Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Oh look, it's the Sears catalogue men's underwear fantasy boy that has returned to the thread to smear someone who stands for decency.

You'll have to do better than that Mr. pretend homosexual, as you're an amateur when it comes to smears.

What Arthur's fellow child indoctrinator is talking about is this: For those who have followed this thread they'll recall that I've told the story about what my Pastor says when he see's a beautiful woman but doesn't want to allow his mind to wander into immoral territory.

"Good job God!"

See, once again, straight folk wouldn't be writing stuff like that and where it comes to smears then it's hardly anything to be proud of as it is.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Did the hysterical sissy who most definitely doesn't want to identified with anal sex mention in his documentary that amongst other things foreign homosexuals would go into Uganda and recruit chidlren?

The pastor was the one who was unhinged and Fry merely pointed out how bizarre it was that zealots are so hung up on a certain act that and many other gay men don't indulge in.

So the answer is "No, the proud and unrepentant homosexual/homosexual activist who turned into a hysterical sissy when a Ugandan Pastor started talking about anal sex (again, review the video at the 1:00 minute mark) didn't mention in his documentary that foreign homosexuals came into Uganda to indoctrinate children."

Kit the Coyote

New member
See, once again, straight folk wouldn't be writing stuff like that and where it comes to smears then it's hardly anything to be proud of as it is.

It seems that he finally accepted that I do not fit in his stereotypes and being unable to deal with the idea of a well adjusted LGBT person is falling back on a variation of no true Scotsman to claim I'm a 'pretend' bisexual. This overjoys me to no end! With my earlier counting coup, this makes two victories.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So the answer is "No, the proud and unrepentant homosexual/homosexual activist who turned into a hysterical sissy when a Ugandan Pastor started talking about anal sex (again, review the video at the 1:00 minute mark) didn't mention in his documentary that foreign homosexuals came into Uganda to indoctrinate children."

I think he's into propaganda as much as women. You really don't want to be calling other men sissy's either considering.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It seems that he finally accepted that I do not fit in his stereotypes and being unable to deal with the idea of a well adjusted LGBT person is falling back on a variation of no true Scotsman to claim I'm a 'pretend' bisexual. This overjoys me to no end! With my earlier counting coup, this makes two victories.

Bear in mind that he has obvious issues of his own to deal with. It explains why he has to vilify people who are a bi and homosexual into stereotypes of the worst sort. This was exactly the same characteristics exhibited by "Just Tom" who was a self loathing homosexual man himself and finally admitted as much when he still posted here.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
One of us was a college basketball player while the other one played table tennis.

Did they have cheerleaders at your ping pong tournaments Arthur?

Oh, of course, I forgot that certain sports are more "straight" than others and there's never been a case of a basketball/baseball/football player being gay has there?


You're overcompensating doofus.


It seems that he finally accepted that I do not fit in his stereotypes and being unable to deal with the idea of a well adjusted LGBT person is falling back on a variation of no true Scotsman to claim I'm a 'pretend' bisexual. This overjoys me to no end! With my earlier counting coup, this makes two victories.

Actually Kit, while you are a homosexual activist (a nice word for "child indoctrinator") you've admitted that you don't engage in faggotry, but only fantasize about it.

BTW, you were going to pull up those posts of mine where I allegedly said that I don't find women attractive.

How's that research coming along? (Put down the Sears catalogue son and get to work).


Oh, of course, I forgot that certain sports are more "straight" than others and there's never been a case of a basketball/baseball/football player being gay has there?


You're overcompensating doofus.

The followers of this thread have learned much about Arthur in the studies I've shown about reparative/conversion therapy:

An effeminate boy who was put into non contact sports because he was perceived to be 'fragile'.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Actually Kit, while you are a homosexual activist (a nice word for "child indoctrinator") you've admitted that you don't engage in faggotry, but only fantasize about it.

BTW, you were going to pull up those posts of mine where I allegedly said that I don't find women attractive.

How's that research coming along? (Put down the Sears catalogue son and get to work).

It seems to be more the case that you didn't give a "straight" answer as to whether you'd ever been sexually attracted to women but deflected away from it, possibly to avoid lying I suspect.


It seems to be more the case that you didn't give a "straight" answer as to whether you'd ever been sexually attracted to women but deflected away from it, possibly to avoid lying I suspect.

Happily married with children. I'm blessed to have a gorgeous wife who is also a follower of Christ.

Now let's talk about a 45 year old male who vehemently defends homosexuality and has never married, doesn't date (women) nor fathered children.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The followers of this thread have learned much about Arthur in the studies I've shown about reparative/conversion therapy:

An effeminate boy who was put into non contact sports because he was perceived to be 'fragile'.

And the projection continues. I've played plenty of contact sports in my life, was never deemed "too fragile" to avoid them, just didn't turn out to be much good at them. My strengths were athletics, pool and racquet sports. Never been "effeminate" either...

This is strange even for you...


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Happily married with children. I'm blessed to how a gorgeous wife who is also a follower of Christ.

Now let's talk about a 45 year old male who vehemently defends homosexuality and has never married, doesn't date (women) nor fathered children.

Nobody's buying it, just like nobody bought into you being a cop. Like Just Tom, you've given yourself away too many times...

If you want to talk about some 45 year old bloke then it's not altogether surprising but it doesn't interest me to be honest...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I bet you have Arthur, I bet you have ;) (I read about those sports in the CDC "sports page").

Not that I wouldn't love to continue trash talking, but I've got things to do today.

And once again, the creepy, projecting homosexual innuendo again...

You should really follow in Just Tom's footsteps and acknowledge the situation. Hopefully he's come to terms with his homosexuality and leading a happier life than the one he obviously didn't have while posting here.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Question for you: Society still generally accepts that it is bad and wrong for a husband or wife to screw around on their spouse, and religiously speaking it is also a sin. Would you make it a crime and throw people in jail for having an affair?
So you're asking me if a behavior (adultery) that destroys marriages, families and lives should be illegal?

If that's how you want to phrase it. I am drawing an equivalent to your position on homosexuals. If you think that homosexual activity should be criminalized then I must assume that adultery should also be criminalized by your standards. I am also curious, where is that in the Constitution, that such things are the purview of government.

AND: If you bring up pedophile acts, I would remind you that the criminality there actually has to do with the fact that kids are kids, not adults; the criminality is not with the act itself.


Originally Posted by CatholicCrusader
Question for you: Society still generally accepts that it is bad and wrong for a husband or wife to screw around on their spouse, and religiously speaking it is also a sin. Would you make it a crime and throw people in jail for having an affair?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So you're asking me if a behavior (adultery) that destroys marriages, families and lives should be illegal?

If that's how you want to phrase it.

First of all I have to take issue with your statement that "society generally accepts that it is bad and wrong for a husband or wife to screw around on their spouse...".

The adultery website Ashley Madison is a very popular website in the United States (45 MILLION members). A few years back the television 'Desperate Housewives" was top rated, even though one of it's main themes was adultery. Etc. etc. etc.

We've had a couple of adulterers in the White House. Bill Clinton was caught having an extra marital affair during his Presidency and his popularity soared afterwards. The current Degenerate in Chief has had numerous extra marital affairs prior to being elected President (yet he was elected by people like you. Need I bring up your dozen or more pro Trump threads?).

Moral depravity is the "in thing" in our once God-fearing nation.

I am drawing an equivalent to your position on homosexuals. If you think that homosexual activity should be criminalized then I must assume that adultery should also be criminalized by your standards.

While one behavior is immoral (adultery) and the other one is both immoral and a sexual depravity (homosexuality), both had been criminalized throughout western civilization and during the vast majority of US history. While I'm honored that you think that I set the "standard" for moral laws, all credit goes to God and the Holy Bible's teachings on sexual sins and the role of civil government.

I am also curious, where is that in the Constitution, that such things are the purview of government.

One only read the writings of the Founding Fathers to understand their views on homosexuality.


AND: If you bring up pedophile acts, I would remind you that the criminality there actually has to do with the fact that kids are kids, not adults; the criminality is not with the act itself.

Laws can be and have been changed. Homosexuality was once a felony in the US. Age of sexual consent laws can be lowered or abolished.

Rights are being stripped from parents. As we've seen the NAMBLA faction of the LGBTQueer movement has outlawed therapy for youths with homosexual desires and/or gender confusion. Some States allow youths as young as 15 to get abortions or to get gender reassignment surgery without parental consent.

The terms "gay youth" and "transgender youth" are household words in our morally depraved society.


The times they are a changing. I'm just pointing out in this 5 part thread that they're not changing for the betterment of individuals and society, and have given the remedy for the cancer that has consumed our nation.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've read and reread your post and darned if I can find your explanation as to why you vehemently tell people that you don't have homosexual desires. Do you remember when you told Wile Coyote EIGHT TIMES in one post that you weren't a homosexual?

It was a simple question Arthur which I'm certain that many of your fellow homosexual activists are interested in an answer as well:

Why do you go out of your way to point out that you don't have homosexual desires?

The bigger question, oh uncultured one, is why you go out of your way to accuse him of having such desires in the first place? His denial is only in response to your false allegations.

Exodus 20:16: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.[FONT=&quot]

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The bigger question, oh uncultured one, is why you go out of your way to accuse him of having such desires in the first place? His denial is only in response to your false allegations.

Exodus 20:16: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.[FONT="]

Cheers dude.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The bigger question, oh uncultured one, is why you go out of your way to accuse him of having such desires in the first place? His denial is only in response to your false allegations.

Exodus 20:16: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.[FONT="]

Pete! :wave2:
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