Why marriage matters


New member
Those are not false claims and therefore not libel.

Everything in that OP is true about traditional marriage versus SSM. None of the statements are an attack on any individual or group of people. To say SSM is inferior to traditional marriage is not an attack on gay people. The OP makes no dispersions on people who decide SSM is what they want. The OP never states that gay people are bad for choosing SSM, so you cannot even make that charge.

Just grabbing a couple paragraphs from your OP:

Social science claiming to show that there are “no differences” in outcomes for children raised in same-sex households does not change this reality. In fact, the most recent, sophisticated studies suggest that prior research is inadequate to support the assertion that it makes “no difference” whether a child was raised by same-sex parents.[15]*A survey of 59 of the most prominent studies often cited for this claim shows that they drew primarily from small convenience samples that are not appropriate for generalizations to the whole population.[16]
Meanwhile, recent studies using rigorous methods and robust samples confirm that children do better when raised by a married mother and father. These include the New Family Structures Study by Professor Mark Regnerus at the University of Texas–Austin

The claim that "sophisticated studies suggest that prior research is inadequate" is unsupported by the OP and its reference source. The inclusion of the word "sophisticated" was a nice tough though as it sets up the conclusion that studies the author does no like are unsophisiticated.

What is truly hilarious here is that the cited reference -- Jason Richwine and Jennifer A. Marshall, “The Regnerus Study: Social Science and New Family Structures Met with Intolerance,” Heritage Foundation Backgrounder No. 2726, October 2, 2012 -- is a puff piece in support of Mark Regnerus, 2012 “How different are the adult children of parents who have same-sex relationships? Findings from the New Family Structures Study,” Social Science Research is itself a study derived from a convenience sample that was smaller than any of the studies the authors dismissed as "inadequate".


New member
No evidence? The OP is loaded with evidence.

"Marriage exists to bring a man and a woman together as husband and wife to be father and mother to any children their union produces."
unsupported opinion.

"It is based on the anthropological truth that men and women are different and complementary,"
DIffernt and complementary is a meaningless statement.

" the biological fact that reproduction depends on a man and a woman, and the social reality that children need both a mother and a father." the first statement may be factual but the second opinion.

" Marriage predates government."

This depends on what one is calling marriage and how one defines government

" It is the fundamental building block of all human civilization." Unsupported opinion

" Marriage has public purposes that transcend its private purposes." Unsupported opinion

"This is why 41 states, with good reason, affirm that marriage is between a man and a woman." again an opinion and one that shows author bias.

It is a remarkable coincidence that 41 states also had at one time in their history laws that affirmed that marriage was between two people of the same race.


Well-known member
I never hate free speech. You must be letting your imagination run wild again.

Popping people on the back over your charge that I am somehow assaulting SSM people? What does that even mean?

It means you deceived readers by adding words which I never wrote.

You did not produce the OP with the intention of promoting family through marriage, you produced it to have a SSM row, I reckon....


New member
"Marriage exists to bring a man and a woman together as husband and wife to be father and mother to any children their union produces."
unsupported opinion.

"It is based on the anthropological truth that men and women are different and complementary,"
DIffernt and complementary is a meaningless statement.

" the biological fact that reproduction depends on a man and a woman, and the social reality that children need both a mother and a father." the first statement may be factual but the second opinion.

" Marriage predates government."

This depends on what one is calling marriage and how one defines government

" It is the fundamental building block of all human civilization." Unsupported opinion

" Marriage has public purposes that transcend its private purposes." Unsupported opinion

"This is why 41 states, with good reason, affirm that marriage is between a man and a woman." again an opinion and one that shows author bias.

It is a remarkable coincidence that 41 states also had at one time in their history laws that affirmed that marriage was between two people of the same race.
Every quote you posted of mine is a fact. You know it's true.


New member
It means you deceived readers by adding words which I never wrote.

You did not produce the OP with the intention of promoting family through marriage, you produced it to have a SSM row, I reckon....
What words? You have no idea what my intentions were. You lefties sure think you have mind reading capabilities.


New member
The claim that "sophisticated studies suggest that prior research is inadequate" is unsupported by the OP and its reference source. The inclusion of the word "sophisticated" was a nice tough though as it sets up the conclusion that studies the author does no like are unsophisiticated.....Dante.

That's your opinion. You know good and well that prior research is indeed inadequate.


New member
Dante posted:

Findings from the New Family Structures Study,” Social Science Research is itself a study derived from a convenience sample that was smaller than any of the studies the authors dismissed as "inadequate".

The reason for this is clear: gay and lesbian
families with children are difficult to locate and study because they are rare. For example, the Avon Longitudinal Study of
Parents and Children enrolled over 18,000 mothers but located only 18 who were lesbian (Golombok et al., 2003)

► The New Family Structures Study (Regnerus study) collected data from nearly 3000 adults. ►


New member
The claim that "sophisticated studies suggest that prior research is inadequate" is unsupported by the OP and its reference source. The inclusion of the word "sophisticated" was a nice tough though as it sets up the conclusion that studies the author does no like are unsophisiticated.....Dante.

That's your opinion. You know good and well that prior research is indeed inadequate.

Nonsense. There is extensive research in this area much of it of very high quality. It's just that every real study has reached conclusions that you don't like.


New member
Dante posted:

Findings from the New Family Structures Study,” Social Science Research is itself a study derived from a convenience sample that was smaller than any of the studies the authors dismissed as "inadequate".

The reason for this is clear: gay and lesbian
families with children are difficult to locate and study because they are rare. For example, the Avon Longitudinal Study of
Parents and Children enrolled over 18,000 mothers but located only 18 who were lesbian (Golombok et al., 2003)

► The New Family Structures Study (Regnerus study) collected data from nearly 3000 adults. ►
and how many children raised by gay/lesbian parents did Regnerus actually study?

hint: zero


New member

"I didn’t ask them whether they thought their mom was a lesbian or if their dad was gay. Because, in part, self-identity is a different kind of thing than behavior, and lot of people weren’t “out” in that era."

" I said “lesbian mothers” and “gay fathers,” when in fact, I don’t know about their sexual orientation."

Mark Regnerus in interview with Focus on the Family Oct 2012