If you were truly interested in making a difference to anything you'd have an entirely more mature and less alienating approach to the subject. As it is, this blog of yours has gone on for bloody ages and the likelihood is you've done more to further any sort of 'gay agenda' than anything else.
You're more interested in beating your puffed up blowhard chest and self proclaiming yourself as a master of mockery. You ain't. You lack the wit to be anything resembling and all you dish out is a bunch of unfunny written lisps, tedious imaginings about posters being gay and pompous blabber.
This entire "project" of yours from the outset was nothing more than a windbag soapbox 'purely' for yourself. You boast on about how many views it's had without realizing that most people are having the same reaction to your narcissistic transparent crap as reflected on here.
You're nothing more than a self inflated goofball Connie. The sad thing is you probably already realize this and need this thread in order to delude yourself otherwise, as well as other things you may be needing to deflect away from...
The more I think about it Art, table tennis might have been a bit too masculine for a momma's boy like you.
This is more your speed.