One of the hardest things for me on this journey is losing all of my protestant friends, some I have known for decades, some I was very close to, some I called my own family.
I had hundreds of friends and many best friends. This week I said goodbye to the last two friends I have left...they just could not accept my choice and instead began to become hostile.
As a protestant, fellowship is a large part of our life. I ate, breathed and talked with these brothers and sisters of mine. To leave it all was enormously upsetting.
I have no family, and now no old friends. I sacrificed my home and set out on this journey to the Church knowing it would demand all. Not only has it indeed demanded all, it has taken more than all. When I had nothing left but my thoughts, it almost took them through doubt. Having gone through homelessnes and been hungry and freezing on many an occassion in the last year I still held on...and on.
But I tell you this, seeking the truth and the true church has brought me closer to Christ and I feel a sense of deep peace and security. I know these little sacrifices of mine are nothing, absolutely nothing. My life is but a wisp of vapour, one half footstep on an eternal walk.
I am grateful the grace of God has kept me and allowed me to start the long journey home.
God bless you.