Just because they’re easier to read doesn’t’ mean they’re not accurate. Some of the newer versions do a better job of translating than the KJV.
Why the need to translate a translation unless one doesn't or perhaps doesn't want to agree with it?
It might be because of culture. If someone from the 17th century tried to read our modern versions, I’m sure they would have a more difficult time understanding it verses the KJV and I believe the reverse is equally true as well.
Perhaps an untoward culture?
Where do you see them getting their inspiration?
Holy Spirit. New translations make every attempt to make unnecessary His insight..
You’re going to have to point out the difference you see. If you’re talking about “by the faith of” verses “by faith in”, I would suggest the NASB is better for us today.
I looked at the original Greek and that verse is a little confusing so I found others that have the same wording, here is one example.
Ah yes, confusing. How come?
Rom. 3:22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: KJV
Paul said he lived by the faith OF Christ Jesus, the Son of God. Do you believe if a man did that he would have to worry about the quality/power/intimacy of his own faith?
22 even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe; for there is no distinction; NASB
Can you see the word "believe" being the operative word? If you can then question becomes: "who is a believer"? What does it really mean to believe? How 'bout it means, "abandoning oneself to God"? Do you think Paul was a believer? Are you a believer?
When we look at the original Greek, the prep in front of Jesus isn’t there so the translators added it to make it flow.
Who added it?? Isn't every Bible translation an opinion about what was originally written of the accounts; an attempt to better convey what THEY assumed was the intent of the message? Now, which translation is the one best in attempting to convey the richness of the written word; intimacy with God.
Back in the 1600’s “of” must have made more since to them but today “in” makes more sense.
Strongs G2424
Then why change the "of" to "in"? Does it make it easier to understand? NO. I believe if the KJV tanslators had the choice bewteen the preps they chose "of" for a reason that better expresses their conveyence of the message. The object is what is changed at the expense of intimacy, accuracy and example to be attained unto son-ship in the Father. That is why, without the Holy Spirit, the KJV may seem to most to be archaic.
We have to have faith for without it we cannot please God.
And whose faith should we strive for, ours or His? When we arrive at His will we not find ourselves in His Kingdom? Is your faith strong enough to enter it without His life living from you?
Heb. 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Again, the operative word "believe" for which our testings by God will reveal what we are made of.
If I’m off track here, let me know.
I "believe" you are but lets both stay open to be rectified in our thinking these things through and be ready for an answer to anyone as to why we walk the path we have chosen for our understanding.. . . Greek or Holy Spirit? [perhaps Greek with the Holy Spirit would be better. . .') . . [

I enjoyed the challenge to me to explain what I "believe" I understand. I trust it has been a help to you or anyone reading it.