Nope, neither.You add and take away from God's word.
When Jesus was walking on the stormy waves of the sea, his disciples could see plainly that he was God in the flesh (Job 9:8). When Saint Peter lowered himself down to the rough water, he too "[tread] upon the crests of the sea." This is what Peter meant by "you may come to share in the divine nature" (2nd Peter 1:4); that you can walk on water, too. In theory, in effect, if you were to believe the Catholic faith perfectly, for the rest of your life, you would be living the life of a saint. The saints believed the faith perfectly. And those with perfected faith, are sharing in the divine nature, and this means that for all who can see, they are indistinguishable from the Creator as a man. Or from the Creator as a woman. "Greater works than these . . . . "Nowhere anywhere in the Bible does it say to dig up decayed bodies and put them on display to be prayed to for a healing, as the Catholics do.
Where is your mouth as you write your posts? Nobody's posts constitute "what comes out of a person's mouth." You had no justification to judge. I was right.RichRock exposed himself when he constantly puts me down.
Then you came and made a false judgement about me.
Jesus says we will know them by their fruit.
Jesus says what comes out of a person's mouth is WHAT IS IN THEIR HEART.
Nowhere anywhere in the Bible does it say that Christians are restricted in their actions only to things that are explicitly stated in "the Bible alone," as you assume here.Nowhere anywhere in the Bible does it say to dig up decayed bodies and put them on display to be prayed to for a healing, as the Catholics do.
Thank you for posting these references.
Nowhere anywhere in the Bible does it say that Christians are restricted in their actions only to things that are explicitly stated in "the Bible alone," as you assume here.
Try again?
Gaudium de veritate,
Why won't you tell me how the Catholics obey Jesus!The Catechism of the Catholic Church is the most significant literature ever.
Your turn.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church is Jesus' special gift to his Bride.Why won't you tell me how the Catholics obey Jesus!
Jesus' words are life, not the catechism.
Tell me, how do you obey Jesus when he says call no man 'father'?
I will tell you how I obey Jesus.
I obey Jesus by not calling any of my brothers in Christ 'father'.
Your turn.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church is Jesus' special gift to his Bride.
Your turn.
Jesus said, "Go, and from now on do not sin any more." John 8:11You have proven that you (Catholics) do not obey Jesus.
Nope, neither.
When Jesus was walking on the stormy waves of the sea, his disciples could see plainly that he was God in the flesh (Job 9:8). When Saint Peter lowered himself down to the rough water, he too "[tread] upon the crests of the sea." This is what Peter meant by "you may come to share in the divine nature" (2nd Peter 1:4); that you can walk on water, too. In theory, in effect, if you were to believe the Catholic faith perfectly, for the rest of your life, you would be living the life of a saint. The saints believed the faith perfectly. And those with perfected faith, are sharing in the divine nature, and this means that for all who can see, they are indistinguishable from the Creator as a man. Or from the Creator as a woman. "Greater works than these . . . . "
Where is your mouth as you write your posts? Nobody's posts constitute "what comes out of a person's mouth." You had no justification to judge. I was right.
Nowhere anywhere in the Bible does it say that Christians are restricted in their actions only to things that are explicitly stated in "the Bible alone," as you assume here.
Try again?
Gaudium de veritate,
Nope.You are trying to make your words equal to that of God's words
Yes, I expected you to know I was talking about another meaning for the word saint., and that just is wrong.
All who come to God through Jesus are saints.
Chapter and verse please.As for us doing greater works---that was during the laying of the foundation.
I know that. :AMR:The foundation has been laid.
Saint Elisha's bones brought a dead man back to life. 2nd Kings 13:21Hebrews 2:3 how shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him.
4 God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will.
Acts 14:3
So Paul and Barnabas spent considerable time there, speaking boldly for the Lord, who confirmed the message of his grace by enabling them to perform signs and wonders.
You cannot defend with truth the evil practice the Catholics do when they dig up decayed bodies and pray to them.
What is?That is not for you to judge.
Yes, I expected you to know I was talking about another meaning for the word saint.
Chapter and verse please.
I know that. :AMR:
Saint Elisha's bones brought a dead man back to life. 2nd Kings 13:21
What would you do with Elisha's bones, if you had them?
I missed them. Specifically, where are the scriptures proving this statement:I gave you the scriptures.
As for us doing greater works---that was during the laying of the foundation.
Oh.As for your question "What would you do with Elsih's bones, if I had them". I would bury them.
I missed them. Specifically, where are the scriptures proving this statement:
I already said it. All you have to do is click on my cited sources.We are debating here. If you have something to say, then say it here.