More from the ever so 'tolerant' LGBTQueer movement:
Court: Farmers can’t refuse same-sex ‘wedding’ in backyard, fines them $13,000
ALBANY, New York, January 18, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Farmers who host weddings in their backyard cannot refuse ceremonies where two people of the same sex are trying to get married, a New York court has ruled.
The court's decision affirmed the state's Division of Human Rights (DHR) ruling against Robert and Cynthia Gifford, owners of Liberty Ridge Farms, after they declined to host a "wedding" for a same-sex couple. The Giffords said they would host the reception for a lesbian couple, but the ceremony itself would have to be hosted elsewhere because of their religious beliefs about marriage.
DHR found that the couple violated New York's "places of public accommodation" anti-discrimination law. If the court's decision stands, the Giffords must pay $10,000 in state fines and an additional $3,000 in damages to the lesbian couple, Jennie McCarthy and Melissa Erwin, for "mental pain and suffering."
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$13,000? After shyster fees, that'll barely pay HRC membership dues, not to mention all of the visits to shrinks to help overcome their "mental pain and suffering".
Mental pain and sufferers and proud and unrepentant homosexuals Jennie McCarthy and Melisa Erwin