People also forget that King James controlled the presses and it was the only Bible he would allow printed in his empire.
The Romans built vast roads to intended glory of their own vanity.
Despite THEIR intent, God made use of those roads to HIS glory through His Word resident in men who traveled those very roads.
What ever King James' intended 'road' may or may not have been, said road was paved with the bricks and mortar that are the passages in the KJB.
God saw fit not to throw out that vast road system the Romans built, with them.
The KJB issue is better understood when viewed in a similar manner.
Regardless of a man's intent, or that of a publishing house - regardless, for that matter, of manuscripts found in a dumping ground - what has mattered is that bricks and mortar when resident in the hearts of men.
In the same way He made use of the wicked hands of men to save them that believe on Him Who those wicked hands had had nothing but the worst of intentions for.
It is amazing how utterly stupid men can be about this "Bible issue" in their ever focusing on every issue but the one that solves for all its' fool notions...
Philippians 1:18 What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.