Arthur Brain
Well-known member
Oh how I long to hear more of your stories from Provincetown and your "research" into the LGBTQueer lifestyle GFR7.
BTW, I guess I missed your answer to my question:
Originally Posted by patrick jane
I have never found an honest woman that is single. I don't defend homosexuality.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Now that misogynic GFR7 is back, I guess I should ask him what an "honest" woman is.
Maybe that chick magnet Arthurrr Brain can help.
Ah, edited your post to have a 'dig' at me eh aCW? I would hardly describe myself as a 'chick magnet' but I've known plenty of good honest women in my time, in fact there's one such on my home page. Care to share a pic of yourself in your Wallmart outfit?
Actually no, please don't...