Why is sex and sexual orientation so public?


New member
Maybe because what you think is "simple" just isn't.

Okay...I'll take a guess you're complaining (again, as you guys do all the time) about pride parades. Is that it? Seriously?

And maybe what you think I'm thinking is not accurate?
A "Gay Pride" parade is an advertised display. I can simply avoid it.
And I do.
I have not mentioned anything about sexual orientation. That is none of my business.
I have simply mentioned unseemly displays of an overtly sexual nature as something that makes me uncomfortable.
And yes I can look elsewhere too. But it can be invasive as the TV episodes when one is watching with one's children and/or grandchildren and everyone gets up and leaves the room because it is too awkward!


New member
Hall of Fame
I have simply mentioned unseemly displays of an overtly sexual nature as something that makes me uncomfortable.

And again, I have no real idea what gets your goat. I asked about pretty standard PDAs and your response was your new MO: Opaque and offended, as though everything you say is perfectly obvious.:idunno:

But it can be invasive as the TV episodes when one is watching with one's children and/or grandchildren and everyone gets up and leaves the room because it is too awkward!

Well, maybe you're just sensitive, or something. Hard to say.


And maybe what you think I'm thinking is not accurate?
A "Gay Pride" parade is an advertised display. I can simply avoid it.
And I do.
I have not mentioned anything about sexual orientation. That is none of my business.
I have simply mentioned unseemly displays of an overtly sexual nature as something that makes me uncomfortable.
And yes I can look elsewhere too. But it can be invasive as the TV episodes when one is watching with one's children and/or grandchildren and everyone gets up and leaves the room because it is too awkward!
Yes and it is hard to avoid the magazine displays at the grocery store checkout lanes. Next time you go grocery shopping try finding a magazine that is not peddling sex openly.


New member
And again, I have no real idea what gets your goat. I asked about pretty standard PDAs and your response was your new MO: Opaque and offended, as though everything you say is perfectly obvious.:idunno:

Well, maybe you're just sensitive, or something. Hard to say.

It doesn't get my goat. It offends me. Luckily I am free to avoid that which offends me. I don't know what "PDA" stands for?
And Jeepers! I thought I was dialoguing on an open forum? Simply stating an opinion, not offended by other opinions.
It would appear that your mission is to be offended by everything I have to say?
...and, you could just avoid me?


New member
Yes and it is hard to avoid the magazine displays at the grocery store checkout lanes. Next time you go grocery shopping try finding a magazine that is not peddling sex openly.

So true! and whilst I am not a feminist I have noticed that most of the tabloid covers seem to exploit the salaciously stupid females in the entertainment world.


New member
Visit New Orleans during Mardi Gras....

So you hold up a single Bacchanalia as....what?

You didn't connect it to either of my main points, so you come across as obfuscatory, dropping vague single-line comments instead of addressing my actual points.


New member
So you hold up a single Bacchanalia as....what?

You didn't connect it to either of my main points, so you come across as obfuscatory, dropping vague single-line comments instead of addressing my actual points.

What were your actual points?
That which is obfuscatory to some is quite clear to others.
A single Bacchanalian display is just that, a display.
I don't have to take it in.
What were your actual points again?

Jose Fly

New member
Why is sex and sexual orientation so public? Honestly no one cares who/what you are having sex with, no one wants to know nor do they care.

You're going to have to clarify this a bit. Exactly what are you talking about?

But why does the LGBT group force straight people to hear and condone who they have sex with?

How do they do that (both force you to hear and condone)?

Now I know that I am generalizing but generally this is how the group acts and what their culture pushes on ours.

Again, what specifically are you talking about?


New member
What were your actual points?

...you quoted my post, apparently read it, and you're still at this point?

Okay, the minimalist breakdown:
1) The assumption of "normalcy" in a particular sexual orientation, especially under the law, means that sexual orientation is going to be in the news for years to come until America joins the rest of the world in guaranteeing protection against discrimination based on it.

2) Sexuality is not the dirty little wad of sin that taints our souls that our ancestors and elders have wrongly spent centuries treating it as.

That which is obfuscatory to some is quite clear to others.

Well of course it's clear to the obfuscator, but if it isn't clear to anyone else it serves no purpose.

A single Bacchanalian display is just that, a display.
I don't have to take it in.

You don't have to take it in, as Granite already pointed out.

So what was YOUR point in referencing it as a result of my post?
And speak plainly this time!


New member
...you quoted my post, apparently read it, and you're still at this point?

Okay, the minimalist breakdown:
1) The assumption of "normalcy" in a particular sexual orientation, especially under the law, means that sexual orientation is going to be in the news for years to come until America joins the rest of the world in guaranteeing protection against discrimination based on it.

2) Sexuality is not the dirty little wad of sin that taints our souls that our ancestors and elders have wrongly spent centuries treating it as.

I did not mention sexual orientation. I simply stated that sexually explicit displays in public ought not to happen. Further I stated that so far, generally I am able to avoid that which makes me uncomfortable.

Well of course it's clear to the obfuscator, but if it isn't clear to anyone else it serves no purpose.

You don't have to take it in, as Granite already pointed out.

So what was YOUR point in referencing it as a result of my post?
And speak plainly this time!

Kosh III

New member
Where does it say "Thou shalt get married?" I thought Paul demanded celibacy in service to the celibate Christ.


New member
Where does it say "Thou shalt get married?" I thought Paul demanded celibacy in service to the celibate Christ.
1 Corinthians 7:1-9
7 Now concerning the things of which you wrote to me:
It is good for a man not to touch a woman. 2 Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband. 3 Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband. 4 The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. 5 Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. 6 But I say this as a concession, not as a commandment. 7 For I wish that all men were even as I myself. But each one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that.

8 But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am; 9 but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

Sounds to me like he's saying, "I think celibacy is better than marriage, but whichever works for you."


Because they know their acts are sinful. The product of guilt is pushing their error on others even when some are already tolerant. The same ca be said of the jihadist. He is unsure of the validity in which he believes and becomes an extremist in order to prove to himself his thinking is the right thinking. Then Satan double crosses them. Sad.


New member
Because they know their acts are sinful. The product of guilt is pushing their error on others even when some are already tolerant. The same ca be said of the jihadist. He is unsure of the validity in which he believes and becomes an extremist in order to prove to himself his thinking is the right thinking. Then Satan double crosses them. Sad.
This can apply to zealous Christians as well. It is a double-edged sword and it swings both ways.


New member
That's why. Perversity craves acceptance and cannot tolerate disapproval. Or even apathy, it seems to me.
Let's take it a step further. We are a social species, we all crave social acceptance. Don't make a mistake in thinking you are better than someone because that someone craves social acceptance. You do, too.


Well-known member
Let's take it a step further. We are a social species, we all crave social acceptance. Don't make a mistake in thinking you are better than someone because that someone craves social acceptance. You do, too.

Most people think of social acceptance as remaining in the bounds of what's socially acceptable. :think: