Why marriage matters


Well-known member
SSM people and their advocates are quick to charge us with bigotry and hate. They are free to cast aspersions but not willing to receive them.

So who has charged you with bigotry on this thread?

I'm simply suggesting that your long-winded waffle about marriage is innaccurate, is all.
And your idea that the World (or 'we' as you wrote) is not overpopulated is...... scary!

PS. Wow! Just a second.
Some time ago there was a poll to do with who supported the death penalty for SSintercourse.
If I pop back and check...... were you one of the members that supported the death penalty, or not? Help me out here.... save me from having to check.


I doubt that the Catholic Church will carry out ssm services, but it may recognise SSMs, SSUs, SSP's, SSC-Ps in time.
You don't understand Catholic "time." Centuries, is how the Church thinks. Centuries, and millennia. This recent SSB/SSM kick our culture's on right now? 'Catholic Church couldn't care less; it's transient, just like is everything that isn't her herself.
Never say 'never'.
It was more like an always. The Catholic Church will always teach that SSB and SSM are illicit and invalid, respectively.


Well-known member
So who has charged you with bigotry on this thread?

I'm simply suggesting that your long-winded waffle about marriage is innaccurate, is all.
And your idea that the World (or 'we' as you wrote) is not overpopulated is...... scary!

PS. Wow! Just a second.
Some time ago there was a poll to do with who supported the death penalty for SSintercourse.
If I pop back and check...... were you one of the members that supported the death penalty, or not? Help me out here.... save me from having to check.

PSS. That was back in 2005....... you never voted.
But, on the side, if a SS couple were caught in sexual activity, would you support the death penalty?
Tell us that you not support any prosecution or DP and we'll all be mighty relieved.


Well-known member
You don't understand Catholic "time." Centuries, is how the Church thinks. Centuries, and millennia. This recent SSB/SSM kick our culture's on right now? 'Catholic Church couldn't care less; it's transient, just like is everything that isn't her herself.
It was more like an always. The Catholic Church will always teach that SSB and SSM are illicit and invalid, respectively.

Fair enough.
I have been told exactly the same thing by another Catholic here.


Well-known member
You are advocating discrimination and propagating some rather disturbing falsehoods.

The OP and following posts sure do show a very mixed up idea about what marriage should be. Some marriages may follow some similar tenet, but for me marriage was always about love, understanding, togetherness, sharing life together, devotion....... and not much to do with child-bearing. And SS couples deserve to have all of that.


New member
So who has charged you with bigotry on this thread?

I'm simply suggesting that your long-winded waffle about marriage is innaccurate, is all.
And your idea that the World (or 'we' as you wrote) is not overpopulated is...... scary!

PS. Wow! Just a second.
Some time ago there was a poll to do with who supported the death penalty for SSintercourse.
If I pop back and check...... were you one of the members that supported the death penalty, or not? Help me out here.... save me from having to check.
You and your pals charged me with bigotry.


New member
I'm having a hard time in understanding how you think that you can get away with taking my sentence.......
'And whilst doing that why not just leave SSM alone?'
....... then popping 'people' on the back of it and flying off into your rhetorical drivvle about 'free-speech'.... which you hate when it doesn't suit you....?

Now that's a kind of deception, Climate Sanity.
But clearly I've kicked your motor into gear...... look at all those deceptive posts..... Wow!
I never hate free speech. You must be letting your imagination run wild again.

Popping people on the back over your charge that I am somehow assaulting SSM people? What does that even mean?


New member
Eider responded to this quote "Redefining marriage is also a direct and demonstrable threat to religious freedom because it marginalizes those who affirm marriage as the union of a man and a woman. This is already evident in Massachusetts and Washington, D.C., among other locations."

He said that is doing something to SSM couples.

It's speech dude. I'm entitled to it. SSM couples are not entitled to restrict me from saying it.

Speech doesn't do anything to anyone unless it's directing violence or slandering someone.

That quote doesn't qualify.

When you put up your OP and its numerous false claims *cough* lies *cough* you were admitting to (actually since it is written it is libel)and harming people.


Well-known member
You dunno?
Obviously you don't mean me......... you mustr be thinking of people in love who want to forge a happy contented union......

And you dug all this sin up from...... where, exactly?

I wasn't talking to or about you, specifically. I didn't even read what you had posted. I was referring to those who change the natural use of women or men into that which is against nature.

Romans 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

Romans 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.​


New member
When you put up your OP and its numerous false claims *cough* lies *cough* you were admitting to (actually since it is written it is libel)and harming people.
Those are not false claims and therefore not libel.

Everything in that OP is true about traditional marriage versus SSM. None of the statements are an attack on any individual or group of people. To say SSM is inferior to traditional marriage is not an attack on gay people. The OP makes no dispersions on people who decide SSM is what they want. The OP never states that gay people are bad for choosing SSM, so you cannot even make that charge.


New member
Yeah you did just that with yoru OP

I noticed remarkably few facts in your OP. Loads of unsupported opinions but not facts.

The lack of supporting evidence or reason make them falsehoods
It's not advocating discrimination no matter how much you wish that were true.


New member
Yeah you did just that with yoru OP

I noticed remarkably few facts in your OP. Loads of unsupported opinions but not facts.

The lack of supporting evidence or reason make them falsehoods
They are all facts in my OP. I'm sorry your too adle to recognize that.