Why should God accept you?


New member
Hall of Fame
Please post your answers below, being as brief but precise as possible: Why should God accept you? What have you done to be accepted by Him?

1) Only because I trusted in His promise of forgiveness and He doesnt lie.

2) Of myself, nothing. I merely used the measure of the faith granted to all men that He provided to me. Its all about what He did.

Ben Masada

New member
Its you're word against the whole history of the Christian Church. God weighed in on you're religion Ben. He providentially allowed the Temple to be completely ruined, and has providentially prevented it from being re-built. This happened within the 1st generation of the Church, and nothing has changed in the intervening 1,900+ year's. Still no Temple. Still, God underscore's that you're religion is over.


The only reason why HaShem is not allowing the Temple to be rebuilt is the preparation of the Levites to return to the sacrifices. This time there is no reason to use of Pichuach Nephesh to readopt sacrifices of animals. The Remnant of the Jews from throughout the world is already back in Israel and there is no need of sacrifices. But I still want the Temple to be rebuilt but as the mother of all synagogues throughout the world. No sacrifices though. After all, Prophet Jeremiah said that HaShem had never commanded the sacrifice of animals in the first place. Jer. 7:22)


New member
I am accepted because God,The Father chose me through Christ,The Son and called me by God,the Holy Spirit.
Praise God,Father,Son and Holy Spirit for his choosing me! Hallelujah!!!


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1 Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, 2 by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you—unless you believed in vain.