itself?
...[T]he Christians want us to believe that God would create a zoo of unclean spirits and let it thrive in eternity.
God is the creator (Is. 40:28). Hell is his creation (Matt. 25:41). You disrespect him (Rom. 1:25).How could God have a hell and we not consider that hell as more powerful than him? After all, if the Christian hell were true, then it will have stolen millions of humans from God. It would force God to herd humans into a cattle like place and punish them for not being righteous enough; for not being saved by Christ.
You're already evil--but we ain't seen nothin' yet. :reals:How could a human mind stay sane after being continually punished for 77 million years straight?
How could a human survive after being tortured for 9 billion years in a row?
Why would God punish me for 100 trillion years , and then keep doing it?
because you're an obsessive retard?
Hey, why would God need a hell, why would he erect an eternal monument to sin? Why give sin and evil eternity, when he is going to will it out of existence. Why don't you give God credit for having a mind and common sense. Why should he keep things he does not like, around for eternity?
If eternal hell is the only just punishment for sin (and totally eliminating the sinner from existence is not an appropriate just punishment) then keeping hell around is not a monument to sin, it is a monument to God's perfect justice.
God doesn't. Men do. A man who rejects God needs a place to go to be away from the God he hates. I don't know the full answer, we know it exists, Jesus spoke about it, and did not shy from its existence.
He spoke about it as part of a fable much like one of our local pastors speaks about Star Wars in his sermons. We all know it's fiction and Jesus' audience all knew the Fable of Lazarus and the Rich Man was a fable because, well, they just knew it.
In Revelations 21:4 God reveals there will be no Christian hell.