Nope, you're wrong.
I can show many, many quotes supporting Preterism before Alcasar.
Alcasar lived from 1554 to 1613
Over a thousand years before Alcasar was even born, Eusebius said the following:
"If any one compares the words of our Saviour with
the other accounts of the historian concerning the
whole war, how can one fail to wonder and to admit
that the foreknowledge and the prophecy of our
Saviour were truly divine and marvelously strange." Chp 3, The Predictions of Christ HERE
I'm just messing with you on that as I could care less about external assertions.
Tam went back and forth with you along that line as to ECF mentions of ideas very similar to Dispensational distinctives.
She got nowhere with you.
Why? Because you have picked your preferred external sources over those she cited and which you twisted.
In this you remain foolish. You rely more on external sources over the Bible you only claim is your final authority.
You will now debate all this. Have at it; you miss the point of having access to God's thoughts on the things of God through His Word.
You are a fool; you live for arguements based on your external sources read into and or made to harmonize with, the Scripture.
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