Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Done defending Donald Trump so soon? There are other Trump supporters here on TOL, call them in.

Listen, I know Trump doesn't have the mindset of a president, he lacks too much mentally, socially and worldly wise knowledge. He is a joke and a fool but that';s what's so endearing about him - I really think he can do better than most !

Thank you for being honest and showing that Donald Trump is not only a joke and a fool but so are his followers.

I heard Trump say he would re-criminalize homosexuality. Seriously though, he will have so many advisers and smart people around him, he won't decide anything on his own.

Again: Call other Trump supporters into the thread and perhaps they can give some specifics as to why Donald Trump would make a great President.


New member
This 4 part thread has shown the need for nations' and individuals to abide by God's moral code.

In any event, at least you know a little bit more about the foundation of the United States.
The thing is aCW that you don't actually represent any godly morality, you may think you do, but you can only represent your own.


This 4 part thread has shown the need for nations' and individuals to abide by God's moral code.

In any event, at least you know a little bit more about the foundation of the United States.

The thing is aCW that you don't actually represent any godly morality, you may think you do, but you can only represent your own.

Just think of all of the homosexuals that would be alive today and living in good health (HIV/AIDS free, etc.) if they had only listened to God's Word.

Which reminds me: I was going to talk about the origin of the word "homophobe". Back later with that.


Time to address a couple of posts that were written while I was on hiatus from TOL.

aCW has been sent to the naughty step.
Normal homophobic bigotry will no doubt resume at some later date.


If only the LGBTQ movement could use a deodorizer to spray away all of the misery, disease and death that they experience Al. I've shown you a book on numerous occasions that can do it all, but unfortunately many people don't want to learn from it.

Regarding the word "homophobic":

While many articles have been written about it (the vast majority from a leftwing perspective), I like this one from conservapedia.com.

Homophobia would be an irrational fear or hatred of homosexuals, if it really existed. The current usage of terms like "homophobic" and "homophobe" imply that all opposition to homosexuality is crazy. Actually there are many sociological, psychological and medical reasons that many logically-thinking people oppose homosexuality. People who abuse terms like "homophobia" are implying (whether they know it or not), that it's impossible to "love the sinner and hate the sin". No one talks about opposition to alcoholism in terms of hatred, because groups like Alcoholics Anonymous have popularized the view that drinking alcohol is addictive. The term homophobia, when it is applied to every criticism of homosexuality, implies that all such criticism is irrational (see phobia).

Commenting on its psychological use, WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian states,

This is how the "marketers of evil" work on all of us. They transform our attitudes by making us feel as though our "super uncomfortable" feelings toward embracing unnatural or corrupt behavior of whatever sort – a discomfort literally put into us by a loving God, for our protection – somehow represent ignorance or bigotry or weakness.[1]

Homophobia is an etymologically incorrect term which most directly denotes "an unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality",[2] but it also includes a fear of increased political and social power of homosexuals in advancing their agenda. The term is used regularly by activists to describe several kinds of people, which may or may not match the actual definition of "fear of homosexuals and homosexuality". The recipients of the homophobia label include those who feel uncomfortable around homosexuals, those who reveal that they oppose "gays," and even those who may privately support homosexuality but who fail to publicly support homosexuals when called upon to do so.[3]

Conservative Christians [*] and other people who strongly object to homosexuality often take offense at this term, which had led to the use of the term heterophobia to describe those who manifest an antipathy to those who uphold heterosexuality as normative or exclusively valid. While the term phobia is an irrational fear of something, nobody is afraid of homosexuals, and nobody fears contracting homosexuality. That is in contrast to heterophobia, whose existence has been documented...

Read more: http://www.conservapedia.com/Homophobia

[*]I didn't know that you could be a Christian and not strongly object to things that God abhors.

The article goes on to talk about George Weinberg, who is a homosexual activist and psychologist.

Looking at another website that talks about George Weinberg, it's not any surprise that he is a homosexual activist (even though he states that he's heterosexual, it's very likely that he experimented with homosexuality in his younger years).

George Weinberg: The high point in my life was one that I certainly didn't see or appreciate when it happened because I was a few months old. My father, who was from a wealthy family and highly educated, a lawyer, Yale and Columbia, walked out with the benefit of a healthy push from my mother, a seventh grade graduate, who took a typing course and got a secretarial job as fast as she could.

My father was a pedant and a bully who cared about nobody, and I was not to see him until I was eighteen. My mother was devoted, very bright, and above all, very humane. "You judge someone by how that person treats the least important person in his life," she would tell me often, and she watched over me to safeguard my caring as much as my intellectual development.

Having her to myself without him anywhere near me was the great break of my life, one that I could evaluate only after getting to know him later on. It wouldn't have mattered to my mother if I married a black, was gay, lived in a commune or wore a dress. I didn't grow up with any concept of people being deviants unless they mistreated others.

Read more: http://www.pflagdetroit.org/george_weinberg.htm

An abusive father, an overbearing mother; how many times have we heard that story with people who engage in homosexuality?

Now we know the truth about the word "homophobia" and how messed up the people who use it are.


The best and worst things about a President Trump

March 4, 2016

The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is the ComicCon of conservative politics. Republicans of all ages, from all over America, come dressed in their best - or craziest - to hear panels of conservatism’s brightest minds. We went to CPAC and asked attendees two questions: what the best thing and the worst thing about a Trump presidency would be.

Read more here: http://www.thenewstribune.com/news/politics-government/election/article64044562.html#storylink=cpy

"He sure does change his mind a lot, so it might be easy to get what you want."


New member
Now we know the truth about the word "homophobia" and how messed up the people who use it are.
Since you are someone who claims that atheists can and do hate a god they don't think exists then I'm not sure that you are particularly qualified to criticise word usage aCW.:nono:


Since you are someone who claims that atheists can and do hate a god they don't think exists then...

I've used homosexual/defender of "good pedophiles"/atheist/God-hater Dan "ménage a troi" Savage as a prime example on numerous occasions Al.

I'm not sure that you are particularly qualified to criticise word usage aCW.:nono:

Note that this is one of few posts where you didn't call me a homophobe. Perhaps rubbing a dog's nose in it's...does work?


New member
I've used homosexual/defender of "good pedophiles"/atheist/God-hater Dan "ménage a troi" Savage as a prime example on numerous occasions Al.
Dan seems to be an agnostic/atheist just like me aCW, he really does seem to know how many beans make five. :)

Note that this is one of few posts where you didn't call me a homophobe. Perhaps rubbing a dog's nose in it's...does work?
I want you to know that I don't use that word gratuitously, only as and when it is really justified. People who are homophobic are usually too scared of homosexuals imo to tolerate them being around, particularly perhaps if they are repressing their own homosexuality and for whatever reason don't want to admit it to themselves let alone others? :plain:


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I've used homosexual/defender of "good pedophiles"/atheist/God-hater Dan "ménage a troi" Savage as a prime example on numerous occasions Al.

Dan seems to be an agnostic/atheist just like me aCW, he really does seem to know how many beans make five.

Why stop the comparison there Al? Dan "the doorknob licker" Savage is 'married' to another male. He and the guy he most likely met in a public restroom toilet stall adopted a young boy so that they could indoctrinate him to the ways of perversion, etc. etc. Surely you and Savage's lifestyle have more in common than just a hatred of God Al?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Note that this is one of few posts where you didn't call me a homophobe. Perhaps rubbing a dog's nose in it's...does work?

I want you to know that I don't use that word gratuitously, only as and when it is really justified. People who are homophobic are usually too scared of homosexuals imo to tolerate them being around, particularly perhaps if they are repressing their own homosexuality and for whatever reason don't want to admit it to themselves let alone others?

Someone needs to reread the article that I posted.

"Homophobia would be an irrational fear or hatred of homosexuals, if it really existed. The current usage of terms like "homophobic" and "homophobe" imply that all opposition to homosexuality is crazy. Actually there are many sociological, psychological and medical reasons that many logically-thinking people oppose homosexuality. People who abuse terms like "homophobia" are implying (whether they know it or not), that it's impossible to "love the sinner and hate the sin". No one talks about opposition to alcoholism in terms of hatred, because groups like Alcoholics Anonymous have popularized the view that drinking alcohol is addictive. The term homophobia, when it is applied to every criticism of homosexuality, implies that all such criticism is irrational (see phobia)."

I would love nothing more than to see perverts like Dan Savage get spiritual and psychological help and renounce his disease ridden/child indoctrinating/molesting lifestyle and accept Christ as his Savior. It can be done, even with hardcore homosexuals like Dan Savage.


Good question: Either a VP offer or a key to the Presidential Suite at his New Jersey casino/hotel.


The point is: they're both liberals. Keep in mind that a couple of years ago Chris Christie signed legislation that would make it unlawful for the parents of sexually confused youth to seek therapy for their child.

Christie Signs Law Banning Minors From Therapy for Same-Sex Attraction
Even I have to admit this to be a good post. And I believe Dan Savage doesn't understand that slaveries of the bible are criminal punishments were the person tries to keep his rights will not owning land property. :wave:


Care to discuss the Donald Trump-George Soros connection?
Morelike the MSNBC-Donald Trump connection. Again the CFR/(aks Mainstream Media) are destroying what they created with Nixon using Trump. I don't believe any Neocon clown will defeat Hillary, and we know Trump and Sanders don't have a chance. You don't know how good you have it.


New member
Why stop the comparison there Al? Dan "the doorknob licker" Savage is 'married' to another male. He and the guy he most likely met in a public restroom toilet stall adopted a young boy so that they could indoctrinate him to the ways of perversion, etc. etc. Surely you and Savage's lifestyle have more in common than just a hatred of God Al?
I can just sense the bitter jealousy you have of him and his lifestyle aCW, it's sad that you can't come to terms with it yourself and open up.

Ah yes Philemon, my favourite book in the Bible. ;)
Philemon 1:12 KJV "Whom I have sent again: thou therefore receive him, that is, mine own bowels."
You can't argue about kind of thing aCW, so utterly daft and simply so wrong.
I suggest that Dan, like me, might possibly hate your stupid idea of God, but that has no bearing at all on any possibly real deity up there whom we would need to know rather better before hating or loving.

Someone needs to reread the article that I posted.

"Homophobia would be an irrational fear or hatred of homosexuals, if it really existed. The current usage of terms like "homophobic" and "homophobe" imply that all opposition to homosexuality is crazy. Actually there are many sociological, psychological and medical reasons that many logically-thinking people oppose homosexuality. People who abuse terms like "homophobia" are implying (whether they know it or not), that it's impossible to "love the sinner and hate the sin". No one talks about opposition to alcoholism in terms of hatred, because groups like Alcoholics Anonymous have popularized the view that drinking alcohol is addictive. The term homophobia, when it is applied to every criticism of homosexuality, implies that all such criticism is irrational (see phobia)."
I'm quite sure that there are plenty of ways of pretending that it isn't actually homophobia and that there are perfectly good reasons for denying homosexuals the right to choose for themselves what they want to do in bed and with whom, but it's all bigoted hogwash. Most of it of course can be applied to heterosexuals too, but the strongest objections and indeed fear of homosexuality comes from fundamentalist adherents of the Bible.

I would love nothing more than to see perverts like Dan Savage get spiritual and psychological help and renounce his disease ridden/child indoctrinating/molesting lifestyle and accept Christ as his Savior. It can be done, even with hardcore homosexuals like Dan Savage.
Your homophobic spiteful language says rather more than the actual words do aCW.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Care to discuss the Donald Trump-George Soros connection?

Morelike the MSNBC-Donald Trump connection. Again the CFR/(aks Mainstream Media) are destroying what they created with Nixon using Trump. I don't believe any Neocon clown will defeat Hillary, and we know Trump and Sanders don't have a chance. You don't know how good you have it.

Ted Cruz just won the Kansas caucuses.


The Latest: Cruz scores a victory in Kansas caucuses

Note how there is a picture of Donald Trump below the headline. Shouldn't there be a picture of the winner, Ted Cruz? (the Establishment mainstream media is sickening).

I was watching the left-wingers at Faux News (former HuffPo blogger Greg Gutfeld) sweating over conservative Ted Cruz posing a serious threat to their beloved Donald Trump.

This race is far from over, even though the lamestream media would like it to be.


Trump is the winner !!!

Until other Trump supporters come forward and state why Donald Trump would be a good President, this seems to be the mentality of your average Donald Trump supporter:

...I know Trump doesn't have the mindset of a president, he lacks too much mentally, socially and worldly wise knowledge. He is a joke and a fool but that';s what's so endearing about him -...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member


And? He's not going to re-criminalize homosexuality even if he did make it into the white house. No politician would unless they wanted to commit political suicide for some reason...

In case you hadn't noticed Art, this 4 part thread deals with a lot more than just the recriminalization of homosexuality. Ted Cruz as President, will return certain matters back to the respective States. If you recall, around a dozen or so States still have homosexuality on their legislative books as being a crime.

Federal rulings (Roe v Wade, Lawrence v Texas, Obergefell v Hodges) are partially responsible for getting the United States into the sad shape that we're currently in. I foresee returning to "States Rights" as a way to get us out.
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