Why Moses did not get the priesthood


New member
Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me"

Your religion, and the Qu'ran tell you that some Christians (people of the Book) are living lives not in accordance with scripture.... and that is correct. But rather than focus on failures of people, focus on Jesus and His claims.
Please , explain and give examples.

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Wick Stick

Well-known member
Moses was a priest.

Israel always had two rulers - two "anointed ones." One headed the civil infrastructure of the country - collecting taxes and storing food against famine and heading a public education system. The other headed the military and executed the judiciary function. The former came to be known as the Kohen Gadol (High Priest), while the latter variously held the titles Shaphat (Judge), Sar (Captain), and Malak (King).

Titles aside, from the very beginning, it is clear that this military leader was also regarded as a priest, as over and over again the judges and kings execute intercessory functions. David is the clearest example, as he repeatedly enters the Holy Place of the tabernacle and temple, eats the shewbread therein, intercedes for the country in time of judgment, dances with the procession of the ark, studies the law, and even proclaims himself a priest in the Psalms... not after the Order of Levi or the Order of Aaron, but after the Order of Melchizedek - a priesthood ordained for the kings of Jerusalem and Judah.



New member
6days said:
Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me"

Your religion, and the Qu'ran tell you that some Christians (people of the Book) are living lives not in accordance with scripture.... and that is correct. But rather than focus on failures of people, focus on Jesus and His claims.
Please , explain and give examples.[/QUOTE]
The Qu'ran, several times mentions how some "people of the book" have corrupted the book... Some of the people have been corrupted. And, that was true.....and still is true that some people who call themselves Christians do that.

However, the Qu'ran also tells you that the Torah, Psalms and Injil have been given "step by step" from Allah...and that He will protect his word. So based on the Qu'ran itself, you should be able to accept that our Bibles are God's Words. Yes... there are many translations, but the translations are all providing the same message from God, using slightly different wording.

So, if you believe that Allah gave the Injil..... and has protected it; then you should also trust the words of Jesus, and the claims He made about His divinity.


New member
Please , explain and give examples.[/QUOTE]
The Qu'ran, several times mentions how some "people of the book" have corrupted the book... Some of the people have been corrupted. And, that was true.....and still is true that some people who call themselves Christians do that.

However, the Qu'ran also tells you that the Torah, Psalms and Injil have been given "step by step" from Allah...and that He will protect his word. So based on the Qu'ran itself, you should be able to accept that our Bibles are God's Words. Yes... there are many translations, but the translations are all providing the same message from God, using slightly different wording.

So, if you believe that Allah gave the Injil..... and has protected it; then you should also trust the words of Jesus, and the claims He made about His divinity.
Jesus is angel-like man and he taught his people how to be angel-like. When he said he is the way mean his teachings is the way.... I said before that Islam absolutly refuses making any thing/media to be inbetween God and the believer. No priesthood in Islam.

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