You pose many good questions; all the while you disavow Christianity yet honor the scriptures. There are over 7 billion people on our planet, one third of which could loosely be labeled “Christian”. Yet you won’t have any of it? You are all alone. I don’t agree that everybody who claims the label “Christian” is one. Nor do I allow that anyone who eschews Christianity (as you do) is approved of God. I’m trying to classify you, we often do that using labels. The alternative is for me to reinvent the wheel by scrutinizing the individual beliefs of 7 billion people. I don’t have time for that. Help me out. So that I know you aren’t a whack job, answer me this. What must I do to be saved?
Well you can just go ahead and put me in the whack job area, because I believe that you, or anyone, don't have to " Do" anything to be saved, I believe Jesus and God " Did" that for you already. You see, I have looked at the scriptures, and what I see is an absolutely free salvation that is an inheritance; and one that the individual does not have to " Accept." Its theirs, and if they don't take it, God will make them receive it. This is what I see in scripture, and I have posted those scriptures. Salvation cannot be earned, no matter what a human " Does." We can't bargain with God, we can't live our lives and be so righteous, as if we leave God no choice but to reward " Our goodness" with salvation; we can't manipulate God, we can't make ourselves worthy;
you can't DO anything!
And you don't need to do anything. You don't need to be crucified. You don't need to be beaten. You don't need to die. All that got done for you. You can't study enough, you can't be good enough, you can't be righteous enough, you can't be religious enough.
You can't;
God can!
And he has! He has done it already for us all. Because he loves us all, and he has what it takes to save us all.
So just go ahead and count me as whack.