This is now your new response when you can't answer questions.
Fraud, who spams "Darby....You are in denial....Don't you believe the bible?...No one can answer my questions!!!!!Why are you Darby followers so afraid of the question?...................................................................................................................................................,Darby...." or bales, like he does here/in the Hilston debate, when he can't answer a question.
Little arms Craigie:Identify this "everyone" that allegedly saw this alleged Saviour, who was "un physical," return, you fraud, as you've been asked, for 3 years.
Let me guess: you redefined the meaning of "everyone."
What's the problem, you wimpy, little arms weasel, greasy mess? Scrambling to your "fallable men" teachers, such as Christ rejecting Flavey Joe Josephus, or thief Hankie Hanegraaf, or water baptismal regenerationists, Max King, and J. Stuart Russell, from whom you plagiarize this "AD 70-sm" "invention, since it is certainly not in the bible, and you did not learn it, on your own, which you admit, on record.
Why are you Russell, Josephus, Hanegraaf, Sproul, Gentry, DeMars, King, Dennis, Wiki........... followers so afraid of the question?
See how that works, troll Craigie?