You call this countrified 60's dope smoking hippy a brother?
Beach please
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You call this countrified 60's dope smoking hippy a brother?
The attraction to Dispensationalism, is the premise that only they (Dispies) know how to "rightly divide" the Bible, and only they (Dispies) understand the alleged contradictions found in the Bible.
They (Dispies) have been brainwashed.
Dispies are anti Christ, dumb, stupid.....MADist are cockroaches, dumb, dumber than a mentally challenged saved person....Dispies are idiots....
I have never named called, insulted others, personally attacked others, as all Dispiezs do, nor have I ever attacked anyone on TOL for their belief system.
"They (Dispies) have been brainwashed."-Craigie.
Craigie pie....the devil boy....
Little arms Craigie:Identify this "everyone" that allegedly saw this alleged Saviour, who was "un physical," return, you fraud, as you've been asked, for 3 years.
Let me guess: you redefined the meaning of "everyone."
What's the problem, you wimpy, little arms weasel, greasy mess? Scrambling to your "fallable men" teachers, such as Christ rejecting Flavey Joe Josephus, or thief Hankie Hanegraaf, or water baptismal regenerationists, Max King, and J. Stuart Russell, from whom you plagiarize this "AD 70-sm" "invention, since it is certainly not in the bible, and you did not learn it, on your own, which you admit, on record.
You are in denial, Christ hater, anti semite.
And get a job, infidel, troll, whose "business" filed Chapter 11, and thus, does not follow Paul, as he claims., sponging of his big wife.
Fitting you should show up after my last post.
Meant for Johnny.
Wittle baby need his diaper changed?
You didn't become a preterist by picking up a bible either, nobody becomes what they are strictly by bible osmosis. There is always an outside influence,namely teachers. It's biblical to have teachers by the way.
Someone copy me so that tet can see it.
You call this countrified 60's dope smoking hippy a brother?
You izz trippin'..........
I want to apologize to this member, called "1Mind1Spirit," Jeff, Brucie the junkie, in my "dealings" with him/her. I made an assumption, that assumption being, that he had a voice, at least a little "clout," at least a little "following," some respect, from others, and relevance, on TOL. I was wrong, as he is quite irrelevant, inconsequential, per:
His TOL "home page," a "member" for approximately 2 1/2 years:
This page has had 550 visits
Are we cool, junkie Jeffie? Thanks for checkin' in.
Snuff the punk? Gots any papes? Groovy....Evs....
That's your best shot, junkie? Weighty.Took you how long to Google/Bing that, Brucie boy?
Wittle baby need his diaper changed?
You didn't become a preterist by picking up a bible either, nobody becomes what they are strictly by bible osmosis. There is always an outside influence,namely teachers. It's biblical to have teachers by the way.
Someone copy me so that tet can see it.
I would tell you to be honest, loser,but your rep on TOL, is being the habitual liar of TOL, which even the mods of TOL, assess, so, that won't happen. Even those that agree with you on a few of your "inventions," think you are weird, and a habitual, liar, and sick.
Little arms Craigie:Identify this "everyone" that allegedly saw this alleged Saviour, who was "un physical," return, you fraud, as you've been asked, for 3 years.
Let me guess: you redefined the meaning of "everyone."
What's the problem, you wimpy, little arms weasel, greasy mess? Scrambling to your "fallable men" teachers, such as Christ rejecting Flavey Joe Josephus, or thief Hankie Hanegraaf, or water baptismal regenerationists, Max King, and J. Stuart Russell, from whom you plagiarize this "AD 70-sm" "invention, since it is certainly not in the bible, and you did not learn it, on your own, which you admit, on record.
You are in denial, Christ hater, anti semite.
And get a job, infidel, troll, whose "business" filed Chapter 11, and thus, does not follow Paul, as he claims., sponging of his big wife.
The attraction to Dispensationalism, is the premise that only they (Dispies) know how to "rightly divide" the Bible, and only they (Dispies) understand the alleged contradictions found in the Bible.
They (Dispies) have been brainwashed.