Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 6

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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
There are no "rights" that come from evolution.
I agree. So what. We are a republic, and we are made up of people who believe in Christ, and those who don't. So long as we agree that we all have rights, then we can govern ourselves well. Morally.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I want those values imposed, regardless, because abortion is murder, because imprisoning a Christian for sharing his/her faith is wrong.
The former isn't accepted as a rights violation by everybody, only basically by those who hold a religious belief about abortion, like Catholics. The latter is a rights violation according to basically everybody.
It is specifically because our nation held Christian principles and values, that we lasted as long as we did. If/when those things are gone, then laws will continue to reflect a degenerative value system always falling to the least common denominator.
No it's not, it's because we've maintained and defended the liberal institutions of constitutionalism, separation of powers and civilian control of the military.
Except it has gone backwards since the 1960's (and before) where government stop being servants of the people, by the people, for the people
Cultivating and protecting our liberal institutions is how we protect and defend our rights, and that is how our government remains our servant.
, and representatives started increasingly believing that separation of Church and state also meant a state that was separate from those Christian people.
There was no reason to think that. Most elected officials are Christians even today. How are they separate from the Church once working in the state? How is President Biden separate from the Church?
No, we cannot agree. That is why we have a secular state started that was never secular before. There are bibles, and bible verses all over Washington.
There are, but our state has always been secular, it's right in the First Amendment. Our Constitution does not permit us to not be a secular state.
I think he has mentioned those too and does believe those too should be illegal, but these are not those threads. I could be wrong. I obviously haven't talked to him for some time and had little idea until recently, that he'd been attacking church members indiscriminately. Such is counterproductive and harmful and nullifies even the premise he is interested in recriminalizing.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
That's exactly the problem. WHAT rights do we have?
Some are found defended right in the Decalogue. The rights against being murdered and against perjury. Others are the rights against being kidnapped, and against being raped.

But you're right to ask the question, and I myself would love to hash some more of them out. This is all about rhetoric, we have to persuade people to believe in the rights that we know we have. The ones mentioned above are a start, they serve not only as certainty, but also as models. Our rights are universal, and absolute. There is never any justification to murder or to voluntarily perjure or kidnap or rape. These are always violent crimes, direct rights violations, and our laws ought to and do authorize serious penalty for violent criminals. And just because perjury doesn't 'leave a mark' doesn't mean it's not a rights violation, that's an important one when we need to know if the absence of harm means that there was no rights violation, obviously perjury is a serious crime.


Well-known member
The former isn't accepted as a rights violation by everybody,
Doesn't matter. It should be imposed, as it was, always. Taking a life is debasing all humanity and why it was wrong for so long. Christianity insists it is a life because God does. Without Him and His standards, there is no morality. It isn't even possible.
only basically by those who hold a religious belief about abortion, like Catholics.
Doesn't matter. It is wrong for all humans because He says so. If people in the U.S. don't care, we Christians should still push for it because it is a crime against humanity (it debases humans to animals and 'tissue' to be discarded) and it is an act of ending a life, for no other reason than another's 'convenience.' We need laws that protect life, humanity, and the sanctity.
The latter is a rights violation according to basically everybody.
It doesn't matter to Muslims, so no it is not. They put people in prison for it. To insist that it is wrong, is very much a Christian values principle. The day 'secular' society eliminates the right to tell others about Jesus, will be the mark of the beast. What 'should' be a basic right, isn't, if God isn't involved. To acquiesce is to literally give up the foundation FOR those values. When that is done those 'shared' values will no longer be shared and they will be gone.
No it's not, it's because we've maintained and defended the liberal institutions of constitutionalism, separation of powers and civilian control of the military.
Losing it. I realize you don't see it that way. Lawyers and judges and politicians don't either but there really is no such thing as 'separation of Church and state' the way you and others are interpreting it. Such is a godless AND godless-persuaded society. Fact. Such an interpretation creates atheism at its core, because nothing but secularism is left in the wake. We literally are becoming an atheist state. Such will not and cannot last long unless the government is very very good as subjugating people by force.
Cultivating and protecting our liberal institutions is how we protect and defend our rights, and that is how our government remains our servant.
No, a godless society doesn't 'serve.' It (the elite) have always been 'served.' It is happening in China. It happened in the former USSR (and still does to a degree).
There was no reason to think that. Most elected officials are Christians even today.
Perhaps in name only. A Christian will champion God's values. We have not seen that politician in a very very long time.
How are they separate from the Church once working in the state? How is President Biden separate from the Church?
Easy, he made decisions harmful to Christ-like morals, on purpose. It doesn't matter if one says he/she is a Christian if they are harming people (and they have been).
There are, but our state has always been secular, it's right in the First Amendment.
No it isn't, or we'd not have the Bibles of presidents, or churches on government land, or bible verses all over Washington. Have you been there?
Our Constitution does not permit us to not be a secular state.
Its a lie told since the 1950's. There would have been no way for 'In God We Trust" to be printed on bills if such were true. It is a very recent mindset and events that have led to such a warped view of separation of Church and state. The goal was to keep from using 'power' to try and convert people (because it doesn't work), NOT to eliminate Christ from discussion or even law discussion and classrooms, not to remove prayer books or mention of Christian historical happenings, not to remove bible verses from classroom walls, nor especially to 'try and be moral without God guiding." "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
NOT separate from the state! It is the very FOUNDATION of these states! Without the preamble there is nothing to attach society to, nothing to bring it together, nothing to hold it. Without the 'united' part, in God, there are just 'states' and none of those without any kind of glue to hold society together. God is the only glue appealed to in our Declaration and even in our Constitution. You don't want a 'secular' state, but a state that recognizes that men cannot be forced to become Christian. It makes a state 'of' Christians tolerant of others who are not, welcomes them, but knows that only a Christian state can possibly lead and govern others, because it is service oriented, love oriented, and filled enough with the right kind of principles and sacrifice that can make government by and for the people actually work.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It is only a matter of time until a ruling is made that discriminating against an employee for being a pedophile violates the Civil Rights Act.

You can already see the preparation and movement in that direction, just like you could see the preparation for LGBTQ acceptance decades ago.
Um, just no. For starters, a paedophile wouldn't even be a co-employee because they'd be in jail and if you're even remotely familiar with how the law regards paedophilia, child molestation and abuse you wouldn't have made such an asinine statement to start with. Laws in regards to such have tightened, stringently.


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Locking the thread, since it's archived.

If you would like to continue this discussion, please start a new thread.


I identify as a Christian
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I never thought I’d see the day when this angry, dishonest man would get banned. I even had to come out of hibernation just to check if the reports were true! :eek:
Pete! You are back. Yes he was canned for attacking the brethren.
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