ECT Why literalism cannot be Biblical--Isaiah 55


Well-known member
Several NT quotes come from Is 53 of course, but not a few are from the surrounding chapters that show us how the apostles were taught to read it. Is 54's first few should be known from Gal 4 as part of the resolution to the new people called Israel--those who are of faith. But even if you've found that, fewer people will be aware of some of sweeping declarations of the rest of the chapter.

If you go to v7, you find that the new Israel is the resolution to the 'brief moment of abandonement' of Israel (the ethne); he means of course that the resolution is in the Gospel.

Then in v9 you find one of the few major look-backs of the OT. 'This is like the days of Noah, when I swore not be angry with you, never to rebuke you again.' Given the fact that there were some miserable times between the testaments and then there is the destruction of Israel in 70 AD, we are forced away from literalism here.

The modern kind of literalism about prophecy seems to have come from a sincere attempt around the beginning of 1900 when so much of the Bible was under attack. It has the flavor of modern empiricism, which grasps at facts while missing many structures of wisdom.

But we can't go where literalism goes here. The nation was ruined, and this is stacked on top of the apostles using the 'barren woman' analogy about the Christian phenomenon.

By not following this pattern and track, Dispensationalism has become fraught with exceptions, has no meaningful impact on our times or culture, and its few proof-points are latched on to for the worst of reasons. For ex., the 'turquoise and sapphires and rubies' and sublime peace ('terror will be far removed') are the utter opposite of the claimed restored state of today...


Obsession is not good, Interplanner. Look and see what it has done to Tetelestai.

Maybe Interplanner and I see what a dangerous belief system Dispensationalism really is.

Godrulz spends most of his time nowadays trying to help Jehovah's Witnesses. Does that mean he's obsessed?

I spend most of my time on TOL showing the errors of Dispensationalism, because it's easy for me because I was one for over 25 years.



Keep laughing.

If Interplanner and I were on a Mormon website, and kept pointing out what a false belief system Mormonism is, and that it was invented by Joseph Smith, my guess is that most of the Mormons wouldn't like me or Interplanner.


One trick ponies.

Actually it's the opposite.

No one can start a thread on TOL in the ECT section without one of you Dispies making a post about "rightly dividing".

It's you Darby followers who are the "one trick ponies".

You guys revolve everything around Dispensationalism.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Keep laughing.

If Interplanner and I were on a Mormon website, and kept pointing out what a false belief system Mormonism is, and that it was invented by Joseph Smith, my guess is that most of the Mormons wouldn't like me or Interplanner.

I don't dislike you, but I do think you should channel your efforts into unbelievers rather than tearing down believers.


I don't dislike you, but I do think you should channel your efforts into unbelievers rather than tearing down believers.

I'm not tearing down believers, I'm showing those who have been brainwashed by Dispensationalism, that it is a false teaching that cannot stand the test of scripture.

Funny, I never see you telling John W anything about tearing down believers.


New member
Dispensationalists are, for the most part, grace believers.
Why are you obsessed with destroying it because the eschatology is different?

Are you brainwashed? I've never encountered brainwashing as defined by wiki except for attempts from high school teachers.

From Wikipedia

Mind control (also known as brainwashing, reeducation, brainsweeping, coercive persuasion, thought control, or thought reform) is a controversial pseudo-scientific theory that human subjects can be indoctrinated in a way that causes "an impairment of autonomy, an inability to think independently, and a disruption of beliefs and affiliations. In this context, brainwashing refers to the involuntary reeducation of basic beliefs and values".[1]

Everything I learned about MAD was all voluntary.


Why are you obsessed with destroying it because the eschatology is different?

It's a lot more than eschatology.

Dispensationalism claims there is a certain group of people that have a different plan from God than everyone else.

This completely goes against everything that was accomplished on the cross, and everything the Apostle Paul taught.

Paul says there is no longer a difference between Jew and Gentile, Dispensationalism says there is.

Dispensationalism claims animal sacrifices for sin atonement are going to take place in the future. Again, this is an anti-Christ teaching that mocks what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Are you brainwashed? I've never encountered brainwashing as defined by wiki except for attempts from high school teachers.

From Wikipedia

Mind control (also known as brainwashing, reeducation, brainsweeping, coercive persuasion, thought control, or thought reform) is a controversial pseudo-scientific theory that human subjects can be indoctrinated in a way that causes "an impairment of autonomy, an inability to think independently, and a disruption of beliefs and affiliations. In this context, brainwashing refers to the involuntary reeducation of basic beliefs and values".[1]

Everything I learned about MAD was all voluntary.


How about those kids that Pink Floyd sang about in The Wall?


New member
Odd thread title; seeing as the first attack one reads of in Scripture is against God's literal Words to Adam; which the Adversary just as quickly changed the intended sense of.

But then again, what is one to expect from Interplanner and Tet- they both subscribe to a system of interpretation first systemized into a system by the Cross denying Roman Catholic Jesuit Priest: Luis de Alcasar.


But then again, what is one to expect from Interplanner and Tet- they both subscribe to a system of interpretation first systemized into a system by the Cross denying Roman Catholic Jesuit Priest: Luis de Alcasar.

Nope, you're wrong.

I can show many, many quotes supporting Preterism before Alcasar.

Alcasar lived from 1554 to 1613

Over a thousand years before Alcasar was even born, Eusebius said the following:

"If any one compares the words of our Saviour with
the other accounts of the historian concerning the
whole war, how can one fail to wonder and to admit
that the foreknowledge and the prophecy of our
Saviour were truly divine and marvelously strange."
Chp 3, The Predictions of Christ HERE