Well-known member
The problem is not the existence of a rich minority per se . This has always been the case .
The problem is that in America, we have a tiny handful of superrich people who have collectively possess a staggering amount of money but are hoarding it , and an ever growing number of poor or almost poor people .
The notion that wealthy people will automatically create jobs and be beneficial for a country is a myth . Theoretically this could be the case and sometimes it has been , but the rich are now getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, and more and more of the middle class are being helplessly dragged down into poverty .
Anecdotally, I would say you are dead wrong. Look at the rich from a century or two ago - the Robber Barons, for example. Their wealth valued at today's standards was actually at or above what the likes of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet made. And there are more substantially wealthy people today than there were. In addition, poverty was far more widespread than it is today. Certainly the poorest of the poor were greater in ratio then than they are today (and no one to help them, often). There are certainly nations that have serious poverty problems - but I would point out that these nations are not capitalistic and are victims of rampant corruption.
Today, we have a richer poor class than we certainly had 150 years ago. More people are wealthy and more of what we consider "poor" today in the West are not nearly as bad off as the poor of an earlier day.
I would add that the healthcare issue is only a major issue because we have had significant advances in medical understanding. If we hadn't, who would be complaining about the healthcare system? It's envy, plain and simple. That's what the socialist bigwigs play off of.
Being appalled and outraged by this terrible situation in America does not make you a "socialist, Marxist and communist ". Contrary to popular belief, liberals are not opposed to wealth per se or the existence of rich people . They do not want to "soak the rich " (whatever that means ) , and they do not want to turn America into another Soviet Union , where the vast majority were poor and the government controls the entire economy, and only the top members of the communist party live well .
All they want is to make it possible for people to escape poverty ,keep the middle class form becoming poor, make sure there is a secure safety net for those in need , people can get a good education with out having to struggle to pay for it , find good, secure jobs and retire without starving . is this too much to ask for ? And they also want everyone to have access to good medical care . Yes, health care is a right, not a privilege .
But the GOP has been preventing this from happening for decades, because they are greedy bastards and in the pay of the greediest rich people . And Trump is only going to make things worse if he is not stopped soon .
There is a big difference between the Government trying to lift people out of poverty (it can't) and the government releasing the shackles on money (i.e. high taxes for anyone) to let non-profit and even private philanthropic operation do what it does best. If government increased taxes on Gates and Buffett, they wouldn't be able to give away so much money as they do. And they only made THEIR money because of a system that fosters competition and growth.