Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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I think ACW truly loves all people, with an affinity for the LBGT folks.

I had to think long and hard before I responded to this post.

After seeing what so many of those who engage in homosexual behavior went through as a child (GFR7's/WizardofOz/Patrick Jane's testimony being one of them:
http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4064685&postcount=2473), I can't help but have a soft place in my heart for those lost souls who engage in homosexual behavior. Mind you it's not easy, as we're talking about a movement of hardcore perverts that amongst other things molest the minds and bodies of innocent children, take away parental rights and change society's invaluable institutions.

He has a deep connection somehow, I can sense it.

Jesus' 2nd greatest commandment is not a suggestion, it's a commandment.

Matthew 22:36-40

Of all of the sinful behaviors out there, this one is without a doubt the most tasking for me when it comes to loving my neighbor as I love myself.

Knowing that righteous laws can be legislated again to get you the help that you're so desperately crying out for helps me tremendously.


Eclectic Theosophist
False equations.......

False equations.......

If your child was a serial rapist murderer pedophile, would you still love them?

First of all, answer my question. Secondly,....you cannot equate or even necessarily associate the above with being LGBTQ.....that's just asinine, besides ridiculous. To be charitable and answer your false equivocation, I would love my child by the love of 'God' within me no matter what sins they may commit.


Eclectic Theosophist
Pedophilia, pederasty, incest, bestiality, all fit into your "love is love" definition.

Horse pucky

Defend them.

I will do no such thing, nor do I need to since yours is a false equation and association. You cannot put those all into the same category, nor can you prove my statement "love is love" includes your sordid subjects listed above. It's pure idiocy.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Pedophilia, pederasty, incest, bestiality, all fit into your "love is love" definition.

Horse pucky

Speaking of bestiality: Were you aware that some states don't have bestiality laws, but instead have laws against animal cruelty when it comes to this very sick act?

My point? Many states take sex between two people of the same gender more serious than sex with an animal.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Defend them.

I will do no such thing, nor do I need to since yours is a false equation and association. You cannot put those all into the same category, nor can you prove my statement "love is love" includes your sordid subjects listed above. It's pure idiocy.

But "love is love".


From our good friends at "Gay Christian Movement Watch":

Audacity of a lie: timeline of Barack Obama’s false religious life



From the beginning of his presidency this evil man has been consistent in promoting the LGBTQueer agenda.


New member


New member
First of all, answer my question. Secondly,....you cannot equate or even necessarily associate the above with being LGBTQ.....that's just asinine, besides ridiculous. To be charitable and answer your false equivocation, I would love my child by the love of 'God' within me no matter what sins they may commit.

Strange, I didn't equate the two.

Your question is too vague ("If your child was LGBTQ"). Are you talking about an adult child? And by "was" do you mean participating in homosexual behaviors?



Quite a few of the posts in these 20 pages are about Kim Davis, the Kentucky Court Clerk who stood her ground against 'gay' marriage.

I've highlighted in red a few articles that are a must read as well as noted that the founder of the world's most powerful homosexual organization, the Human Rights Campaign, bought his way out of a child molestation conviction.

Table of contents for pages 21-40:

Video of homosexual icon Dan Savage, Obama's bully in chief; page 21, post #304

Miley Cyrus Comes Out As Pansexual/Miley Cyrus and the Tragedy of a Lost Childhood; page 21, post #314

Homosexual Movement Is Grave Threat to Freedom (Gina Davis article); page 24, post #349

aCW reviews the inseparable ties between the homosexual and abortion movements for homosexualist Town Heretic; page 24, post #359

The Latest: Attorney for clerk says decision unprecedented/Statement by Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Who Refuses to Issue Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Licenses – Liberty Counsel; page 25, post #'s 370 and 371

Ted Cruz blames Obama for climate of violence against police; page 25, post #375

Ben Carson and civil unions (Bryan Fischer exposes the supposed conservatism of Presidential hopeful Ben Carson); page 26, post #379

Is Kim Davis a modern day version of Rosa Parks? To my knowledge Kim Davis isn't a communist (Rosa Parks ties to the Communist Party exposed); page 27, post #397; Bryan Fischer article. page 28, post #416

Judge Who Jailed Kim Davis Ordered Students Who Opposed Homosexuality to Be Re-Educated (David L. Bunning exposed); page 28, post #415

The Westboro Baptist Church Is Outraged at Kim Davis Too...; page 28, post #417

Is a right invented by a judge the same as the law of the land?; page 30, post #445


FreeKimDavis.com Purchased to Deceptively Raise Funds for Homosexual Activist Human Rights Campaign; page 31, post #453

Nebraska man faces felony charges after stealing, burning neighbors’ gay pride flag as part of ‘prank’; page 32, post #468

Novelist and homosexual James Baldwin: Yet another homosexual who had "father issues"; page 32, post #467

Martyr or lawbreaker? Kim Davis case roils Republicans; page 33, post #481

Speechless, Silencing the Christians, Part 1 (9 min. + video); page 33, post #484; Part 2 (8 min. + video); post #485; Part 3 (9 min. + video); post #489

Something in the Air: Kim Davis, Religious Freedom and a Christian Revolution (Barbwire.com article); page 33, post #486

Kim Davis and family receive death threats from the ever so tolerant LGBTQueer community (Ted Shoebat article); page 33, post #491

aCW converses with Lexington'97, a self proclaimed "Christian Libertarian"; page 34, post #'s 496 and 503, page 35, post #516

Homosexualist aikido7 returns to the thread to put his plug in for 'gay' Christianity (not to be confused with adulterous or incestuous Christianity); page 37, post #550

Fox News' Shep Smith exposed; page 37, post #552

$200,000 offer ends 'gay' Democrat's child-sex charges (HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean buys his way out of child rape proceedings); page 39, post #'s 581 & 584


Get a life aCW...

I had to take a break from this subject Art, as it's downright depressing to read about people that proudly engage in such a filthy, disease ridden behavior that frequently involves children.

You'll be pleased to know since Part 3 was closed on July 31st of 2015, the views went from just over 300,000 to over 440,000. People are interested in the subject.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I had to take a break from this subject Art, as it's downright depressing to read about people that proudly engage in such a filthy, disease ridden behavior that more than often times involves children.

You'll be pleased to know since Part 3 was closed on July 31st of 2015, the views went from just over 300,000 to over 440,000. People are interested in the subject.

Er, yeah, that's why you obsess over gay men and all the rest of it. Seriously dude, just pack it in and get some sort of life okay? You'll be doing everyone a favour not least yourself.


Eclectic Theosophist


Strange, I didn't equate the two.

Your question certainly came off that way. If you didn't mean to equate them please go back and reword your inquiry in a way that won't be interpreted that way. As long you appear to be 'equating' you will be addressed about it.

Your question is too vague ("If your child was LGBTQ"). Are you talking about an adult child? And by "was" do you mean participating in homosexual behaviors?

Not vague, pretty clear. Any age. But for your inquiry's sake, how about your teen age child....or any adult children that might be following their natural orientation of affection with another person of the same gender.....would you criminalize (marginalize, reject, demean, ostracize) them for that?

One's natural orientation doesn't necessarily make them a 'criminal'. Furthermore, you'd have to specify what acts you or any government considers to be criminal, what criteria determines such, etc.

Being homosexual is not a crime.

Committing serial rape, murder and child abuse is 'criminal'.

Note the difference.


New member
Horse pucky

I will do no such thing, nor do I need to since yours is a false equation and association. You cannot put those all into the same category, nor can you prove my statement "love is love" includes your sordid subjects listed above. It's pure idiocy.

Sexuality is a category.


New member
I had to take a break from this subject Art, as it's downright depressing to read about people that proudly engage in such a filthy, disease ridden behavior that frequently involves children.

yes lying about minorities and promoting hate and discrimination is an incredibly disgusting thing...so why do you keep doing it?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I had to take a break from this subject Art, as it's downright depressing to read about people that proudly engage in such a filthy, disease ridden behavior that more than often times involves children.

You'll be pleased to know since Part 3 was closed on July 31st of 2015, the views went from just over 300,000 to over 440,000. People are interested in the subject.

Er, yeah, that's why you obsess over gay men and all the rest of it. Seriously dude, just pack it in and get some sort of life okay? You'll be doing everyone a favour not least yourself.

I can't help but think that you're taking this 4 part thread personal Art.

Regarding my "obsession": I've never looked at the men who go down into the sewer systems as "obsessive" about their job, I just look at them as acknowledging that it's a filthy job that must be done.


On that note: I see that you've been spending a lot of time in threads that deal with rape. You might want to share this information from the CDC which I recently added to page 1's index, as it talks about homosexual violence.

CDC: Gay lifestyle fraught with violence

Dec. 10, 2015

The Centers for Disease Control's "National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey" (NISVS) has found that homosexuals disproportionately suffer violence, and inflict violence on one another.

The CDC survey is the first of its kind to present comparisons of victimization by sexual orientation for men and women. Its data indicate that homosexuals experience sexual violence at much higher rates than heterosexual men and women.

Twenty-six percent of homosexual men and 37% of bisexual men experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner.

Forty-four percent of lesbians and 61% of bisexual women experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.

I see that the guy who defends raping spouses has silenced one of the frequent poster's in this thread and attempted to silence you Art.

I'll kindly ask that the moderators ignore ok doser (who is a huge fan of homosexualist Ben Carson), when he reports violations in this thread.


More news insanity from the transsexual/transvestite movement (the "T" in the LGBTQ acronym).

The Father of 7 Who Believes He’s a 6-Year-Old Girl

By Dr. Michael Brown
14 December, 2015 at 10:00

What if I told you that there was a married man with 7 children who left his wife and kids and now lives with another family where he believes he is a 6-year-old girl? Would you say that he had serious mental and emotional issues and needed professional help?

That would be the expected reaction, but today, we must expect the unexpected. And so, we are now told that this man is both transgender and transager. Some people are even celebrating this madness.

I kid you not.

So, we have Bruce Jenner, woman of the year, the world’s most famous example of transgender identity.

We have Rachel Dolezal, the white woman who identifies as black, a prominent example of being transracial.

Then there’s Jewel Shuping, who blinded herself so her mind could be in harmony with her body, now a poster woman for being transabled.

There’s also Gary Matthews, aka “Boomer,” who believes he’s a dog, apparently an example of being trans-species.

And now there’s Paul Woscht, known today as Stefonkee, who “thinks he is actually a six year-old girl—not just a woman, but a six year-old girl—stuck in the body of a 50-something man.”

Read more: http://barbwire.com/2015/12/14/the-father-of-7-who-believes-hes-a-6-year-old-girl/

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